2011/10/12 Filip Rembiałkowski <plk.zuber@xxxxxxxxx>
Mondrian (which is a part of Pentaho BI stack) is an open source OLAP engine with MDX.
See http://community.pentaho.com/projects/bi_platform/
Thanks ... we're familiar with Mondrian. Unfortunately, the only stable GUI for it under $30k is jPivot, which is basically dead since 2008. And, IMHO, it's a very ugly product.
The newer jPivot (which Pentaho and Jasper have both "forked"), is somewhat an improvement.
But now, we need a PG database to store the raw data in, and a Mondrian OLAP server to store the drill-downs in.
... Was hoping this wasn't going to be 30 tools to accomplish our needs.
Anthony Presley