Hi , i have a switch , and i hope to redirect video traffic to Cache via using Port mirroring feature , and monitoring network traffic that involves forwarding a copy of each packet from one network switch. Whether Squid 2.7 can listen and identify mirroring data packet ? if Squid 2.7 can identify , i hope to match video part and send 302 http packet to end user via url_rewrite_access and redirect the user's request to Cache Whether my thought is correct way ? Or Whether we can realize the goal via dansguardian + squid or squidguard + squid or icap +squid .... ? if possible , please help me . *********************************************** url_rewrite_program /cache/video_operation url_rewrite_children 10 acl location_rewrite_video url_regex -i ^http://[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\/video\/.*\.(m4v|flv|mp4|wmv|rm|ram|mov|avi|mp3)\?nk= url_rewrite_access allow location_rewrite_video 这是part program of video_operation int video(string *domain, string *urlf) { if(regexMatch("^http://[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\/video/", *urlf)){ if(regexMatch("\\.(flv|mp4)$",*urlf) || regexMatch("\\.(flv|mp4)\\?start=", *urlf)){ *urlf = "" + get_foldername(*urlf, 1) + "/" + get_filename(*urlf); } else if (regexMatch("\\.(flv|mp4)\\?special=true$",*urlf)) { //redirect sphotos and photos-[a-z] to the same url *urlf = *domain +"/" + ".video/" + get_foldername(*urlf, 1) + "/" + get_filename(*urlf) + "?special=true"; } else if (regexMatch("\\.(flv|mp4)\\?nk=",*urlf)) { //redirect sphotos and photos-[a-z] to the same url *urlf = "302:" + get_foldername(*urlf, 1) + "/" + get_filename(*urlf); } return 1; } return 0; }