Open SSL Users
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- How can I make openssl doesn't add a signed attribute "signingTime" when I sign a cms/cades singnature?,
- build error with openssl-1.1.1b on solaris sparc 32 bit (solaris-sparcv9-gcc),
Parth Patel
- Migrating from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1, Dmitry Belyavsky
- OpenSSL 1.1.1b version chooses wrong AS(assembler) on Windows,
Vinay Kumar via openssl-users
- DTLSv1_listen Nonblock IO failure not returning SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ,
Raja Ashok
- Add pkcs11 command,
Antonio Iacono
- Is there a way to retrieve the certificate from SSL_CTX?,
Paul Smith
- Duplicate existing SSL_CTX, Zeyuan Yu
- Heads up, Inbuilt KORN Arithmetic & Test functions broken under Windows Subsystem for Linux, openssl@xxxxxxxxxxxx
- version mismatch macro help, Michael Richardson
- Shouldn't no-pinshared be the default?,
Yann Ylavic
- bn_sqr8x_internal function consumes a lot of CPU time,
Thang Pham
- OpenVPNGui 2.4.7 fails: format error in certificate's notAfter field,
Wolfgang Knauf
- 1.1.1: patches to compile on OpenBSD,
Claus Assmann
- OpenSSL 3.0 (or 4.0) API goals,
Paul Smith
- 1.1.1b crash (RUN_ONCE problem?),
Norm Green
- openSSL 1.1.1b compatibility with GLIBC,
Chethan Kumar
- Compilation errors with 1.1.1b,
Sravani Maddukuri via openssl-users
- Online docs have broken links,
Paul Smith
- ECC keypair generation with password,
Ken Goldman
- RE: ECC keypair generation with password, Michael Wojcik
- RE: ECC keypair generation with password, Michael Wojcik
OpenSSL 1.1.1b for WinCE700,
Torrelli, Maxime
shared libraries vs test cases,
Michael Richardson
OpenSSL 3.0 vs. SSL 3.0,
Christian Heimes
Zombie poddle and Goldendoodle vulnerablity,
Manish Patidar
CVE-2019-1559 advisory - what is "non-stiched" ciphersuite means?,
M K Saravanan
Stitched vs non-Stitched Ciphersuites,
Short, Todd via openssl-users
OpenSSL version 1.1.1b published,
OpenSSL version 1.0.2r published, OpenSSL
How to not use a configured engine?,
Lynch, Andrew
AES-cipher offload to engine in openssl-fips,
s_server/s_client on checking middlebox compatibility,
John Jiang
Missing accessor for the EVP_PKEY.engine,
Dmitry Belyavsky
Build error on CentOS 7.6, Paquin, Brian
OpenSSL 1.1.1a for WINCE700, Torrelli, Maxime
creating Linux "portable" x64 binary,
Juan Isoza
OpenSSL hash memory leak,
prithiraj das
implicit connect,
Jeremy Harris
Allow specifying the tag after AAD in CCM mode,
Tobias Nießen
understand 'openssl dhparms ....',
Matthias Apitz
Re: [openssl-project] OpenSSL 3.0 and FIPS Update,
Mark Minnoch
openssl-users: DKIM, DMARC and all that jazz, and what it means to us,
Richard Levitte
Comments on the recent OpenSSL 3.0.0 specification (Monday 2019-02-11),
Jakob Bohm via openssl-users
when should client stop calling SSL_read to get TLS1.3 session tickets after the close_notify?,
Sam Roberts
Queston about CMS_encrypt : Generates Version <ABSENT>, NJ
Questions about Ciphers,
Patrice Guérin
How to get the CA list, Ignacio Casal
OpenSSL 3.0 and FIPS Update,
Matt Caswell
FIPS Fails due to Fingerprint Error while running for a App, ALe TAHIR
FIPS Module for OpenSSL 1.1.1,
Jason Schultz
Man page suggestion - SSL_get_verify_result,
Hal Murray
Multiplexing TLS / non-TLS connections on a single socket,
Paul Smith
How to use a specific ip interface while testing TLS/SSL connectivity.,
Rajinder Pal Singh
openssl verify with crl_check_all and partial chain flags, Magar, Minoda Collins via openssl-users
how is it possible to confirm that a TLS ticket was used?,
Sam Roberts
Some documentation about key derivation and block padding,
Alexis BRENON @OpenSSL
Adding custom OBJ identifiers,
Dmitry Belyavsky
Smartcard cert used for encrypt\decrypt,
Boyd Ako
is the openssl wiki down for maintenance, or is something broken?,
Sam Roberts
