Linux LVM
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- Re: ghostlike error on logical volume on raid1
- From: Dirk Jakobsmeier <dirk.jakobsmeier@xxxxxx>
- Re: ghostlike error on logical volume on raid1
- From: Dirk Jakobsmeier <dirk.jakobsmeier@xxxxxx>
- Re: ghostlike error on logical volume on raid1
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ghostlike error on logical volume on raid1
- From: Dirk Jakobsmeier <dirk.jakobsmeier@xxxxxx>
- Re: Mirroring on LVM2
- From: Dan Pritts <danno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mirroring on LVM2
- From: "Oren Lalush" <Oren.Lalush@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to "ignore" a volume group created elsehwere on a shared device
- From: "Brian J. Murrell" <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question Regarding Snapshots.
- From: Abhishek Gupta <abhishekgupt@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with Metadata at the beginning of the disk
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with Metadata at the beginning of the disk
- From: "krishnakumar, narasimha" <krishnakumar_narasimha@xxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM breaks due to partion types when moving versions.
- From: Richard Ray <rray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM breaks due to partion types when moving versions.
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM breaks due to partion types when moving versions.
- From: Lance Reed <lreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with METADATA on LVM2 disks
- From: "krishnakumar, narasimha" <krishnakumar_narasimha@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Broken disk, any chances ?
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Broken disk, any chances ?
- From: Thomas Svedberg <Thomas.Svedberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- e2fsck - Block bitmap differences - lvm1
- From: ddaasd <ddaasd@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots]]
- From: Klaus Strebel <klaus.strebel@xxxxxxx>
- e2fsck - Block bitmap differences - lvm1
- From: ddaas <ddaasd@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: vgexport/vgimport fails
- From: Richard Ray <rray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshots of snapshots
- From: Jason McCandless <jasonmccandless@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: vgexport/vgimport fails
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- vgexport/vgimport fails
- From: Richard Ray <rray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to recover data corrupted by vgcreate
- From: 張廷州 <ctc1230@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: best way to make lv with 3 500G luns
- From: "Rob Schwartz" <rschwartz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: best way to make lv with 3 500G luns
- From: Eric Wagar <eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: best way to make lv with 3 500G luns
- From: "Rob Schwartz" <rschwartz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- best way to make lv with 3 500G luns
- From: Eric Wagar <eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How do you create large numbers of LVs? (In the 1000s) Is it even possible?
- From: Nathaniel Stahl <nrs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to access the partition on LV?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to recover data corrupted by vgcreate
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how to access the partition on LV?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mirroring a Drive for load-balancing AND failover
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to recover data corrupted by vgcreate
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mirroring a Drive for load-balancing AND failover
- From: Fury <furiosod@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to recover data corrupted by vgcreate
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mirroring a Drive for load-balancing AND failover
- From: Matthew Gillen <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to recover data corrupted by vgcreate
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Reduce physical volume size?
- From: Philip Wright <pvwrght@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Reduce physical volume size?
- From: Lucille Wright <lpwrght@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RAID device questions
- From: "David Plainfosse" <david.plainfosse@xxxxxxxxxx>
- How to recover data corrupted by vgcreate
- From: 張廷州 <ctc1230@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mirroring a Drive for load-balancing AND failover
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Mirroring a Drive for load-balancing AND failover
- From: Matthew Gillen <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Linux LVM snmp MIB.
- From: Russell Coker <russell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Linux LVM snmp MIB.
- From: Ceri Storey <ceri.storey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Mirroring a Drive for load-balancing AND failover
- From: Fury <furiosod@xxxxxxxxx>
- Reduce physical volume size?
- From: Philip Wright <pvwrght@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] fix pool format handler to work with pvseg code
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Linux LVM snmp MIB.
- From: Russell Coker <russell@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM-DRBD Problem
- From: "Sven Landtrachtinger" <sven.landtrachtinger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Linux LVM snmp MIB.
- From: Ceri Storey <ceri.storey@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM-DRBD problem
- From: Sven Landtrachtinger <sven.landtrachtinger@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM / File descriptor .. left open / Snapshot-Problems
- From: "Dr. Jürgen Vollmer" <Juergen.Vollmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM / File descriptor .. left open / Snapshot-Problems
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM / File descriptor .. left open / Snapshot-Problems
- From: "Dr. Jürgen Vollmer" <Juergen.Vollmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM / File descriptor .. left open / Snapshot-Problems
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM / File descriptor .. left open / Snapshot-Problems
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM / File descriptor .. left open / Snapshot-Problems
- From: "Dr. Jürgen Vollmer" <Juergen.Vollmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unusable LV, how to unlock it?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Unusable LV, how to unlock it?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvextend impact on io activity
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unusable LV, how to unlock it?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- can some one tell me what those patches used for
- From: "ZhangHuan" <zhanghuan@xxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2: problems with snapshots
- From: Micha Holzmann <holzmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: LVM can't detect raid-1 mirrors?
- From: Hadmut Danisch <hadmut@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2 on md raid
- From: "Gino LV. Ledesma" <gledesma@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: solved: lvm lost after reboot !?
- From: Constantin Mercier <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm lost after reboot !? how to recover UUID?
