Linux LVM
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- Re: [linux-lvm] LVM2 setup notes and questions, (continued)
- [linux-lvm] vgscan -- ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group,
d . levitin
- [linux-lvm] Driver vs. Not Active Groups,
- [linux-lvm] Growing the size of the lv,
Hee So
- [linux-lvm] retro fit lvm?, Kirk Reiser
- [linux-lvm] Problem compiling LVM 1.0.5,
Anders Widman
- [linux-lvm] RE:,
Amit Agrawal, Noida
- [linux-lvm] How to install lvm in Redhat 7.1,
Shuvodeep Ghosh
- [linux-lvm] vgexport interupted, Fred Dinkler
- [linux-lvm] Vacation, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
- [linux-lvm] Help!,
amit agrawal
- [linux-lvm] about LVM-1.0.5 with SMP machine,
Young Ui Park
- [linux-lvm] lvm lowers transfer rate,
Innocent Azinyue Ndangoh
- [linux-lvm] LVM newbie question.,
Melinda Taylor
- [linux-lvm] Installing Slackware 8.1 on LVM, Matt Rickard
- [linux-lvm] resize_reiserfs on SuSE Linux enterprise server,
ZECHA,HOLGER (HP-Germany,ex1)
- [linux-lvm] can't mount snapshot, if created at ext3 logical volume, YC
- [linux-lvm] upgrade to rh7.3 broke lvm,
- [linux-lvm] Locking error with LVM2,
Steve Pratt
- [linux-lvm] Compile errors : 2.2.21-rc4 and 1.0.5,
Adrian Phillips
- [linux-lvm] LVM don't find data, TobbY Nowack
- [linux-lvm] LVM2 compatible with LVM1?,
Ph. Marek
- [linux-lvm] recovering a bad physical volume,
Matthew Johnson
- [linux-lvm] Typo in 1.0.5 install file,
Gary Eheman
- [linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.5 available at, AJ Lewis
- [linux-lvm] Extending an LVM-Partition,
Kai Weber
- [linux-lvm] Re: [Announce] device-mapper beta3 (fast snapshots),
Andrew Theurer
[linux-lvm] RAID extension and lvm,
Ralf Eisinger
[linux-lvm] using vgcfgrestore with promise ataraid, Michal Kurowski
Rick Katz
[linux-lvm] resizing logical volumes,
Ben Snyder
[linux-lvm] Reiser & snapshots,
[linux-lvm] df reporting incorrect size?,
Ben Snyder
[linux-lvm] How to !,
manara kendaye
[linux-lvm] Re: RE: ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group "data_disks" from physical volume(s) (Heinz J . Mauelshagen) (Leigh Waldie),
Leigh Waldie
[linux-lvm] lvm & 2.5,
Rik van Riel
[linux-lvm] Get rid of files of a non existing volume group,
Kai Weber
[linux-lvm] Tr: Possible LVM bug in 2.4.19-rc1,
Benjamin Herrenschmidt
[linux-lvm] Re: linux-lvm digest, Vol 1 #624 - 8 msgs,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] Re: RE: ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group "data_disks" from physical volume(s) (Heinz J . Mauelshagen),
Leigh Waldie
Re: [E.Kowallik@xxxxxxxx: [linux-lvm] lvm and raw devices (with Oracle 9 RAC)],
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] kernel panicked when mounting XFS LVM volumes on kernel-2.4.17-ia64,
Zameer M
[linux-lvm] ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group "data_disks" from physical volume(s),
Leigh Waldie
[linux-lvm] Odd problem with Pure-ftpd on lvm volume.,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] LVM2 modifies the buffer_head struct?,
Tom Walcott
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM2 modifies the buffer_head struct?, Mark Peloquin
