Any update on the below query :-
I tried the below query but :-
select bb_id,lat,lon,max(dt_stamp) from gps_tracker group by bb_id;
ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or
be used in an aggregate function
LINE 1: select bb_id,lat,lon,max(dt_stamp) from gps_tracker group by...
********** Error **********
ERROR: column "" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or
be used in an aggregate function
SQL state: 42803
Character: 14
I think this can be solved by applying some function to lat lon values
of max(dt_stamp) row.
Adarsh Sharma wrote:
Hi Craig
Below is the schema of my table :-
CREATE TABLE demo_table
id character varying NOT NULL,
lat double precision,
lon double precision,
speed double precision,
dt_stamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT gps_tracker_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
I let u know after some work on Window functions
Craig Ringer wrote:
On 10/10/2011 08:32 PM, Adarsh Sharma wrote:
Dear all,
I need to write a query to select latest rows with timestamp values.
My ID is repeated with lat lon and timestamp. I want the latest row of
each ID ( group by id ).
Can anyone let me know the query for that.
No, they can't. You only posted semicolon-separated data, not a schema
with column names or anything much else.
For a task like this you can use a window function, or you can
self-join and use a WHERE clause to match the greatest row. Using a
window function will be MUCH more efficient, so only use the self-join
if you're running on a really old version of PostgreSQL.
Using the first_value or last_value window functions with an ordering
clause to select the greatest timestamp within each window frame.
Craig Ringer