- From: "GARIN N Ext ROSI/SIPROD" <ngarin.ext@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PVs not found (kernel 2.4<->devfs?) [was: lvm lost after reboot!?]
- From: Constantin Mercier <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM links
- From: Nick I <clusterbuilder@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm lost after reboot !? how to recover UUID?
- From: "" <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM can't detect raid-1 mirrors?
- From: Jonathan E Brassow <jbrassow@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm lost after reboot !? how to recover UUID?
- From: Alan Jurgensen <jurgensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm lost after reboot !? how to recover UUID?
- From: "" <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [patch] lvm document how to recover pv metadata
- From: maximilian attems <maks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM can't detect raid-1 mirrors?
- From: Hadmut Danisch <hadmut@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM can't detect raid-1 mirrors?
- From: Hadmut Danisch <hadmut@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm,lvm2
- From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm,lvm2
- From: ranjan mishra <koolranju@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: lvm and reducing vols/ext3
- From: "Post, Mark K" <>
- Re: lvm and reducing vols/ext3
- From: Philip Rhoades <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: lvm and reducing vols/ext3
- From: "Post, Mark K" <>
- lvm and reducing vols/ext3
- From: Philip Rhoades <phil@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (no subject)
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: fredrik.backman@xxxxxx
- Re: iSCSI lun resize
- From: Igor Feoktistov <igorf@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate prblem
- From: susmitha <sushmitha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate prblem
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate prblem
- From: susmitha <sushmitha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate prblem
- From: Alan Jurgensen <jurgensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- iSCSI lun resize
- From: Alex Owen <r.alex.owen@xxxxxxxxx>
- pvcreate prblem
- From: susmitha <sushmitha@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resend: API for retrieving linux lvm information
- From: Dieter Stüken <stueken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvextend
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvextend
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvextend
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvextend
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvextend
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moving PEs within a PV for defragmentation
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pvextend
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moving PEs within a PV for defragmentation
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moving PEs within a PV for defragmentation
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moving PEs within a PV for defragmentation
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Moving PEs within a PV for defragmentation
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Moving PEs within a PV for defragmentation
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to fsck?
- From: Klaus Strebel <klaus.strebel@xxxxxxx>
- how to fsck?
- From: "Leopold Gouverneur" <gvlp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 on raid5 speed, not so bad
- From: Dan Christensen <jdc@xxxxxx>
- Re: Converting from LVM to LVM on RAID1
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Converting from LVM to LVM on RAID1 (WAS: no subject)
- From: dean gaudet <dean-list-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: (no subject)
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Converting from LVM to LVM on RAID1
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean.luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxx>
- iSCSI lun resize
- From: Igor Feoktistov <ifeoktistov@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segfault in lvcreate?
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segfault in lvcreate?
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Segfault in lvcreate?
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Segfault in lvcreate?
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LBA sector to VG sector?
- From: Dirk Meul <dirk.meul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Issues with md RAID-1, LVM2 and snapshots
- From: Marc Cousin <cousinmarc@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Converting from LVM to LVM on RAID1 (WAS: no subject)
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean-luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- lvextend on iSCSI lun
- From: Igor Feoktistov <igorf@xxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean-luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Machine crashed during pvmove, now can't manage VG
- From: Nick Leverton <nickl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: live lock?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: live lock?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Machine crashed during pvmove, now can't manage VG
- From: Nick Leverton <nickl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: lvremove -- ERROR:
- From: "Sven Riedel" <sr@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LV Status: NOT available?
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- live lock?
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- LV Status: NOT available?
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- how to remove physical volume
- From: Sambit Nanda <sambitnanda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to remove the inactive physical volume ??
- From: Matt P <>
- lvremove -- ERROR:
- From: Sambit Nanda <sambitnanda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to remove the inactive physical volume ??
- From: Alan Jurgensen <jurgensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how to remove the inactive physical volume ??
- From: Sambit Nanda <sambitnanda@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error trying to vgcfgrestore
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error trying to vgcfgrestore
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- error trying to vgcfgrestore
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: my volume group disappeared!
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Issues with md RAID-1, LVM, and snapshots
- From: Marc Cousin <cousinmarc@xxxxxxx>
- Re: my volume group disappeared!
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- my volume group disappeared!
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Export an LV?
- From: Jason Heiss <jheiss-lvm@xxxxxxx>
- Dual booting with LVM
- From: Ross Burton <ross@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Export an LV?
- From: Stefan Paletta <stefanp@xxxxxxxxxx>
- enlarge a physical partition
- From: Axel Reinhold <lvm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Boot failure with roof file system under LVM (2.6.12-mm*)
- From: "Protasevich, Natalie" <Natalie.Protasevich@xxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm2 2.01.12 fails to read lvm1 metadata
- From: Bastian Blank <waldi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how to recover data on other PV if one PV fails in same group
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pv resize from dve
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pv resize from dve
- From: Jim Schisler <jschis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Export an LV?
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Export an LV?
