389 Directory Server Users Archive
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- How to control the BIND operation using ACI
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- FDS - AD: sync deactivated status
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS - AD: sync deactivated status
- From: Soeren.Malchow at interone.de (Sören Malchow)
- Usermod
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- How to control the BIND operation using ACI
- From: murthy at barc.gov.in (C.S.R.C.Murthy)
- How to control the BIND operation using ACI
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- How to control the BIND operation using ACI
- From: murthy at barc.gov.in (C.S.R.C.Murthy)
- admin server dsgw 403 forbidden error
- From: LACY_S at mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- changing non SMP kernel fedora install into a SMP kernel fedora install
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- changing non SMP kernel fedora install into a SMP kernel fedora install
- From: adamaod at gmail.com (Adam Valenzuela)
- Password Change in DSGW
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Error with Replication: Replication error acquiring replica: permission denied
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- Error with Replication: Replication error acquiring replica: permission denied
- From: alex at davz.net (Alex Davies)
- Sync AD with FDS
- From: alex at davz.net (Alex Davies)
- Sync AD with FDS
- From: etorres at dap.es (Esteban Torres Rodriguez)
- Usermod
- From: siggi at betware.com (Sigurður Bjarnason)
- How to control the BIND operation using ACI
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- deny bind operation from certain group and certain IP address
- From: murthy at barc.gov.in (C.S.R.C.Murthy)
- How to control the BIND operation using ACI
- From: murthy at barc.gov.in (C.S.R.C.Murthy)
- about redhat ldap server
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- about redhat ldap server
- From: igalvarez at gmail.com (Israel Garcia)
- Usermod
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- Usermod
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Usermod
- From: siggi at betware.com (Sigurður Bjarnason)
- Express web console
- From: andrew at dingman.org (Andrew C. Dingman)
- FDS: Error in encoding and attribute deletion
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- beginner question
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- beginner question
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- FDS: Error in encoding and attribute deletion
- From: kgraham at advance.net (Kevin Graham)
- Source for DSML Gateway now available
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS: Error in encoding and attribute deletion
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- FDS: Error in encoding and attribute deletion
- From: kgraham at advance.net (Kevin Graham)
- FDS: Error in encoding and attribute deletion
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- FDS: Error in encoding and attribute deletion
- From: kgraham at advance.net (Kevin Graham)
- Error when starting to initiate multimaster replication
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- Express web console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Express web console
- From: siggi at betware.com (Sigurður Bjarnason)
- FDS <-> AD: UID/GID and OU sync
- From: alex at davz.net (Alex Davies)
- Express web console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS <-> AD: UID/GID and OU sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Express web console
- From: siggi at betware.com (Sigurður Bjarnason)
- FDS <-> AD: UID/GID and OU sync
- From: alex at davz.net (Alex Davies)
- Announcing web apps package for Fedora DS 1.1 - fedora-ds-dsgw
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Gateway Access
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Gateway Access
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- From: pauloviolada at gmail.com (Paulo Alberto)
- Disallow Anonymous bind
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Disallow Anonymous bind
- From: siggi at betware.com (Sigurður Bjarnason)
- Updating password issue
- From: hamza.aissat at capgemini.com (Aissat, Hamza)
- ACLUserCacheSize
- From: pauloviolada at gmail.com (Paulo Alberto)
- Security vulnerability in fedora-ds-admin (April 22, 2008)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Query Regarding Fedora Directory server 1.0.4
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Query Regarding Fedora Directory server 1.0.4
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Query Regarding Fedora Directory server 1.0.4
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Query Regarding Fedora Directory server 1.0.4
- From: girishkumar at mtnl.net.in (girishkumar at mtnl.net.in)
- Query Regarding Fedora Directory server 1.0.4
- From: girishkumar at mtnl.net.in (girishkumar at mtnl.net.in)
- timeout limit idle connections?
