What I want to do is import some shape files, using the shp2pgsql loader. However, I need a database first, and I've read I need to make it spatially aware, which means creating it from the "template_postgis". All the docs I read indicate that template_postgis should be present after installing PostGIS. But… When I try to create a database from that template, I'm told it's missing.
I've found tutorials on creating your own postgis template ( http://www.lincolnritter.com/blog/2007/12/04/installing-postgresql-postgis-and-more-on-os-x-leopard/ ), but I'd like to use what appears to be the standard one. Actually, I wondered if PostGIS was even running (Macports indicates it's installed and active):
I tried importing a SHP file anyway:
Appears as though Postgis isn't even 'there'. (Sorry, I'm a MySQL guy. I'm just trying to get started without asking too many dumb questions.) Best regards, René Fournier |