EVP_Encrypt/EVP_Decrypt input/output buffers requirements,
Patrice Guérin
OpenSSL 1.1.1 Support for DH Ciphers?,
Rich Fought
RSA Digital Signing,
prithiraj das
issue with EVP_EncryptUpdate in XTS mode?,
Andrew Tucker
decrypt error,
Scharfenberg, Carsten
SSL_read() returns -1, and SSL_read_ex does not update readbytes where a record containing a session ticket is being read (TLS 1.3),
Arran Cudbard-Bell
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF); has no effect with TLS 1.3,
Arran Cudbard-Bell
Fwd: Can't build openssl with VS2005 on Windows, Hoang Bang
Re: Compiling openssl 1.0.2q for OS390-Unix,
Thiagu Mohan
Dealing with RFC2553 and RFC3493 where NI_MAXHOST and NI_MAXSERV no longer exist,
Dennis Clarke
The less than perfect way to compile a debug library,
Dennis Clarke
compile hell : fatal: symbol referencing errors. OPENSSL_sk_pop_free etc etc etc,
Dennis Clarke
crypto/objects/o_names.c problem with Solaris 10 and strict Oracle Studio 12.6 c99,
Dennis Clarke
Question regarding OpenSSL compilations,
Petrescu Constantin Cezar
Get peer certificate after handshake failure,
Steven Winfield
in the department of "ain't no perfect",
Eliot Lear
cipher names,
Jeremy Harris
Why openssl is printing session ID where there is none sent by server, when using session ticket?,
M K Saravanan
Binary Distribution DLL Names,
Grahame Grieve
Close TCP socket after SSL_clear()?,
Charles Mills
Send SNI by default,
Tony Xie
vishwas k.n.
SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback and certificate access,
Corey Minyard
is there an API to list all the TLS 1.3 cipher suite names?,
Sam Roberts
Problems on authentication during TLS handshake,
Jin Xie
Compiling FIPS-cable OpenSSL on Windows Server 2012R2,
Chris Fernando via openssl-users
possible C bugs in ecp_nistp521,
Bo-Yin Yang
Request for the list of API changes from 1.0.2k to 1.1.1a, shiva kumar
Possible bug in crypto/engine,
Antonio Iacono
Openssl asynchronous operation in real network,
Ananthu Unnikrishnan
RFC 7919 DH parameters and OpenSSL DH_check(),
Andy Schmidt
RNG behavior by default,
Mike Blaguszewski
Session params output fails via cron,
Neil Craig
OpenSSL Read and Write in different threads, NJ
Build target architecture,
How can I compile nginx with openssl to support 0-rtt TLS1.3,
ၾကည္စိုး သင္း
Decrypting an OpenSSL encrypt AES256-CBC data,
Ertan Küçükoglu
openssl 1.1.1 manuals,
Michael Richardson
Dmitry Belyavsky
moving from PKCS7 to CMS functions, Michael Richardson
Authentication over ECDHE,
Subject CN and SANs,
Walter H.
PerlASM for x64,
Gisle Vanem
OpenSSL v1.1.1 static library size reduction,
prithiraj das
Jeremy Harris
Celebrating 20 Years of OpenSSL, Mark J Cox
EVP_DecryptUpdate: why is this failing when out == in?,
Paul Smith
Two questions on OpenSSL EVP API,
Paul Smith
Support for CAdES Basic Electronic Signatures (CAdES-BES), Antonio Iacono
Fwd: SSL_free Segmentation Fault, N Jain
does -subj suppress challenge Password prompt, Michael Richardson
FIPS module v3,
Alibek Jorajev via openssl-users
Sending empty renegotiaion_info,
Dmitry Belyavsky
Problems with deriving EC public key from private,
Mike Blaguszewski
A script for hybrid encryption with openssl,
Openssl async support,
How to find the right bug,
Shreya Bhandare
client-side ocsp stapling, Jeremy Harris
FW: Dgst sigopt parameters?,
Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
Openssl version in RHEL 8,
Mody, Darshan (Darshan)
Delay in converting CRL to binary data,
Prateep Kumar via openssl-users
Multiple client connection to Nginx server,
RSA Public Key error,
prithiraj das
The 9 Lives of Bleichenbacher's CAT - Is there a CVE for OpenSSL?,
M K Saravanan
AES encrypt expanded key is different with no-asm,
Hemant Ranvir
AssAccess was passed with no amendments,
version OPENSSL_1_1_1 not defined in file with link time reference,
Vincent Le Bourlot
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