- From: Jason Heiss <jheiss-lvm@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with locking_type 2 lvm/cluster/gfs
- From: "Markus Jeckeln" <Markus.Jeckeln@xxxxxx>
- vgreduce --removemissing
- Re: Problem with locking_type 2 lvm/cluster/gfs
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with locking_type 2 lvm/cluster/gfs
- From: "Markus Jeckeln" <Markus.Jeckeln@xxxxxx>
- Re: nbd messages
- From: Cyril Chaboisseau <cyril.chaboisseau@xxxxxxx>
- Re: nbd messages
- From: David Johnston <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- nbd messages
- From: Cyril Chaboisseau <cyril.chaboisseau@xxxxxxx>
- Re: vgreduce --removemissing
- Re: vgreduce --removemissing
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- vgreduce --removemissing
- Re: PV segments corrupted in vg1 : LVM corrupted
- From: Jeff Ewing <jeffiewing@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to change uuid of a PV?
- From: Sean Boyd <sboyd@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Logical volume > 2TB question
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Logical volume > 2TB question
- From: "Felix Chu" <felixchu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- VG get removed when I reboot my computer
- From: Miguel Gómez <elmiguelonmakinon@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvextend
- From: dean gaudet <dean@xxxxxxxxxx>
- how to change uuid of a PV?
- From: "HYUN-CHUL KIM" <sundol@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Logical volume > 2TB question
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: PV segments corrupted in vg1 : LVM corrupted
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PV segments corrupted in vg1 : LVM corrupted
- From: Jeff Ewing <jeffiewing@xxxxxxxxx>
- Logical volume > 2TB question
- From: "Felix Chu" <felixchu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvextend
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: lvextend
- From: Sean Boyd <sboyd@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PV segments corrupted in vg1 : LVM corrupted
- From: Jeff Ewing <jeffiewing@xxxxxxxxx>
- lvextend
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: recover problem from hard disk failure
- From: Sean Boyd <sboyd@xxxxxxxxxx>
- metadata inconsistancy
- From: Eric Wagar <eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM is low
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 2.01.12 fails to read lvm1 metadata
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 2.01.12 fails to read lvm1 metadata
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM is low
- From: Grégory Duchatelet <greg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PV segments corrupted in vg1 : LVM corrupted
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM is low
- From: Alan Jurgensen <jurgensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM is low
- From: Grégory Duchatelet <greg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM is low
- From: Jonathan Sambrook <jonathan@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [cseoqs002@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature]
- From: Andrew Hilborne <cseoqs002@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm2 2.01.12 fails to read lvm1 metadata
- From: Bastian Blank <waldi@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM is low
- From: Grégory Duchatelet <greg@xxxxxxxx>
- PV segments corrupted in vg1 : LVM corrupted
- From: Jeff Ewing <jeffiewing@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cseoqs002@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature]
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: Olivier Eymere <olivier_eymere@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: Michael Gurski <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- calculating metadatasize
- From: Kent Baxley <kbaxley@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sistina LVM (RH 3 u5) & powerpath
- From: Chris Osicki <osk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: recover problem from hard disk failure
- From: "Denie Andriessen" <denie@xxxxxxxxxx>
- sistina LVM (RH 3 u5) & powerpath
- From: "MOBU (Mohamed Ismail Bulale)" <mobu@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: gwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- recover problem from hard disk failure
- From: "HYUN-CHUL KIM" <sundol@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: Sam Rogers <srogers@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2 Volume and Volume group naming nomenclature
- From: Sam Rogers <srogers@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM is low
- From: Grégory Duchatelet <greg@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: Eric Hopper <hopper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: John Rowe <rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: John Rowe <rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: John Rowe <rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: Philipp Riegger <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: John Rowe <rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Progress on LVM2 snapshots
- From: Mukund <muks@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <Erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Is LVM safe?
- From: Rainer Krienke <krienke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Is LVM safe?
- From: John Rowe <rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: LVM VG keeps disappearing
- From: "Post, Mark K" <>
- Problem with Logical Volume
- From: jayz <jayz1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: snapshot cow volume location?
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshot cow volume location?
- From: Alistair Coles <alistair.coles@xxxxxx>
- Re: Does LVM2 support mirrored volumes
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Does LVM2 support mirrored volumes
- From: "David Plainfosse" <plaindav@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with LVM after updating from FC 3 to FC4.
- From: Bjørn <bjjorgen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM import
- From: "Andriy Zyman" <Andrew.Zyman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- trying again -- list being harvested for spam
- From: Ron Watkins <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxx>
- lvm lost one pv.
- From: huang mingyou <therods@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM+Raid1 disappeared
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- From: "gary chen" <gary_chen@xxxxxxxxx>
- vgreduce --removemissing does not remove missing
- From: Olivier Eymere <olivier_eymere@xxxxxxxxx>
- LVM+Raid1 disappeared
- From: Ron Murray <rjmx@xxxxxxxx>
- Lvm Restore
- From: Gilberto Nunes Ferreira <gilbertonunes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to move data from one PV to other PV automaticly?
- From: David Mohr <squisher@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to move data from one PV to other PV automaticly?
- From: "Steven Law" <cwinl-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: how to move data from one PV to other PV automaticly?
- From: "Steven Law" <cwinl-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: how to move data from one PV to other PV automaticly?
- From: Garrick Staples <garrick@xxxxxxx>
- how to move data from one PV to other PV automaticly?
