Fedora Infrastructure
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Re: Fedora 11: What do we expect?,
Debarshi Ray
Message not available
CSI (Security Policy) Help,
Frank Chiulli
Re: /releases/10/Everything: several packages changed,
Jesse Keating
Change Request -- mediawiki auth plugin,
Toshio Kuratomi
CSI (Security Policy),
Mike McGrath
[Fwd: Re: CMS Option: Zikula],
Toshio Kuratomi
Introduction Teb (Zikula / Documentation project),
Teb (Zikula NL)
change request: python-hashlib install on builders,
Jesse Keating
change request: python-hashlib install on fedorapeople.org and new yum,
seth vidal
What is doing this?,
Mike McGrath
Automating hosted projects?,
Paul W. Frields
Change Request: python-bugzilla and packagedb on app servers,
Toshio Kuratomi
Change freeze,
Mike McGrath
Alpha Release Readiness,
John Poelstra
FYI: New packagedb depends on python-bugzilla snapshot,
Toshio Kuratomi
Mike McGrath
Fedora Security Policy,
Mike McGrath
Fedora Weekly news,
Mike McGrath
Why puppet uses config instead of configs?,
susmit shannigrahi
transport maps for bastion,
seth vidal
Mike McGrath
Infrastructure FAD?,
Jeffrey Ollie
mod_wsgi issue: solved,
David Malcolm
Introduction - François Cami,
FD Cami
RFC - sysadmin guidelines,
Mike McGrath
Hello List...,
Matthew ...
koji and package dependencies,
Doug Reiland
Introduction: This is me...,
Jeff Williams
Mike McGrath
[Fwd: Account Security Question],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Is executing php scripts from fedorapeople possible?,
susmit shannigrahi
error syncing archive.fedoraproject.org,
Adrian Reber
calling out for a sponsor,
Sascha Thomas Spreitzer
Outage Notification - 2009-01-03 04:16 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Getting Started,
Luiz Augusto Machado
Fwd: Fedora-infrastructure-list post from josemanimala@xxxxxxxxx requires approval,
Jon Stanley
jose manimala
jose manimala
Disk IO issues,
Mike McGrath
new to fedora contribution and the infrastructure group,
Sascha Thomas Spreitzer
Invitation from josemanimala@xxxxxxxxx,
Installed Trac plugins not showing up.,
susmit shannigrahi
Trac creating new ticket from webform,
susmit shannigrahi
Re: everything spin trouble,
Adrian Reber
Ian Weller
Puppet Talk on FUDCon,
Jeroen van Meeuwen
rsync errors on fedora-secondary,
Adrian Reber
Gregor Gruener is introduce oneself,
Gregor Grüner
Outage Notification - 2008-12-24 14:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
fedora infra rsa key submitted,
p sena
FAS 'User List' not working in HEAD,
Jon Stanley
Noisy cron,
Jesse Keating
hi, i newly joined fedora infrastructure group,
p sena
Introduction - Ronald McCormick,
Ronald A. McCormick Jr.
Hello, My intro,
Chris Johnson
Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1079: RFR: Fedora Icecast Streaming Server,
Clint Savage
FYI: I'm vacationing,
Toshio Kuratomi
We've got problems,
Mike McGrath
Convenience Symlinks for Git Repos on Fedora People,
Jeffrey Ollie
Outage Notification - 2008-12-17 17:00 UTC,
Michael McGrath
noc1 moved house,
Nigel Jones
OpenSuSE Buildsystem,
Mike McGrath
Michael Schwendt
Outage Notification: Koji, Wiki, Smolt, Transifex,
Ricky Zhou
[Fwd: Hello! Need help here.],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
[Fwd: client-side cert should work for Firefox too],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Introduction - Michael Kearey,
Michael Kearey
Note about mediawiki plugin,
Mike McGrath
Hello All,
db1 is dead,
Mike McGrath
technical spec,
Meeting Log - 2008-12-11,
Ricky Zhou
Custom planets / Fedora Art,
Nicu Buculei
changed owner of git repos,
Jon Stanley
fedorahosted mtn,
Roland McGrath
TJ Davis
Mike McGrath
Trimming up our ks script,
Mike McGrath
upgrading puppet,
Mike McGrath
Outage Notification - wiki, smolt, transifex,
Ricky Zhou
Mike McGrath
F-10 : Other Planetary Systems,
Chitlesh GOORAH
Just warming up...,
Michael Semcheski
