Why dont you create a 'regular' reiserfs partition on the same server
and re-try your transfer.
Comparing to another server isnt really fair; too many other factors: OS
level, Network, Config, Server Load, Hardware, Disks, etc.
Scp isn't a good gauge of disk performance, as its bottlenecks are
network and CPU (decryption). Why not try 'bonnie', a disk benchmarker.
Could you try explaining "really low" some more?
I copy lots of files with scp, from an old server to this new one with
LVM. The system is unsuable during the copy, but not with a server
with standards partitions...
Alan W. Jurgensen - Berbee Information Networks - jurgensen@berbee.com
linux-lvm mailing list
read the LVM HOW-TO at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/