- From: "cwinl" <cwinl-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM problem with LV
- From: jayz <jayz1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm2 disk replacement
- From: "cwinl" <cwinl-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvcreate goes into deep-sleep while creating an xfs snapshot
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Raw device usage with LVM2 question
- From: Gary Eheman <eheman@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: lvcreate goes into deep-sleep while creating an xfssnapshot
- From: "Sven Riedel" <sr@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvcreate goes into deep-sleep while creating an xfs snapshot
- From: Klaus Strebel <klaus.strebel@xxxxxxx>
- lvcreate goes into deep-sleep while creating an xfs snapshot
- From: "Sven Riedel" <sr@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: VG vg1 metadata writing failed
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: grub and lvm
- From: "Eric M. Hopper" <hopper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: VG vg1 metadata writing failed
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: VG vg1 metadata writing failed
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: grub and lvm
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: VG vg1 metadata writing failed
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: grub and lvm
- From: rich turner <rich@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: VG vg1 metadata writing failed
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- VG vg1 metadata writing failed
- From: Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: grub and lvm
- From: rich turner <rich@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: grub and lvm
- From: Alan Jurgensen <jurgensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: grub and lvm
- From: rich turner <rich@xxxxxxxxxx>
- grub and lvm
- From: rich turner <rich@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM help needed: conflicting names
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM help needed: conflicting names
- From: Neil <nnc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM help needed: conflicting names
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM help needed: conflicting names
- From: Neil <nnc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM help needed: conflicting names
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM help needed: conflicting names
- From: Neil <nnc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Update on LVM2 mirror support
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- How do I configure ownership of an LVM volume?
- From: pedro pedrinson <pedrinson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate issues
- From: Arshavir Grigorian <ag@xxxxxxxxx>
- LVM VG keeps disappearing
- From: "Post, Mark K" <>
- LVM snapshots causing SATA disk failures
- From: Joerg Sommrey <jo@xxxxxxxxxx>
- timeout problem
- From: Joakim Verona <joakim@xxxxxxxxx>
- A small query on LVM : Please dont ignore this
- From: Manish Chopra <manish486@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deadlock on snapshot creation; any way out without a reboot?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deadlock on snapshot creation; any way out without a reboot?
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deadlock on snapshot creation; any way out without a reboot?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: deadlock on snapshot creation; any way out without a reboot?
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- deadlock on snapshot creation; any way out without a reboot?
- From: Andy Smith <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Lost Volume Group!
- From: John Rowe <rowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Snapshot of /; what's the latest story?
- From: "Marc L. de Bruin" <marc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with lvm2 / devive mapper
- From: <Dirk.Laurenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM with Powerpath - incompatibility
- From: Hantzley Tauckoor <hantzley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM with Powerpath - incompatibility
- From: Chris Osicki <osk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM with Powerpath - incompatibility
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM with Powerpath - incompatibility
- From: Hantzley Tauckoor <hantzley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Daemon or Thread with 5 minute interval
- From: bill.mair@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Daemon or Thread with 5 minute interval
- From: Bill Mair <bill.mair@xxxxxx>
- Re: Re: Daemon or Thread with 5 minute interval
- From: Howard Rifkin <howard.rifkin@xxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate issues
- From: Arshavir Grigorian <ag@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Daemon or Thread with 5 minute interval
- From: Bill Mair <bill.mair@xxxxxx>
- Re: "pvchange --uuid" failed when PV is in use
- From: "Shinn'ya Hoshino" <s-hoshino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Daemon or Thread with 5 minute interval
- From: "johnpaul" <johnpaulmp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Daemon or Thread with 5 minute interval
- From: Howard Rifkin <howard.rifkin@xxxxxx>
- PV unknown after vgexport
- From: Alan Jurgensen <jurgensen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: No volume groups found at boot
- From: "Page, Jennifer (RBC Dain)" <Jennifer.Page@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: "pvchange --uuid" failed when PV is in use
- From: "Page, Jennifer (RBC Dain)" <Jennifer.Page@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "pvchange --uuid" failed when PV is in use
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- No volume groups found at boot
- From: Jozsef Bakosi <jbakosi@xxxxxxx>
- "pvchange --uuid" failed when PV is in use
- From: "Shinn'ya Hoshino" <s-hoshino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvcreate issues
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pvcreate issues
- From: Arshavir Grigorian <ag@xxxxxxxxx>
- *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0.rc8 ***
- From: Heinz Mauelshagen <mauelshagen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- root partition extend within lvm
- From: "Girgin, Nilufer" <nilufer.girgin@xxxxxx>
- Re: HELP: LVM1 not starting automatically
- From: Bill Mair <bill.mair@xxxxxx>
- HELP: LVM1 not starting automatically
- From: Bill Mair <bill.mair@xxxxxx>
- is lvm.c used by lvm2?
- From: "louis_fang" <louis_fang@xxxxxxxxx>
- Import LVM2 config from existing disk array?
- From: "Kevin P. Fleming" <kpfleming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: same LV UUID after vgmerge
- From: "Magni Fabrizio" <Fabrizio.Magni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: same LV UUID after vgmerge
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: same LV UUID after vgmerge
- From: "Magni Fabrizio" <Fabrizio.Magni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: same LV UUID after vgmerge
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- same LV UUID after vgmerge
- From: "Magni Fabrizio" <Fabrizio.Magni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: query regarding lvm testing..