[linux-lvm] Fw: Logical volume is smaller than physical drive.,
[linux-lvm] Logical volume is smaller than physical drive., Julio Faerman
[linux-lvm] ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data ofvolume group,
Eamonn Hamilton
[linux-lvm] Re: LVM over linux on root disk support!,
[linux-lvm] old metadata,
Alexander Elbs
[linux-lvm] Re: [RFE] lvm-1.0.3 - progress bar similar to e2fsck for pvmove,
James Manning
[linux-lvm] Unknown command in kernel-log,
Anders Widman
[linux-lvm] problem running vgscan..Is it a megaraid issue or an LVM issue ??,
christian e
[linux-lvm] why do striping and mirroring in LVM?,
[linux-lvm] [RFE] lvm-1.0.3 - progress bar similar to e2fsck for pvmove,
James Manning
[linux-lvm] LVM hang with some uses of raw i/o,
Gary Eheman
[linux-lvm] [OT] Urgent help needed., Austin Gonyou
[linux-lvm] newbie question,
shri krishnan
[linux-lvm] RAID & LVM,
Info - Demerson
[linux-lvm] FW: LVM,
Montgomery Mouw
[linux-lvm] boot problems with lvm,
[linux-lvm] [Fwd: Best way to create a 540GB LVM Volume?],
Austin Gonyou
[linux-lvm] Best way to create a 540GB LVM Volume?,
Austin Gonyou
[linux-lvm] lvm and raw devices (with Oracle 9 RAC), Eike Kowallik
[linux-lvm] Jemand zuhause ???,
[linux-lvm] Join and get free companion fare,
[linux-lvm] [PATCH][2.5] List macros update for md (10/19),
Lightweight patch manager
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.3 VGDA corrupted often ??,
Catherine Shen
[linux-lvm] kernel: lvm -- lvm_chr_ioctl: unknown command 0x8004fe97,
Anders Widman
[linux-lvm] ext2online and 2.4.18,
Ian Prowell
[linux-lvm] About my LVM-problems, Juhapekka Tolvanen
[linux-lvm] Re: Bug#150005: LVM does not fscking work at all,
Juhapekka Tolvanen
[linux-lvm] LVM mit einem Readonly rootfs möglich?,
Andre Borkenfeld
[linux-lvm] Can't find LVM partition,
Stauffer, Darryl
[linux-lvm] My LVM does not work at all.,
Juhapekka Tolvanen
[linux-lvm] software raid? - LVM? - and how to put it all together ..., linux-lvm
[linux-lvm] LV resizing problems,
Andres Salomon
[linux-lvm] Re: do_apc_ms stomith,
AJ Lewis
[linux-lvm] pb with vgimport,
[linux-lvm] URgent - please Help - our main system is corrupt, no one can work!,
Gesine Schäfer-Reimers
[linux-lvm] lvextend: Different structure size (while using e2fsadm), Sander
[linux-lvm] How well tested is the snapshot feature?,
Stephan Austermuehle
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: [linux-lvm] How well tested is the snapshot feature?, Dale Stephenson
RE: [linux-lvm] How well tested is the snapshot feature?, Dale Stephenson
[linux-lvm] Re: mkfs - cannot set blocksize,
Nathan Scott
[linux-lvm] filesystem does not reflect new LV size,
Vladimir G. Ivanovic
[linux-lvm] LV not mounting from fstab.,
Jason C. Leach
[linux-lvm] Management Tools Version.,
Jason C. Leach
[linux-lvm] Removing disks from existing volume with data.,
Gunnar Rysstad
[linux-lvm] Recovering inconsistent vg,
Shane Wegner
[linux-lvm] One VG or many?,
Poul Petersen
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.1rc2 compile error,
Austin Gonyou
[linux-lvm] EXT2 to EXT3 LVM volume on Redhat,
Aslak Sommerfelt Skretting
[linux-lvm] Anyone with LVM, XFS, Grub?,
Stephan Austermuehle