RFR: fedora-event-splash,
Ian Weller
noc2 Rebuild - Outage Notification - 2008-12-03 07:00 UTC,
Nigel Jones
Obligatory First Post,
Jay Chandler
Mark True
DNS changes,
Jon Stanley
Outage Notification - Fedorapeople.org 2008-11-30 06:00 UTC -> 2008-11-30 18:00 UTC,
Seth Vidal
Re: Errors while syncing bugzilla with the PackageDB,
Toshio Kuratomi
Ian is vacationing,
Ian Weller
[Fwd: Fedora wiki login issues],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
I am Linux Fresher but at the sametime Student of RHCE,
Phadke Omkar Ashok
release day change request,
Mike McGrath
Change Request - Update Website Languages,
Ricky Zhou
proper way to update /var/lib/puppet/application/mirrors/releases.txt,
Jesse Keating
Congratulations to Nigel Jones,
Mike McGrath
Fixing CSRF exploits in Infrastructure,
Toshio Kuratomi
An introduction,
Mike McCarthy
Self Introduction:Balaji,
Change Request [mod_rewrite/wiki],
Nigel Jones
Bodhi 10k bug,
Luke Macken
Informal survey,
Mike McGrath
Change request: Increase the size of audit logs (on bastion),
Luke Macken
Change request: SELinux tweaks.,
Luke Macken
Fwd: [Fedora-sysadmin-list] Web Security,
Dennis Gilmore
Change request, F10 updates,
Jesse Keating
[Fwd: User signup not working?],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
Meeting in 30 minutes,
Mike McGrath
Request for test data based off of obfuscated live data,
John Palmieri
Memory increase for proxy1,
Mike McGrath
Change Request - Add website languages,
Ricky Zhou
sspp (server-status php parses),
Serghey Rodin
Intro for Leo Albert Jackson Jr (lajjr),
Leo Jackson
Change Request: press alias,
Mike McGrath
Paul W. Frields
outage at ibilio,
Mike McGrath
Asgeir is away until 16 Dec,
Asgeir Frimannsson
Change request?,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-11-13,
Ricky Zhou
Change Request - fingerprints.html,
Ricky Zhou
Meeting reminder,
Mike McGrath
change request (docs),
Mike McGrath
Change Request Koji,
Dennis Gilmore
change request (zabbix),
Mike McGrath
Change Request: AWStats on log1,
Ricky Zhou
Infrastructure Change freeze announcement,
Mike McGrath
another rsync change,
Mike McGrath
Change freeze request,
Mike McGrath
introduction - looking for contributing to Infra team,
Rakesh Pandit
log1 and nagios cron alerts,
Jon Stanley
Failed fas upgrade,
Toshio Kuratomi
Re: ** PROBLEM alert - cvs1.fedora.phx.redhat.com/Puppet is CRITICAL **,
Jon Stanley
Meeting Log - 2008-11-06,
Ricky Zhou
[Fwd: Account Problem],
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
[Fwd: [tx-devel] Roadmap thoughts],
Toshio Kuratomi
Freeze reminder,
Mike McGrath
Change Freeze Breakage,
Mike McGrath
space for more storage?,
Matt Domsch
Re: Cron <root@proxy3> /usr/local/bin/syncFiles.sh mirrors /srv/web/mirrors/,
Matt Domsch
rsync fixups for secondary1,
Matt Domsch
Spins on fedorapeople,
Mike McGrath
Patch to fix EPEL dep scripts,
Michael Stahnke
Away next week,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2008-10-30,
Ricky Zhou
Change request: bodhi change for myfedora,
Luke Macken
[PATCH] have supybot-fedora find ircnicks as well,
Jon Stanley
Introduction with some notes about me experience and skills,
Angel Natan Villegas Vicencio
Using fedoraproject.org email addr in bugzilla?,
Michael Schwendt
Change request: trivial bodhi fix,
Luke Macken
Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #714: Remove hosted projects unmodified atleast for six months.,
Fedora Infrastructure
Fedora Maps,
Huzaifa Sidhpurwala
[PATCH] use python-bugzilla in export-bugzilla.py,
Jon Stanley
Triple Change Request,
Nigel Jones
Pkgdb dump breakage,
Michael Schwendt
Change request: monitor auditd,
Jon Stanley
Blocker Bug Review Meeting :: Monday @ 14:00 UTC (fwd),
Mike McGrath
puppet freeze request,
Mike McGrath
Preview release,
Mike McGrath
FAS dump breakage,
Michael Schwendt
Meeting Log - 2008-10-23,
Ricky Zhou
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