- From: Aditya Kulkarni <aditya.r.kulkarni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvdisplay
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- pvdisplay
- From: <Dirk.Laurenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: disk capacity discrepancy: is it 1000 versus 1024?
- From: "Christian Hack" <christianh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- query regarding lvm testing..
- From: "Saurabh Grade" <saurabh.grade@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: disk capacity discrepancy: is it 1000 versus 1024?
- From: Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: disk capacity discrepancy: is it 1000 versus 1024?
- From: Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer@xxxxxxxxx>
- disk capacity discrepancy: is it 1000 versus 1024?
- From: Maurice Volaski <mvolaski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pvmove question
- From: "Peter V. Saveliev" <peet@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mounting a dev with indexed hashing support
- From: "johnpaul" <johnpaulmp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- sar-type statistics for LVM2 volumes?
- From: Hugh Caley <Hugh_Caley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- incorrect metadata area header checksum
- From: "Geoff" <geoff@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Close failed: Bad file descriptor" messages on pvcreate
- From: Jeffrey Johnson <capitan.dorko@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: ide / debian
- From: Thomas Krichel <krichel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: ide / debian
- From: AJ Lewis <alewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ide / debian
- From: Thomas Krichel <krichel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM 1.0.8 problems with vgscan ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): allocated LE of LV"
- From: Claudio Soprano <Claudio.Soprano@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 tools can't locate pvs on entire disks
- From: Klaus Strebel <klaus.strebel@xxxxxxx>
- ide / debian
- From: Thomas Krichel <krichel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 tools can't locate pvs on entire disks
- From: Miles Crawford <mcrawfor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM minor number allocation policy
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM minor number allocation policy
- From: Aditya Kulkarni <aditya.r.kulkarni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 tools can't locate pvs on entire disks
- From: Klaus Strebel <klaus.strebel@xxxxxxx>
- lvm2 tools can't locate pvs on entire disks
- From: Miles Crawford <mcrawfor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM metadata recovery
- From: Alex Matviychuk <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Logical volume contains an incomplete mapping table
- From: "Stefan G. Weichinger" <monitor@xxxxxxxxxx>
- vgconvert
- From: Gergely Imre <gimre@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: LVM VG keeps disappearing
- From: "Post, Mark K" <>
- Re: snapshot is a stable feature?
- From: "louis_fang" <louis_fang@xxxxxxxxx>
- Slightly Off Topic - Filesystems
- From: Clif Smith <redhat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: help
- From: "Colm G. Connolly" <colm.connolly@xxxxxx>
- Re: help
- From: David Mohr <squisher@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: help
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- "Close failed: Bad file descriptor" messages on pvcreate
- From: Sreedharan_Vinod@xxxxxxx
- Re: help
- From: Martin Eisenhardt <martin.eisenhardt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- help
- From: "Colm G. Connolly" <colm.connolly@xxxxxx>
- snapshot is a stable feature?
- From: Joshua N Pritikin <jpritikin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Close failed: Bad file descriptor" messages on p vcreate
- From: Sreedharan_Vinod@xxxxxxx
- can't find both drives using pvscan
- From: "James Griffith" <jbg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Shared library does not contain locking functions
- From: Michael Stübiger <stuebiger-lvm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: "Close failed: Bad file descriptor" messages on pvcreate
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- "Close failed: Bad file descriptor" messages on pvcreate
- From: Sreedharan_Vinod@xxxxxxx
- LVM2 development release 2.01.10
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: large logical volumes
- From: Guido Vettoretti <g.vettoretti@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: large logical volumes
- From: Dan Pritts <danno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: will pvcreate destroy lvm data on an already exsiting PV
- From: David Mohr <squisher@xxxxxxxxx>
- will pvcreate destroy lvm data on an already exsiting PV
- From: Lance Reed <lreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: large logical volumes
- From: Guido Vettoretti <guido@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Shared library does not contain locking functions
- From: "Dan B. Phung" <phung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: swap on LVM
- From: "Michael T. Babcock" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Does pvcreate destroy data if run on an existing PV?
- From: Lance Reed <lreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: swap on LVM
- From: Clint Byrum <cbyrum@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: swap on LVM
- From: Thomas Schwinge <>
- LVM volume groups and logical volumes recovery...
- From: Eddahbi Karim <thetemplar@xxxxxxx>
- Re: large logical volumes
- From: Myrddin Emrys <myrddin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Data corruption on large, multi-device filesystem
- From: Dan Pritts <danno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM wedged after stopping some pvmove's
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM wedged after stopping some pvmove's
- From: Ben Collins <bcollins@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Question about LVM2 and repartitioning
- From: Wolfgang Liebich <wolfgang.liebich@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM 'Incorrect metadata header'
- From: Sander Smeenk <ssmeenk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Who can tell me what is the mean of Active in LVM?
- From: "louis_fang" <louis_fang@xxxxxxxxx>
- duplicated PVs
- From: "Magni Fabrizio" <Fabrizio.Magni@xxxxxxxxx>
- Q: Howto regenerate device files
- From: Chris Osicki <osk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: swap on LVM
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean-luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: swap on LVM
- From: "Michael T. Babcock" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Recovering data from an LVM filesystem?