[linux-lvm] Cannot deactivate VG when shutting down,
Stephan Austermuehle
[linux-lvm] Probs with LVM and CCISS,
Stefan . Kroner
[linux-lvm] pvmove: ERROR "pv_read(): device major number",
Stephan Austermuehle
[linux-lvm] about snapshot, lilha
[linux-lvm] Questions about PE size and clustering,
Poul Petersen
[linux-lvm] Re: linux-lvm digest, Vol 1 #602 - 14 msgs,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] Availabality of LVM on IA64???,
[linux-lvm] how to increase the size of allocated PE,
Re: [linux-lvm] Spinning down/up drives.,
Goetz Bock
Data recovered successfully... RE: [linux-lvm] Volume group not found on restart [resent],
Murthy Kambhampaty
[linux-lvm] ablout LVM's limits,
[linux-lvm] RAID 5?, Iffy Islam
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM 1.03 root file system on Redhat 7.3],
Daniel Savard
[linux-lvm] SuSE Linux and EMC/XP/VA7100/VA7100,
ZECHA,HOLGER (HP-Germany,ex1)
[linux-lvm] Re: LVM 1.03 root file system on Redhat 7.3,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] Re: Strange RAID2 behavier...,
[linux-lvm] pv_read(): PV identifier invalid,
Wiktor Wodecki
[linux-lvm] Re: md and lvm,
Luca Berra
[linux-lvm] Alexander Safonov/CTR/CTC is out of the office., alexander . safonov
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.03 root file system on Redhat 7.3,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] FYI - Red Hat 7.2 and LVM module,
Michael K Lambert
[linux-lvm] LVM 2,
Anders Widman
[linux-lvm] md and lvm, lilha
[linux-lvm] about lvextend,
[linux-lvm] LVM and extending/reducing striped LV's,
[linux-lvm] can't use all VG free space for an LV stripe,
Vahid Pazirandeh
[linux-lvm] lvm 1.03 on redhat 7.3,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] ERROR "vg_read_with_pv_and_lv(): current PV" can't get data of volume group "vg1" from physical volume(s),
Turbo Fredriksson
[linux-lvm] physical volume failure contingency...,
Marcelo Maceratini
[linux-lvm] errors compiling on redhat 7.3,
Pierluigi Godi
[linux-lvm] read-only media in a LVM?,
Ami Fischman
[linux-lvm] unmapped dependency - RedHat rpm lvm-103,
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] lvm 1.0.3 (redhat rpm shipped with redhat 7.3),
James B. Byrne
[linux-lvm] GCC-3.1, Anders Widman
Re: [linux-lvm] pecopy or lecopy,
Heinz J . Mauelshagen
[linux-lvm] getting started with LVM,
Ben Snyder
[linux-lvm] Problems restoring the vg metadata,
Caballero, Diana
Antw: Re: [linux-lvm] Problem with vgscan,
Dmitri Levitin
[linux-lvm] [Announce] device-mapper beta3 (fast snapshots), Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] Problem with vgscan,
Dmitri Levitin
[linux-lvm] Physical volume size changed,
Jens Hoffrichter
[linux-lvm] Error on lvcreate or lvremove!,
[linux-lvm] How do I do RAID 4/5 *and* LVM?,
Dave Newman
[linux-lvm] LVM Reboot Problem, Jonathan Brett
Re: [linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.4 available,
Gregory Ade
[linux-lvm] writable snapshots ? (a la timefinder BCV),
David Stes
RE: [linux-lvm] Volume group not found on restart [resent],
Murthy Kambhampaty
[linux-lvm] Some suggestions about lvminitrd_create,
Jonathan Buzzard
[linux-lvm] Volume group not found on restart,
Murthy Kambhampaty
