kudos, matt milosevic. you have not complicated matters but rightly reminded us of the need for civility and the benefits that accrue from such an approach in opposition to merely railing while offering little in the way of a path towards problem resolution. also, appreciation to richard levitte for his balanced response and patience when many would have none. one would also hope — as you two and others have suggested — that everyone understands that the best channel of outlet for someone "fired-up" over something leads to actually contributing what it takes to make the fix. it can be said in different ways amongst all languages, but one's own value boils down to 'words are cheap and deeds are dear'. while probably not exactly the watch-words of this news-letter, they certainly represent the mindset of the many, many highly-competent contributors whose goal is to make openssl the best crypto application/library available. not to be forgotten are the many firms that contribute funds and/or their employee's time on the project as well as the contributions of funds by individuals. there is no question that soft-ware that is encumbered with a dual responsibility for simultaneously affording continuity and adopting innovation will suffer from bloat. while coders are intent on patching what is amiss and making new things work, paring back the old often takes a back seat and openssl fits this mold. moreover, documentation has been a problem since the "programming" of NCR machine wiring in the 1930's. additionally, i think it is safe to say than no piece of soft-ware has ever been cited as "over documented". openssl's stream-lining and documentation will improve, but there are bound to be those unhappy with the time-line. i am from the sysadmin side and feel deeply indebted to the wealth of effort put forth by so many to make openssl what it is today and will be tomorrow. -- Thank you, Johann -- openssl-users mailing list To unsubscribe: https://mta.openssl.org/mailman/listinfo/openssl-users