- From: "Fritz Platzke" <fritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- swap on LVM
- From: Gergely Imre <gimre@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvmove hangs
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvmove hangs
- From: Gergely Imre <gimre@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM VG keeps disappearing
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvmove hangs
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: LVM2 on RAID
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM VG keeps disappearing
- From: "Post, Mark K" <>
- Re: LVM2 on RAID
- From: Måns Rullgård <mru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pvmove hangs
- From: Gergely Imre <gimre@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: LVM2 on RAID
- From: cpurn@xxxxxxxxx (Christian Purnomo)
- Re: LVM2 on RAID
- From: Måns Rullgård <mru@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pvmove hangs
- From: Gergely Imre <gimre@xxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2 on RAID
- From: cpurn@xxxxxxxxx (Christian Purnomo)
- Re: pvmove hangs
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- pvmove hangs
- From: Gergely Imre <gimre@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to resize a PV partition
- From: Chung Hsien Hu <mozo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshot creation fails (in some cases)
- From: "Jens Potthast" <Jens.Potthast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to resize a PV partition
- From: Erik Meitner <usenet@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshot creation fails (in some cases)
- From: "Mailhelp" <mailhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resizing root lvm
- From: "Oliver Schulze L." <oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Resizing root lvm
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Resizing root lvm
- From: "Oliver Schulze L." <oliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: recovering data from an lvm partition
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about vgremove
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Question about vgremove
- From: "Ya Ning" <yg2004_198@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with df and lvm
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Snapshots and mmaped files.
- From: "David Brown" <lvm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Snapshots and mmaped files.
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- recovering data from an lvm partition
- From: ray somcio <rsomcio@xxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with df and lvm
- Snapshots and mmaped files.
- From: "David Brown" <davidb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FWD: Re: Linux Alpha port: LVM
- From: Rao Davide <davide.rao@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Help with Resize please?
- From: "Robert Jenkins" <raj@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: optimum blockdev --setra settings
- From: David Greaves <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HELP ME! (Couldn't find device withuuid'blah-blah-blah') (More detailed subject) Sorry
- From: "Ramzy Darwish" <ramzy.darwish@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HELP ME! (Couldn't find device with uuid'blah-blah-blah') (More detailed subject) Sorry
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HELP ME! (Couldn't find device with uuid'blah-blah-blah') (More detailed subject) Sorry
- From: "Ramzy Darwish" <ramzy.darwish@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: HELP ME! (Couldn't find device with uuid 'blah-blah-blah') (More detailed subject) Sorry
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- HELP ME! (Couldn't find device with uuid 'blah-blah-blah') (More detailed subject) Sorry
- From: "Ramzy Darwish" <ramzy.darwish@xxxxxxxxx>
- From: "Ramzy Darwish" <ramzy.darwish@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to a secondarymachine
- From: Saqib Ali <docbook.xml@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to asecondarymachine
- From: "Bahadir Kiziltan" <b_kiziltan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to asecondarymachine
- From: "Tobias Speckbacher" <TSpeckbacher@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to a secondarymachine
- From: Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can not write to volume
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to a secondarymachine
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to a secondarymachine
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- How to mirror or Replicate a primary server's data to a secondarymachine
- From: "Gary Mansell" <Gary.Mansell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm volume corruption
- From: Greg DeAngelis <gdeangel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 und Snapshots für mein Abschlussprojekt
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 und Snapshots für mein Abschlussprojekt
- From: Klaus Strebel <klaus.strebel@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume SOLVED (sorta)
- From: Clif Smith <redhat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can not write to volume
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: Clif Smith <cjs@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM2 und Snapshots für mein Abschlussprojekt
- From: Ulf Kellermann <ulf.kellermann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- segmentation fault when creating snapshot volume/PVa
- From: "Premysl Vaclavik" <pvaclavik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVextend command
- From: "Havassy, Attila" <attila.havassy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can not write to volume
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- SUMMARY: Re: VGs not detected at startup
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: Clif Smith <redhat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: Clif Smith <redhat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: invalid physical volume
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- invalid physical volume
- From: Clif Smith <redhat@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2 und Snapshots für mein Abschlussprojekt
- From: "Melanie Nettusch" <m.nettusch@xxxxxx>
- *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0.rc7 ***
- From: Heinz Mauelshagen <mauelshagen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Debian (Sarge) 2.6.8 lvm2 on software raid
- From: Stephane Dupuis <Hoper@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Debian (Sarge) 2.6.8 lvm2 on software raid
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM snapshot error
- From: "Ian East" <ian.east@xxxxxxxxx>
- Debian (Sarge) 2.6.8 lvm2 on software raid
- From: "linuxboy123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <linuxboy123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Cannot create more than 3 snapshots when system is busy
- Cannot create more than 3 snapshots when system is busy
- Re: Over-Allocated PE - LVM1
- From: "Troy D. Strum" <ts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Over-Allocated PE - LVM1
- From: "Troy D. Strum" <ts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [MINOR REQUEST] snapshot timestamps should be time of creation
