Postgresql Users
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- Re: Dynamic sql real examples, (continued)
Installing "uuid-ossp" library in Postgres 9.1. (new Extension feature),
Basil Bourque
Are file system level differential/incremental backups possible?,
Bob Hatfield
PostGIS: Approximating a house number from street address range,
René Fournier
psql died in midst of session,
Rich Shepard
how to list or array of key value pairs,
Monitoring Replication,
Brandon Phelps
how to key/value iterate in stored function,
Conceptual Architecture,
Sarma Chavali
Using constraint exclusion with 2 floats,
Julien Rouhaud
How to make replica and use it when master is down ?,
I need to load mysql dump to postgres...,
Drill-downs and OLAP type data,
Anthony Presley
how to find primary key field name?,
how to save primary key constraints,
how to call a stored function from another stored function? even possible?,
Java Services
libpq 8.3 and 8.4 interfaces,
salah jubeh
Re: [postgis-users] Query slow down, never completes,
Sandro Santilli
Global Variables?,
Eric Radman
Question on GiST re-index,
Krishnanand Gopinathan Sathikumari
Re: Add some new feelings to your life!,
Sanjaya Kumar Patel
Should casting to integer produce same result as trunc(),
Harvey, Allan AC
pg 8.3 replication causing corruption,
Bob Hatfield
SELECT statement not working as intended,
Rich Shepard
Logging queries cancelled due to replication timeouts,
Christophe Pettus
Hot standby won't start,
Brandon Phelps
streaming replication,
Mark Keisler
Help on PostgreSQL,
Sarma Chavali
Select latest Timestamp values with group by,
Adarsh Sharma
plpgsql syntax error,
József Kurucz
i could not found exact steps for using pgp_sym_encrypt() and pgp_sym_decrypt(),
tushar nehete
Permission for pg_shadow.,
AI Rumman
could not create file "base/16384/11500": File exists,
Harshitha S
how to save a bytea value into a file?,
Re: How to restore a SQL-ASCII encoded database to a new UTF-8 db?,
Trigger/Query Warnings,
Jake Stride
[9.2devel] why it doesn't do index scan only?,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
PG 9.1 on Debian Squeeze,
Raymond O'Donnell
Best PostGIS function for finding the nearest line segment to a given point,
René Fournier
Getting PostGIS 1.5.3 working with Postgresql90 (Macports),
René Fournier
How to add xml data to table,
Andrus Moor
Installation woes via Macports on Mac OS X 10.7,
René Fournier
select vs cursor/fetch speed disparity,
Bosco Rama
Failure controlling PG 9.1 service on Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit,
Jack Christensen
Call For Talks: PGDay.SoCal @ SCALE 10X,
Joe Conway
Can we use sqlcode in functions of plpgsql,
tushar nehete
Standby server witching into master role after import failure,
Frank Lanitz
Retrieve Future Timestamp Values,
Adarsh Sharma
PostgreSQL consulting companies in the Bay Area,
Richard Price
Connection Pooling,
Brandon Phelps
Tuning Variables For PostgreSQL,
Carlos Mennens
Postgres 9.01, Amazon EC2/EBS, XFS, JDBC and lost connections,
Sean Laurent
- Re: Postgres 9.01, Amazon EC2/EBS, XFS, JDBC and lost connections,
Tom Lane
- Re: Postgres 9.01, Amazon EC2/EBS, XFS, JDBC and lost connections,
Craig Ringer
- Re: Postgres 9.01, Amazon EC2/EBS, XFS, JDBC and lost connections,
John R Pierce
Backup Database Question,
Carlos Mennens
ts_rank error/result of '1e-020',
Henry Drexler
script not working in php,
Robert Buckley
Strange primary key error on insertion,
Rory Campbell-Lange
Never-idle autovacuum, and does (auto)vacuuming fill the OS cache ?,
Vincent de Phily
problem with round() in php script,
Robert Buckley
Postgres 8.4: archive_timeout vs. checkpoint_timeout,
Frank Lanitz
user-interface to upload csv files,
Robert Buckley
plpgsql: type of array cells,
Amit Dor-Shifer
Selecting All Columns Associated With Maximum Value of One Column,
Rich Shepard
Analytic type functionality, matching patters in a column then increment an integer,
Henry Drexler
I/O error on data file, can't run backup,
Leif Biberg Kristensen
function "XXX" already exists with same argument types,
Alexander Farber
How to create database link and synonym in postgresql 9.0,
tushar nehete
null values in a view,
Lauri Kajan
gaps/overlaps in a time table : current and previous row question,
