Hi, I am using OpenSSL in multi threaded application where I call SSL_read and SSL_write from two different threads. I am first establishing DTLS connection over wireless connection to communicate and to send encrypted messages using OpenSSL. I am successfully able to send and receive data but wanted to clear the connection and re-establish the new connection using DTLS. So in other words do not want the same session reuse. I am facing Segmentation fault while doing SSL_free and trying to understand the cause. I am having following questions - 1) OpenSSL manual states that SSL_read and SSL_write should happen from single thread as the SSL CTX could not be used at the same time. But if the application takes care of reading and writing synchronously or in safe manner is it still an issue ? 2) What is the meaning of OpenSSL is multithread safe ? I found various sample implementations which uses CRYPTO_set_id_callback API to implement THREAD_setup and cleanup APIs used in DTLS based server implementation. I believe these APIs prevents the multiple threads to simultaneously access SSL_ctx at the same time ? But if it is true than why it is not preventing the SSL_write and SSL_read issue. 3) How to enable debugging option in OpenSSL as I am using gdb but I do not see any thing except the call stack during Seg Fault. (gdb) 0xb6e3cc10 in dtls1_get_record() from /usr/lib/libssl.so.1.0.0 Thanks NJ -- Sent from: http://openssl.6102.n7.nabble.com/OpenSSL-User-f3.html -- openssl-users mailing list To unsubscribe: https://mta.openssl.org/mailman/listinfo/openssl-users