[linux-lvm] Re: imposs mount vg,
Adeline Métayer
[linux-lvm] imposs mount vg,
Adeline Métayer
[linux-lvm] More problems with lvm detection/activation, Craig Tierney
[linux-lvm] LVM 1.0.4 pvmove is broken,
Poul Petersen
[linux-lvm] has anyone used LVM in a HA cluster?,
Au, Richard
[linux-lvm] VG wiederfinden,
Tim-Christian . Hanschen
[linux-lvm] Problem with pvmove (LVM 1.0.4 Kernel 2.4.18), Poul Petersen
[linux-lvm] No more than 6 LVs?,
Andy Baillie
Re: [linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.4 available at, Patrick Caulfield
[linux-lvm] Can no longer mount lvm striped volume,
Craig Tierney
[linux-lvm] Do I loose all my data if one disk crashes?,
Dave Newman
[linux-lvm] Patch for /proc (NOT a bug fix),
Stephenson, Dale
[linux-lvm] Patch for vg_status_with_pv_and_lv.c,
Stephenson, Dale
[linux-lvm] Extend/Reduce snapshot not updating VG's used PE count.,
Stephenson, Dale
[linux-lvm] Addiing new hdd to pv group,
Stephan Budach
[linux-lvm] How to confuse lvm using devfs,
Koos van den Hout
[linux-lvm] Re: LVM Woes,
[linux-lvm] lvcreate's man error (minor),
Estienne Bloch
[linux-lvm] Error compilng tools on RH7.3,
Stephan Budach
[linux-lvm] Segmetation fault (core dumped),
Fredrik Nordstrand
[linux-lvm] LVM2 beta2,
Joe Thornber
[linux-lvm] restore of parts of a logical volume group,
Gesine Schäfer-Reimers
[linux-lvm] lvextend-lvreduce,
Chitaranjan Behera, Noida
[linux-lvm] Lvm woes,
[linux-lvm] [PATCH] vg_check_name.c,
Jim Pick
[linux-lvm] Even know that some command failed. This is, kurt
[linux-lvm] *** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.1-rc2 available at, AJ Lewis
[linux-lvm] pvvolume extension on the same part.,
Donaldson, Leslie
[linux-lvm] Desater Recovery <urgent>,
Ralf Zerres
Re: [linux-lvm] Desater Recovery <urgent>, Andreas Dilger
[linux-lvm] Shutdown questions,
Adrian Noland
[linux-lvm] Some questions after starting to use 1.1-rc1,
Piete Brooks
[linux-lvm] Howto Make LVM Work With NBD/ENBD?,
Ning Ye
[linux-lvm] Unofficial 1.0.3 debs, Patrick Caulfield
[linux-lvm] question on lvm, Pascal Hubacher
[linux-lvm] mount reiserfs snapshot failed,
Markus Bartl
Message not available
Message not available
Re: [linux-lvm] mount reiserfs snapshot failed, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Re: [linux-lvm] quick pvresize question,
James Hawtin
[linux-lvm] Device Resets?, John DeFranco
[linux-lvm] vgscan fails to find volume groups,
Jason A. Fager
[linux-lvm] EVMS,
Anders Widman
[linux-lvm] vgscan segfault at bootup,
Gunther Kuhlmann
[linux-lvm] LVM 2 patch,
Chitaranjan Behera, Noida
[linux-lvm] multiple volumes..,
Anders Widman
Re: [linux-lvm] multiple volumes.., Jon Bendtsen
Re: [linux-lvm] multiple volumes.., Petro
[linux-lvm] vg recovery after PV failure,
Eamonn Hamilton
[linux-lvm] ext3 on an logical volume - snapshot using how?,
Ph. Marek
Re: [linux-lvm] hello sir,
Wolfgang Weisselberg
[linux-lvm] Red Hat upgrade over existing LVM,
Nick Urbanik
Re: [linux-lvm] Red Hat upgrade over existing LVM, Luca Berra
Re: [linux-lvm] Red Hat upgrade over existing LVM, Dirk Heinrichs
[linux-lvm] Known Issues with FreeBSD Slices on Disks?,
Eike Bernhardt
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