- From: kevin.zona.mail at gmail.com (Kevin Zona)
- Using EXTERNAL SASL authentication mechanism
- From: ggistra at aol.com (ggistra at aol.com)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: joona.hartman at gmail.com (J. Hartman)
- error while using migrate-ds-admin.pl from 1.04 to 1.1.0
- From: pthagonal at gmail.com (Tony)
- DS doesn't load sudo and host attribute schemas - just silently ignores them
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- error while using migrate-ds-admin.pl from 1.04 to 1.1.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DS doesn't load sudo and host attribute schemas - just silently ignores them
- From: itonohito at gmail.com (Itonohito)
- Passwords with Unicode characters
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Passwords with Unicode characters
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- error while using migrate-ds-admin.pl from 1.04 to 1.1.0
- From: pthagonal at gmail.com (Tony)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Group membership
- From: Bernhard.Kronsteiner at cbc-x.com (Kronsteiner Bernhard)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: joona.hartman at gmail.com (J. Hartman)
- FDS logins after reboot
- From: ecjbosu at aol.com (Joe W. Byers)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Question on hierarchy tree deletion
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- aci with group dn and self read
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- could not open admin-serv-XXX-cert8.db
- From: rlarson at usgs.gov (Richard Larson)
- aci with group dn and self read
- From: murthy at barc.gov.in (C.S.R.C.Murthy)
- Where to go to find more information on using FDS's builtin mail schema...
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- Removing a Smart Referral
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- access rights to pc resources
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- Removing a Smart Referral
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- access rights to pc resources
- From: apujana at gmail.com (Axel Pujana)
- Removing a Smart Referral
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Removing a Smart Referral
- From: cruz at senai-sc.ind.br (Daniel Cristian Cruz)
- Removing a Smart Referral
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Removing a Smart Referral
- From: cruz at senai-sc.ind.br (Daniel Cristian Cruz)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- pam_ldap support dynamic groups
- From: jheenan at fairfaxmedia.com.au (Joel Heenan)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SOLVED: NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- LDAP Sync scripts
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- access rights to pc resources
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- defaultsearchbase and empty base dn subtree searches
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Sync scripts
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- unsubscribe
- From: wpfontenot at cox.net (Paul Fontenot)
- NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- NSPR "Certificate type not approved for application" error when a TLS-enabled proxy LDAP OpenLDAP server connects to Fedora Directory Server
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- defaultsearchbase and empty base dn subtree searches
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- Re: Fedora-idm-console does not accept password
- From: ecjbosu at aol.com (Joe W. Byers)
- Re: Fedora-idm-console does not accept password
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Fedora-idm-console does not accept password
- From: ecjbosu at aol.com (Joe)
- Fedora-idm-console does not accept password
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Sync scripts
- From: del at babel.com.au (Del)
- Fedora-idm-console does not accept password
- From: ecjbosu at aol.com (Joe Byers)
- Manage Password Policy
- From: master99 at ryuuo.com (K.Tanaka)
- warnings in /var/log/secure
- From: smooge at gmail.com (Stephen John Smoogen)
- configuration prob with fedora-idm-console.bat
- From: patrick.morris at hp.com (Patrick Morris)
- configuration prob with fedora-idm-console.bat
- From: cgibbons at tahc.state.tx.us (Carol Gibbons)
- warnings in /var/log/secure
- From: abliss at brockport.edu (Aaron Bliss)
- warnings in /var/log/secure
- From: smooge at gmail.com (Stephen John Smoogen)
- certutil
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Windows Sync and Posix
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- Question about Fedora DS <-> MS AD Syncing
- From: lysholm at tut.by (Егор Дубин)
- warnings in /var/log/secure
- From: abliss at brockport.edu (Aaron Bliss)
- Preferred authentication mechanism - LDAPS or startTLS
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Loads of db log files, how to clean
- From: koippa at gmail.com (Kimmo Koivisto)
- Preferred authentication mechanism - LDAPS or startTLS
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Edward Capriolo)
- Preferred authentication mechanism - LDAPS or startTLS
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Loads of db log files, how to clean
- From: koippa at gmail.com (Kimmo Koivisto)
- Preferred authentication mechanism - LDAPS or startTLS