thomas veymont
Postgresql Data directory Issue,
Adarsh Sharma
Fwd: [BUGS] BUG #6240: About - postgreswdinit.sql,
Chethan HB
Postgresql-8.2 Replication,
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Postgresql-8.2 Replication,
Restoring 2 Tables From All Databases Backup,
Adarsh Sharma
Hash index not being updated,
Justin Naifeh
Can I integrate PostgreSQL into MS Visual Studio EXPRESS ?,
how to select one column into another in same table?,
fail: alter table <table_name> NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL;,
how to disable all pkey/fkey constraints globally,
Replication/WAL shipping. db errors on slave after stop/start master,
Bob Hatfield
table sequence, renumbering,
LAPP server moving from 4 GB RAM to 16 GB - increase shared_buffers?,
Alexander Farber
Add quto increment to existing column,
Robert Buckley
PG Source Compilation (Optional Features / Optional Packages),
auto-increment column,
Robert Buckley
PostgreSQL Conference Europe: Are you ready?,
Dave Page
stored function (possible to access file system or call java program)?,
Inconsistency: varchar is equivalent to varchar(255) and also not equivalent?,
Boszormenyi Zoltan
Re: Why PGSQL has no developments in the .NET area?,
How to avoid TimeLine increase / Change on recovery?,
Re: [BUGS] One-click installer, Windows 7 32-bit, and icacls.exe,
How can i get record by data block not by sql?,
Savepoint or begin,
Anssi Kääriäinen
I don't understand something...,
Alexander Pyhalov
pg_upgrade 8.4 -> 9.1 failures,
Joseph S
Help message of PostgreSQL-win-x64 is UTF-8 encoded which is malformed,
Updating 9.0.4 --> 9.1.1: How best to ???,
r d
Why PGSQL has no developments in the .NET area?,
Rohit Coder
Searching for "bare" letters,
Reuven M. Lerner
Log-Info Replication,
SQL Help - Finding Next Lowest Value of Current Row Value,
Jeff Adams
How to find freak UTF-8 character?,
Leif Biberg Kristensen
Change server encoding after the fact,
Cody Caughlan
One-click installer, Windows 7 32-bit, and icacls.exe,
Karl Wright
postgres for OLAP & data mining,
Dario Beraldi
how to improve this similarity query?,
hamann . w
Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061),
Pietro Laranci
stored procs / data types,
stored procedures (packages),
Deadlock of REINDEX and SELECT queries in PostgresSQL 7.4,
Tendulker, Shivanand G Prabhu (SSTL)
could not access file "$libdir/pg_buffercache": No such file or directory,
Royce Ausburn
Joe Abbate
Any was to prevent a join if no columns are selected from a view?,
Jason Long
problem,after restarting server,
Prashant Bharucha
PDT but not WEST,
Christophe Pettus
Solaris 10u9, PG 8.4.6, 'c' lang function, fails on 1 of 5 servers,
dennis jenkins
Streaming Replication and Firewall,
Ian Harding
create a dynamic function,
salah jubeh
pg_stat_replication data in standy servers,
Decimal vs. Bigint memory usage,
Gregor Vollmer
Feature request: improving ENUM type manipulation,
stored proc,
stored procs,
Create Extension search path,
Roger Niederland
One small annoyance,
Chris Travers
: Looking for a PostgreSQL book,
Venkat Balaji
What about improving the rules system we have, was Re: Rules going away,
Chris Travers
Help needed in Search,
Siva Palanisamy
tubles matching,
salah jubeh
bytea columns and large values,
David North
Identifying old/unused views and table,
Jason Long
live metadata changes v8.3.4,
Gauthier, Dave
Download States and Capitals Database,
Adarsh Sharma
PostgreSQL recovery when lost some file in data\global,
[Solved] Generic logging system for pre-hstore using plperl triggers,
Diego Augusto Molina
RES: Does postgresql 9.0.4 use index on PREFIX%SUFFIX queries?,
Quick-and-Dirty Data Entry with LibreOffice3?,
Rich Shepard
ECPG Segmentation fault on retreiving timestamp column into sqlda.,
Day, David
Searching through trigger functions,
Bob Pawley
Batching up data into groups of n rows,
Andy Chambers
Problem with pg_upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1 under Ubuntu x64,
Pg and compress,
timeline X of the primary does not match recovery target timeline Y,
Adam Tistler
Does postgresql 9.0.4 use index on PREFIX%SUFFIX queries?,
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter
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