- From: "James G. Sack (jim)" <jsack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- VGs not detected at startup
- From: "Diaz Rodriguez, Eduardo" <ediaz@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relationship between Device Mapper and LVM2
- From: "Sandhya Suman" <sandhya.suman@xxxxxxxxx>
- LVM2 / device-mapper packages
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems compiling LVM2.2.01.09
- From: Tim Hibbard <hibbard@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems compiling LVM2.2.01.09
- From: Patrick Caulfield <patrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems compiling LVM2.2.01.09
- From: Tim Hibbard <hibbard@xxxxxxxx>
- lvm report tool
- From: Dieter Stüken <stueken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- File descriptor .. left open
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] --ignorelockingfailure for `lvm mkvgnodes`
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relationship between Device Mapper and LVM2
- From: Vivek Shrivastava <viveks@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: 2.6.11ac5 oops while reconstructing md array and moving volumegroup with pvmove
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [PATCH] --ignorelockingfailure for `lvm mkvgnodes`
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Problem with UUID on PVs
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] --ignorelockingfailure for `lvm mkvgnodes`
- From: Tomasz Torcz <zdzichu@xxxxxx>
- Re: 2.6.11ac5 oops while reconstructing md array and moving volumegroup with pvmove
- From: Antti Salmela <asalmela@xxxxxx>
- Re: 2.6.11ac5 oops while reconstructing md array and moving volumegroup with pvmove
- From: Neil Brown <neilb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Andy Sy <andy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with UUID on PVs
- From: "Jiri Bartosik" <bartosik@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- LVM Error
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Lost all info in a file server because of LVM - HEEEELP ME, please
- From: Mário Gamito <lists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- size of lv
- From: linux-lvm-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: [Linux-cluster] [PATCH] iddev - convert to general purpose device identifier
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Relationship between Device Mapper and LVM2
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Linux-cluster] [PATCH] iddev - convert to general purpose device identifier
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Relationship between Device Mapper and LVM2
- From: Vivek Shrivastava <viveks@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- size of lv
- From: "pritambhavsar" <pritambhavsar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Andy Sy <andy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Andy Sy <andy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [patch] oops with snapshot / 2.4.29
- From: Marcelo Tosatti <marcelo.tosatti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FC3 LVM and XP Pro
- From: "Jason" <dravet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2.6.11ac5 oops while reconstructing md array and moving volumegroup with pvmove
- From: Antti Salmela <asalmela@xxxxxx>
- Re: Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- large logical volumes
- From: Guido Vettoretti <g.vettoretti@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [patch] oops with snapshot / 2.4.29
- From: dean gaudet <dean-list-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: putting lvm autodetect into the kernel ala md
- From: Andy Sy <>
- Putting lvm autodetect into the kernel
- From: Andy Sy <andy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: vg OK --> reboot --> vg KO
- From: <talosso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Q: vgscan and RAID1
- From: Chris Osicki <osk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: Welcome to the "linux-lvm" mailing list
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Welcome to the "linux-lvm" mailing list
- From: Andy Sy <>
- ia64bit Clustered
- From: ainuddin@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: lvm corruption...
- From: Peter Karlsson <petekarl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm corruption...
- From: Peter Karlsson <petekarl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- FC3 does not recognize LVM from FC1
- From: Thomas Börkel <thomas@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: vg OK --> reboot --> vg KO
- From: "Hector Villalobos" <hector@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Issues with md RAID-1, LVM, and snapshots
- From: Kevin Murphy <kevin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- vg OK --> reboot --> vg KO
- From: <talosso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Do I need vgcfgrestore or blockdev, vgscan etc.
- From: Dieter Faulbaum <faulbaum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: snapshot reset
- From: Shane Hathaway <shane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Snapshot Rollback??
- From: Chung Hsien Hu <mozo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: Raid1 only with LVM
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Raid1 only with LVM
- From: Ed L Cashin <ecashin@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't restore the volume group after ghosting an hdd
- From: Sasha Z <kleptophobiac@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't restore the volume group after ghosting an hdd
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Can't restore the volume group after ghosting an hdd
- From: Sasha Z <kleptophobiac@xxxxxxxxx>
- Newb: discard COW changes to snapshot?
- From: Barry Roberts <blr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvcreate snap with device mapper
- From: Walter de Jong <walter@xxxxxxx>
- oops with snapshot / 2.4.29
- From: dean gaudet <dean-list-linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: snapshot reset
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: snapshot reset
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshot reset
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Can't find physical volume / vgcfgrestore not helping (Success!!)
- From: "Bryan Ragon" <bragon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't find physical volume / vgcfgrestore not helping
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Can't find physical volume / vgcfgrestore not helping
- From: "Bryan Ragon" <bragon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Disk crash, lost volume group, cant remove lost disk
- From: Andri Óskarsson <andri@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't mount logical volume - super block error
- From: Brian McCullough <bdmc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM partitions not being mounted?
- From: "Michael Bellears" <mbellears@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Woes (hope this isn't a repeat. sorry)
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Woes (hope this isn't a repeat. sorry)
- From: go0ogl3 <go0ogl3@xxxxxxxxx>
- LVM Woes (hope this isn't a repeat. sorry)
- From: Andrew <andy_b@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)[0x05B52F13]
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Broken on boot.
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Broken on boot.