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Preferred authentication mechanism - LDAPS or startTLS
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Preferred authentication mechanism - LDAPS or startTLS
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- LDAP Sync scripts
- From: Dennis.DeMarco at lexisnexis.com (DeMarco, Dennis)
- Manage Password Policy
- From: j.barber at dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- Manage Password Policy
- From: ulf.weltman at hp.com (Ulf Weltman)
- Manage Password Policy
- From: master99 at ryuuo.com (田中 康平)
- certutil
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- certutil
- From: ggistra at aol.com (ggistra at aol.com)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- Fwd: Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fwd: Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- Manage Password Policy
- From: chachan at ryuuo.com (田中 康平)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Having problems with the Admin Console
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- Broken MMR - DB_BUFFER_SMALL: User memory too small for return value
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Search filters with 'tab' (\09)
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Search filters with 'tab' (\09)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Search filters with 'tab' (\09)
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Directory merge
- From: paulo.estrela at unifacs.br (Paulo Estrela)
- Installing Server Certificates Using certutil
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Installing Server Certificates Using certutil
- From: ggistra at aol.com (ggistra at aol.com)
- [Fedora-directory-users] Isit possibleto migrateBerkeley 4.2(32bit)based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [Fedora-directory-users] Isit possibleto migrateBerkeley 4.2(32bit)based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Is it possibleto migrateBerkeley 4.2(32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Is it possibleto migrateBerkeley 4.2(32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Broken MMR - DB_BUFFER_SMALL: User memory too small for return value
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Is it possible to migrateBerkeley 4.2(32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Is it possible to migrateBerkeley 4.2(32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Broken MMR - DB_BUFFER_SMALL: User memory too small for return value
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- LDAP - AD Communication.
- From: doug.jantz at texturallc.net (Doug Jantz)
- Is it possible to migrate Berkeley 4.2(32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Is it possible to migrate Berkeley 4.2(32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Is it possible to migrate Berkeley 4.2 (32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Is it possible to migrate Berkeley 4.2 (32bit) based directory to 4.2 (64bit)
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Initial setup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Initial setup
- From: maximilianbianco at gmail.com (max bianco)
- Initial setup
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- Initial setup
- From: maximilianbianco at gmail.com (max bianco)
- Group membership
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Group membership
- From: alan.orlic at zd-lj.si (Alan Orlič Belšak)
- Group membership
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Group membership
- From: alan.orlic at zd-lj.si (Alan Orlič Belšak)
- Problem to reset password
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- Problem to reset password
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- 2xMulti-Masters Replicating to 2xDedicated Consumers
- From: jheenan at fairfaxmedia.com.au (Joel Heenan)
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- openldap ldapdelete command output - "Critical extension is unavailable"
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- openldap ldapdelete command output - "Critical extension is unavailable"
- From: ando at sys-net.it (Pierangelo Masarati)
- openldap ldapdelete command output - "Critical extension is unavailable"
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Problem to reset password
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Problem to reset password
- From: valery.fauconnier at atosorigin.com (FAUCONNIER Valery AWL-IT)
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- ldap2dns schema
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS Certificates
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Deleting cached database entries
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS 1.0.2 and RHEL5.1 Compatibility
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- changelog
- From: chee.benny at gmail.com (Benny Chee)
- Deleting cached database entries
- From: Duane.Dunston at noaa.gov (Duane Dunston)
- Fedora DS 1.0.2 and RHEL5.1 Compatibility
- From: doug.jantz at texturallc.net (Doug Jantz)
- encryption userPassword
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Fedora DS 1.0.2 and RHEL5.1 Compatibility
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Fedora DS 1.0.2 and RHEL5.1 Compatibility
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- FDS Certificates
