I would like to know which if any is a recommended install and upgrade method.
My situation is summarized as:
I currently have Postgresql 9.0.4 installed via the Fedora Core FC15 yum repo, and 9.1.x is not there (yet).
I decided to install the PGDG repo (pgdg-fedora91-9.1-5.noarch) to make it update. It does not.
The FC15 packages are called "postgresql_*" and not "postgresql90_*", the PGDG packages are called "postgresql91_*".
Since both repositories apparently get into each others way, my question is,
what is the best (recommended) way to update or install postgres:
- Dump my FC15 installation and replace it with one coming from the PGDG repo?
- Wait for the 9.1 packages to appear in the Fedora Core repo?
I prefer install from repo as there is currently no reason for me to install from source.
Thanks in advance,