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- LVM Broken on boot.
- From: Terry Rigby <t-rigby@xxxxxxx>
- Filesystem Encapsulation
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)[0x05B52F13]
- From: "Ron Watkins" <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxx>
- [PATCH] fix clean target
- From: Bastian Blank <bastian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long) [0x05B52F13]
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: mirroring in LVM2
- From: linux-lvm-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Re: mirroring in LVM2
- From: "pritambhavsar" <pritambhavsar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hardware raid5 and lvm "recipe"
- From: "Michael T. Babcock" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fixed. But what are PV# and Cur LV in pvdata?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: hardware raid5 and lvm "recipe"
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm2 on raid5 speed, not so bad
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Reducing the Linux LVM(8e) partition itself (not PV, VG or LV)
- From: Delian Krustev <krustev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: xfs and snapshots
- From: Nathan Scott <nathans@xxxxxxx>
- Reducing the Linux LVM(8e) partition itself (not PV, VG or LV)
- From: "Ajeet Nankani" <fromkth+lvm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Question
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some general questions ..
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- xfs and snapshots
- From: Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer@xxxxxxxxx>
- Using snapshots for transactions
- From: Shane Hathaway <shane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM Question
- From: "Mark W. Jeanmougin" <markjx@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <Erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: Robin Green <greenrd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <Erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: Robert Buick <robert.buick@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Some general questions ..
- From: John Cassidy <Sean@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM home server (more in depth info & analysis)
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <Erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: mirroring in LVM2
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean-luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM Question
- From: Matthias Rudolph <Matthias.Rudolph@xxxxxxx>
- Some general questions ..
- From: "Dr.Peer-Joachim Koch" <pkoch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Ron Watkins" <rwatkins@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: Matthias Julius <jnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- mirroring in LVM2
- From: "pritambhavsar" <pritambhavsar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- hardware raid5 and lvm "recipe"
- From: Amir Mistric <amistric@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Help! PV Size calculation etc
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Help! CRC Calculation how and where?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Internal Knowlegde required. Follow up.
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Internal Knowlegde required. Please help me recover this sucker.
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: Robin Green <greenrd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <Erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- df doesn't display increased available disk space
- From: Robert Buick <robert.buick@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- snapshot problem when memory size is over 4GB
- From: Chung Hsien Hu <mozo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm2 on raid5 speed, not so bad
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Can't mount logical volume - super block error
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Can't mount logical volume - super block error
- From: Sasha Z <kleptophobiac@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean-luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: "Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)" <jean-luc.coulon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Partition table gone? Any way to restore?
- From: oliver <oliver@xxxxxxxxx>
- Recipe for hardware RAID
- From: Amir Mistric <amistric@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Ron Watkins" <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <Erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0.rc6 ***
- From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0.rc6 ***
- From: Robin Green <greenrd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Raid1 only with LVM
- From: Heinz Mauelshagen <mauelshagen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0.rc6 ***
- From: Heinz Mauelshagen <mauelshagen@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm over raid5 - sizes
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: Alasdair G Kergon <agk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: lvm over raid5 - sizes
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: David Mohr <squisher@xxxxxxxxx>
- Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building up a RAID5 LVM home server (long)
- From: "Erik Ohrnberger" <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a disk to a VG gone bad - need help
- From: Jeff Macdonald <macfisherman@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm over raid5 - sizes
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: langelino <langelino@xxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: Dan Stromberg <strombrg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: "Ron Watkins" <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: Luca Berra <bluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: "Ron Watkins" <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Adding a disk to a VG gone bad - need help
- From: "M. Matt Colgin" <mcolgin@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: "M. Matt Colgin" <mcolgin@xxxxxxxxx>
- lvremove locked up
- From: Kristina Clair <kclair@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: Heine Laursen <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: Heine Laursen <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: go0ogl3 <go0ogl3@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: go0ogl3 <go0ogl3@xxxxxxxxx>
- Raid1 only with LVM
- From: Michael Stübiger <stuebiger-lvm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: Patrick Caulfield <pcaulfie@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm over raid5 - sizes
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm over raid5 - sizes
- From: Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: Heine Laursen <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- lvm over raid5 - sizes
- From: Scott Serr <serrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Having duplicate PV problems, think there's a bug in LVM2 md component detection
- From: "Ron Watkins" <linux-lvm@xxxxxxxxx>
- Adding a disk to a VG gone bad - need help
- From: Jeff Macdonald <macfisherman@xxxxxxxxx>
- RE: lvm liveCD help needed
- From: "Bao, Liping" <Liping.Bao@xxxxxx>
- Missing PV in LG
- From: <Ben.M.Schuler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- LVM1 Bad harddisk. How do I het data off the Volume?
- From: Heine Laursen <maillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm liveCD help needed
- From: Paul Pianta <pantz@xxxxxx>
- Re: lvm liveCD help needed
- From: Paul Pianta <pantz@xxxxxx>
- vgda documentation
- From: Matthew D Keller <mdkeller@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm liveCD help needed
- From: Fred Donck <fred@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: lvm liveCD help needed
- From: Fred Donck <fred@xxxxxxxxx>
- lvm liveCD help needed
- From: Paul Pianta <pantz@xxxxxx>
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