On Wed, 10 Dec 2008, TJ Davis wrote:
> Hello all. I had introduced myself a few weeks ago and mentioned that I have some OpenVPN experience. Today I was
> reading over some of the SOPs and noticed this TODO on the OpenVPN SOP:
> ----
> Deploy an additional VPN server outside of PHX. OpenVPN does support failover automatically so if configured properly,
> when the primary VPN server goes down all hosts should connect to the next host in the list
> ----
> I would like to offer to work on this. I would need a mentor to help me get acclimated to the environment but I am
> confident that I could get it up and running effectively and I have some spare time that I would love to put towards
> this.
> Regards.
> --
> TJ Davis
Sounds good TJ, Ricky was working on this a bit but he's also pretty busy.
Stop by #fedora-admin sometime tomorrow and ping me, we'll put a plan
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