On 2011-10-07, at 7:58 PM, Scott Ribe wrote:
On Oct 7, 2011, at 7:39 PM, René Fournier wrote:
Plus, I find Macports makes it easy
to automate a server build in one script. The problem as I
see it isn't Macports but my unfamiliarity with
I think it's both ;-) I tried macports for a couple of
things and gave up on it. It works for getting dependencies
for certain things. Then one day it doesn't work because
you're trying a combination that wasn't accounted for, and
you now have no idea how all those things you previously
installed are configured…
Sorry, I neglected to say, I have Postgresql running. The
problem was the initial means of running it. Unlike the
Macports documentation,
…did the trick. My current problem is figuring out how to
get PostGIS integrated/working and/or the template_postgis
thing working (since it appears I need that to create spatial