- From: doug.jantz at texturallc.net (Doug Jantz)
- encryption userPassword
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Allow only TLS connections
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Allow only TLS connections
- From: Ken.GENOUEL at valeo.com (Ken.GENOUEL at valeo.com)
- Book on FedoraDS
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Book on FedoraDS
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- ldap2dns schema
- From: prjctgeek at gmail.com (Doug Chapman)
- error PassSync
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- skew time error
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Glue Entry Thread
- From: jbushey at soleocommunications.com (James)
- encryption userPassword
- From: nalin at redhat.com (Nalin Dahyabhai)
- encryption userPassword
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- encryption userPassword
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- encryption userPassword
- From: santangelo.luigi at tiscali.it (Luigi Santangelo)
- error PassSync
- From: marco.maccari at unicam.it (Marco Maccari)
- encryption userPassword
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- encryption userPassword
- From: santangelo.luigi at tiscali.it (Luigi Santangelo)
- Glue Entry Thread
- From: cbruiz at gmail.com (Carlos Barrales Ruiz)
- skew time error
- From: vinod3942 at gmail.com (vinod gupta)
- Fedora DS version compatibility
- From: lukeb at deakin.edu.au (Luke Bigum)
- Fedora DS version compatibility
- From: lukeb at deakin.edu.au (Luke Bigum)
- Glue Entry Thread
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Glue Entry Thread
- From: jbushey at soleocommunications.com (James)
- Glue Entry Thread
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- Glue Entry Thread
- From: jbushey at soleocommunications.com (James)
- FDS and Outlook
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- FDS and Outlook
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- PGP Key Store
- From: phanoko at gmail.com (matt wells)
- FDS and Outlook
- From: wpfontenot at cox.net (Paul Fontenot)
- Fedora DS version compatibility
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Fedora DS version compatibility
- From: david.bogen at icecube.wisc.edu (David Bogen)
- Fedora DS version compatibility
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: santangelo.luigi at tiscali.it (Luigi Santangelo)
- Fedora DS version compatibility
- From: lukeb at deakin.edu.au (Luke Bigum)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Security update for fedora-idm-console package
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Announcing Project DogTag - Open Source Certificate System
- From: dennis at ausil.us (Dennis Gilmore)
- Announcing Project DogTag - Open Source Certificate System
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: santangelo.luigi at tiscali.it (Luigi Santangelo)
- windows sync and password "clear"
- From: santangelo.luigi at tiscali.it (Luigi Santangelo)
- Re: FDS 1.1 console doesn't show DS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: FDS 1.1 console doesn't show DS
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- how to plan the directory server?
- From: marco.strullato at gmail.com (Marco Strullato)
- Re: SELinux policy for Fedora Directory Server 1.1.0
- From: dwalsh at redhat.com (Daniel J Walsh)
- How-To Password Policy/Account Locking/Samba Integration
- From: fds at gezi.cs.uni-sb.de (Alex Fauss)
- Log rotation problems
- From: jazcek at scs.fsu.edu (Jazcek Braden)
- FDS 1.1 console doesn't show DS
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Server-Admin - SSL error blocks ability to configure Admin Server component
- From: cgibbons at tahc.state.tx.us (Carol Gibbons)
- fedora directory server and ldap authentication for httpd 2.2.x
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- fedora directory server and ldap authentication for httpd 2.2.x
- From: marco.strullato at gmail.com (Marco Strullato)
- Fedora-DS replication issue
- From: burt.s.e at gmail.com (Steve Burt)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Console issue
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Replication Agreements
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Replication Agreements
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Replication Agreements
- From: jared.griffith at farheap.com (Jared B. Griffith)
- Replication Agreements
- From: jared.griffith at farheap.com (Jared B. Griffith)
- LDAP entry not showing up in search (RESOLVED, USER ERROR)
- From: LACY_S at Mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- LDAP entry not showing up in search
- From: LACY_S at Mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 24
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- groups
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 24
- From: burt.s.e at gmail.com (Steve Burt)
- groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Problems in adding a second server into a new
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problems in adding a second server into a new
- From: burt.s.e at gmail.com (Steve Burt)
- SELinux policy for Fedora Directory Server 1.1.0
- From: par.aronsson at telia.com (Pär Aronsson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- installing samba
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- Help with NIS->FDS & AD migration
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- trouble installing samba
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (M Vallapan)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (M Vallapan)
- Help with NIS->FDS & AD migration
- From: slat3dx at gmail.com (slat3dx slat3dx)
- Help with NIS->FDS & AD migration
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Help with NIS->FDS & AD migration
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Help with NIS->FDS & AD migration
- From: slat3dx at gmail.com (slat3dx slat3dx)
- Help with NIS->FDS & AD migration
- From: slat3dx at gmail.com (Devon)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- Re: YUM and 64 bit upgrade to 1.1 questions
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: YUM and 64 bit upgrade to 1.1 questions
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- YUM and 64 bit upgrade to 1.1 questions
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Fedora DS Graph 1.0.1 released
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- YUM and 64 bit upgrade to 1.1 questions
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- YUM and 64 bit upgrade to 1.1 questions
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Password Warnings
- From: diwakoe at gmail.com (Diwakoe)
- Request For Comment: fedora-ds-utils project
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- Problem while authenticating against FDS
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (mallapadi niranjan)
- Problem while authenticating against FDS
- From: angad at infonox.com (angad)
- Unable to delete replication changelog
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 3-way MMR problem on 1.01-4
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 3-way MMR problem on 1.01-4
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Request For Comment: fedora-ds-utils project
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Password Warnings
- From: b.t.roy at brianandkelly.ws (Brian Roy)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: jason at runyan.net (JD runyan)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fwd: Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- Password Warnings
- From: jason at runyan.net (JD runyan)
- Password Warnings
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Password Warnings
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Per DB Windows sync between different BaseDN
- From: Enrico.M.V.Fasanelli at le.infn.it (Enrico M. V. Fasanelli)
- Password Warnings
- From: lists at runyanrants.net (Legatus)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Install fails to create domain after re-install
- From: steve at cozi.com (Steve Jacobson)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- netscapeRoot and Config propagation
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- Install fails to create domain after re-install
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Adding users to additional Linux/Posix groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Adding users to additional Linux/Posix groups
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Install fails to create domain after re-install
- From: steve at cozi.com (Steve Jacobson)
- Adding users to additional Linux/Posix groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Training / Certification Offerings
- From: johnsimcall at gmail.com (John Call)
- Training / Certification Offerings
- From: squid at oranged.to (Jimmy Stewpot)
- Training / Certification Offerings
- From: johnsimcall at gmail.com (John Call)
- Adding users to additional Linux/Posix groups
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: ncohen.sts at gmail.com (Ben Cohen)
- Adding users to additional Linux/Posix groups
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- SecurID and FDS/RHDS
- From: squid at oranged.to (Jimmy Stewpot)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Is the userRoot database special?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- trouble installing samba
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Apple OS X 10.5 question
- From: johnsimcall at gmail.com (John Call)
- Is the userRoot database special?
- From: ncohen.sts at gmail.com (Ben Cohen)
- groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: ncohen.sts at gmail.com (Ben Cohen)
- groups
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Prolem with pam_passthru
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- fds load testing and bench marking suite?
- From: anguyen at redhat.com (Anh Nguyen)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- fds load testing and bench marking suite?
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: tbagyal at fmkorhaz.hu (Bagyal Tamas)
- Fedora DS Graph 1.0.0 released
- From: maxim at alamaison.fr (Maxim Doucet)
- Fedora DS Graph 1.0.0 released
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Numeric String" attribute syntax not supported by FDS 1.1?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- "Numeric String" attribute syntax not supported by FDS 1.1?
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- "Numeric String" attribute syntax not supported by FDS 1.1?
- From: aleksander.adamowski.fedora at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- Fedora DS Graph 1.0.0 released
- From: maxim at alamaison.fr (Maxim Doucet)
- "Numeric String" attribute syntax not supported by FDS 1.1?
- From: aleksander.adamowski at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- "Numeric String" attribute syntax not supported by FDS 1.1?
- From: aleksander.adamowski at altkom.pl (Aleksander Adamowski)
- Request For Comment: fedora-ds-utils project
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- installing samba
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 1.1.0 net-snmp build issues in mock
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 1.1.0 net-snmp build issues in mock
- From: goldschr at cshl.edu (Goldschrafe, Jeffrey)
- Fedora DS Graph 1.0.0 released
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- 1.1.0 net-snmp build issues in mock
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- trouble installing samba
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- installing samba
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- 1.1.0 net-snmp build issues in mock
- From: goldschr at cshl.edu (Goldschrafe, Jeff)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: andrew at dingman.org (Andrew C. Dingman)
- installing samba
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- installing samba
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- Individual Passwordpolicies
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Individual Passwordpolicies
- From: sujay at ASCnet.COM (Sujay D'Souza)
- FedoraDs and saslauthd
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (M Vallapan)
- Could not register the directory server with the configuration directory server
- From: nick.pend at gmail.com (Nick P)
- groups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- groups
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Could not register the directory server with the configuration directory server
- From: nick.pend at gmail.com (Nick P)
- Setting up fault tolerant mesh of FDS servers - just checking I have got it right!
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Could not register the directory server with the configuration directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Setting up fault tolerant mesh of FDS servers - just checking I have got it right!
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Could not register the directory server with the configuration directory server
- From: nick.pend at gmail.com (Nick P)
- Apple OS X 10.5 question
- From: johnsimcall at gmail.com (John Call)
- Looking for copy of new mmr.pl
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- Apple OS X 10.5 question
- From: dandantheitman at gmail.com (dandantheitman)
- Trouble with Centos 5.1
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- how fix /etc/init.d/dirsrv-admin?
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- Trouble with Centos 5.1
- From: maumar at cost.it (Maurizio Marini)
- Can Fedora DS ensure objectClass attributes are unique?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Centos5 does not install
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Apple OS X 10.5 question
- From: j.barber at dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- Apple OS X 10.5 question
- From: johnsimcall at gmail.com (John Call)
- Can Fedora DS ensure objectClass attributes are unique?
- From: doalmiller at convera.com (Doal Miller)
- Centos5 does not install
- From: maumar at datalogica.com (Maurizio Marini)
- Windows and Fedora Directory Services
- From: squid at oranged.to (Jimmy Stewpot)
- chsh
- From: kekkou.a at cs.ucy.ac.cy (Andreas Kekkou)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- 1.1 usage problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 1.1 usage problems
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora directory server support
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 1.1 usage problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: bagyi at mail.fmkorhaz.hu (Tamas Bagyal)
- fedora directory server support
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- 1.1 usage problems
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- fedora directory server support
- From: zahra_bahar at ec.iut.ac.ir (Zahra Bahar)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (Low Kian Seong)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (Low Kian Seong)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (Low Kian Seong)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Building the 1.0.4 directory and the console with dsbuild
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- Building the 1.0.4 directory and the console with dsbuild
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- how many users could fedora- DS support?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- How to authenticate fedora-ds
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 1.1 usage problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 1.1 usage problems
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- How to authenticate fedora-ds
- From: shivaraj.shivanna at wipro.com (shivaraj.shivanna at wipro.com)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- how many users could fedora- DS support?
- From: zahra_bahar at ec.iut.ac.ir (Zahra Bahar)
- Building the 1.0.4 directory and the console with dsbuild
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (orion at cora.nwra.com)
- Building the 1.0.4 directory and the console with dsbuild
- From: playactor at gmail.com (Eric Brown)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (orion at cora.nwra.com)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- new install - howto start using
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- new install - howto start using
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora Console wont' start...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- new install - howto start using
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- Fedora Console wont' start...
- From: millerc at amerch.com (Chase Miller)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- new install - howto start using
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- new install - howto start using
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- new install - howto start using
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- new install - howto start using
- From: solarflow99 at gmail.com (solarflow99)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (Low Kian Seong)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- notes on building fds in etch and a failed build question
- From: Ryan.Braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Group ACLs??
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- About Netgroup??
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- About Netgroup??
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (Low Kian Seong)
- RE: ACI for Netgroup?????
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- ACI for Netgroup?????
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: satish at suburbia.org.au (Satish Chetty)
- temporary resource unavailable problem with fedora directory server
- From: ipvx.low at gmail.com (Low Kian Seong)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS
- From: prjctgeek at gmail.com (Doug Chapman)
- Question about making ldapmodify to be silent
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Question about making ldapmodify to be silent
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Question about making ldapmodify to be silent
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Fedora DS in a Xen DomU?
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- Attributes for ACLs???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- 'mailHost' not allowed during the NIS Migration ????
- From: oeufdure at gmail.com (Fabrice Durand)
- 'mailHost' not allowed during the NIS Migration ????
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- 'mailHost' not allowed during the NIS Migration ????
- From: oeufdure at gmail.com (Fabrice Durand)
- 'mailHost' not allowed during the NIS Migration ????
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- RHDS and winsync... how to sync disablement of users
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- getent passwd not working???
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- restart dirsrv after SSL script run
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS in a Xen DomU?
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- getent passwd not working???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Setting up Multiple Directory Servers - in a multi-master mesh. Having problems with admin server.
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- restart dirsrv after SSL script run
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- RHDS and winsync... how to sync disablement of users
- From: AOas at redbrickhealth.com (Aaron Oas)
- UNCLASSIFIED - RE: FDS Sudo Management
- From: iferreir at personal.com.py (Ivan Ferreira)
- Windows Contacts didn't show my photo
- From: cychau at gmail.com (CheeYang Chau)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- FDS reinstall
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- List of Hosts in fedora DS Console???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- FDS reinstall
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- List of Hosts in fedora DS Console???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 Transport endpoint is not connected
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Admin-serv Seg fault
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Admin-serv Seg fault
- From: jared.griffith at farheap.com (Jared B. Griffith)
- Console issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- Is Fedora Directory Server support collective attribute
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- FDS Sudo Management
- From: koippa at gmail.com (Kimmo Koivisto)
- FDS, Radius and Beyond
- From: koippa at gmail.com (Kimmo Koivisto)
- UNCLASSIFIED - RE: FDS Sudo Management
- From: Dan.HAWKER at uk4.astrium.eads.net (HAWKER, Dan 2 (external))
- FDS Sudo Management
- From: Christina.Plummer at energyeast.com (Plummer, Christina E.)
- Help needed migrating from Sun ONE to Fedora DS 1.1
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Looking for training
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- getent passwd not displaying???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Looking for training
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Is Fedora Directory Server support collective attribute
- From: cychau at gmail.com (CheeYang Chau)
- getent passwd not displaying???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- getent passwd not displaying???
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (Niranjan M.R)
- Importing pre-encrypted passwords into FDS
- From: j.barber at dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- getent passwd not displaying???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Console issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Importing pre-encrypted passwords into FDS
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- [SOLVED] Re: Problem with a new installation
- From: scrubb at localroot.de (Sascha Scrubb Bendix)
- Installing on Cent OS 5.1
- From: todd.nine at onwebconsulting.com (Todd Nine)
- Replication from Critical Path to FDS 1.0.4
- From: branimirp at gmail.com (Branimir Pejakovic)
- Re: [Fedora-directory-announce] One step build for platforms other than Fedora
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Re: SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- One step build for platforms other than Fedora
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problem with a new installation
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problem with a new installation
- From: scrubb at localroot.de (Sascha Scrubb Bendix)
- Help needed migrating from Sun ONE to Fedora DS 1.1
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Eddie C)
- ldif error on startup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora IDM Console???
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS Console?
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Managing NIS Servers into LDAP?
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Managing NIS Servers into LDAP?
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Fedora IDM Console???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- ldif error on startup
- From: kmarsh at gdrs.com (Ken Marsh)
- FDS + Samba + machine account
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- SSL issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- FDS Sudo Management
- From: jared.griffith at farheap.com (Jared B. Griffith)
- Help needed migrating from Sun ONE to Fedora DS 1.1
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Help needed migrating from Sun ONE to Fedora DS 1.1
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Chris Waltham)
- Help needed migrating from Sun ONE to Fedora DS 1.1
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- New install, not authenticating
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Help needed migrating from Sun ONE to Fedora DS 1.1
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Chris Waltham)
- New install, not authenticating
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- New install, not authenticating
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- New install, not authenticating
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- Windows Management Console
- From: Chris.Brandt at ernex.com (Chris Brandt)
- Wierd failed install
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- where is password sync for rhds
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Wierd failed install
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- sync new attribute
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Wierd failed install
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- sync new attribute
- From: santangelo.luigi at tiscali.it (Luigi Santangelo)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- where is password sync for rhds
- From: AOas at redbrickhealth.com (Aaron Oas)
- SSL issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- SSL issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- where is password sync for rhds 8.0
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- where is password sync for rhds 8.0
- From: AOas at redbrickhealth.com (Aaron Oas)
- Wierd failed install
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Wierd failed install
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- pam ldap nss_ldap
- From: gregory_laroche at yahoo.fr (gregory LAROCHE)
- Generating UID and GID with 1.1 and admin console
- From: todd.nine at onwebconsulting.com (Todd Nine)
- Generating and installing certificates for Fedora-ds 1.1.0 usig Openssl base CA
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Generating and installing certificates for Fedora-ds 1.1.0 usig Openssl base CA
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL issue
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora IDM Console???
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora IDM Console???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Mixing Directory Servers
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- SSL issue
- From: vaddarapu at gmail.com (Anand Vaddarapu)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Using the fedora managment console and the libdna-plugin
- From: todd.nine at onwebconsulting.com (Todd Nine)
- Fedora IDM Console???
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Reply to the Post
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Migrating the NIS Database into Fedora DS ???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Migrating the NIS Database into Fedora DS ???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Re:Fedora-directory-users] Managing LDAP via http (Apache Integration)???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Fedora IDM Console???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Reply to the Post
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Managing LDAP via http (Apache Integration)???
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Managing LDAP via http (Apache Integration)???
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Attributes of an entry Dynamic
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Managing LDAP via http (Apache Integration)???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Setting Up Fedora DS Database with Replication???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- FDS + Samba + machine account
- From: linuxtrap at yahoo.co.in (satish patel)
- system-config-dirsrv
- From: taruishi at redhat.com (Masato Taruishi)
- FDS + Samba + machine account
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- Attributes of an entry Dynamic
- From: suuuper at messinalug.org (Giovanni Mancuso)
- FDS + Samba + machine account
- From: linuxtrap at yahoo.co.in (satish patel)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Exception trying to use the 1.1 console
- From: richard at powerset.com (Richard Hesse)
- RE: Random UID not found problem
- From: markwu at micron.com (markwu at micron.com)
- Browsing index - vlvSort
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Migrating the NIS Database into Fedora DS ???
- From: Enrico.M.V.Fasanelli at le.infn.it (Enrico M. V. Fasanelli)
- Migrating the NIS Database into Fedora DS ???
- From: ajeet.singh.raina at logicacmg.com (Singh Raina, Ajeet)
- Browsing index - vlvSort
- From: capareci at uol.com.br (Renato Ribeiro da Silva)
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