I used havp with squid for several years, but now decided to drop havp
to c-icap.
So I had
squid-havp-squid scheme.
first squid listens on port 8090, havp on 8091, external squid on 8092.
All of them are on the same host.
Now I don't need havp, but I can't get external squid work as parent , I
always get
TCP_MISS/403 from it.
1409286793.325 0 TCP_MISS/403 5150 GET
http://www.gismeteo.ru/city/daily/4508/ - HIER_NONE/- text/html
If I connect to it directly- it works:
1409287034.615 72 TCP_MISS/200 16605 GET
http://www.gismeteo.ru/city/daily/4508/ - HIER_DIRECT/
for havp I had :
cache_peer parent 8091 0 no-query no-digest
no-netdb-exchange default
now I wrote
cache_peer parent 8092 0 no-digest no-query default
and it doesn't work.
I can't understand what is wrong here :-(
I currently run squid 3.4.7.
Thank you!