Hello Shiyao, the signing time attribute has always been considered mandatory or in any case useful and only with CAdES optional and even with PAdES not allowed. A request similar to yours has already been received (see https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-users/2017-February/005240.html) I also believe that CMS API flag would be useful that allows suppression of the signing-time attribute. Antonio On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 12:57 PM shiyao_liu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <shiyao_liu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hello everyone, > > I am working on a project about how to use openssl libs to implement a PAdES(whitch is based on CAdES) signature because I saw that the master branch of openssl has supported CAdES-BES signature. But now there is a problem I don't know how to solve it. So I am asking for some help. > According to the PAdES reference, signing-time attribute in CMS signature shall not be present in a PAdES signature. In openssl libs, signing-time attribute is set in the function CMS_SignerInfo_sign. But I can't find a way to control it not to set signing-time attribute. So I want to know if there is a way to not to set signing-time attribute or delete this attribute without changing the openssl source code. > > Regards, > Shiyao Liu > > ________________________________ > shiyao_liu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx