ldif error on startup

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Ken Marsh wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks to all the Fedora DS development team for supporting us poor 
> souls and creating a great product.
> I have a MultiMaster replicated 1.0.4-1 DS running on RHES5 x64. It?s 
> worked fine since it was created a few weeks ago. When the host system 
> was rebooted, it refused to come up. This is the reason why:
> [07/Feb/2008:20:25:41 -0500] dse - The entry cn=schema in file 
> /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-server2/config/schema/99user.ldif is invalid, 
> error code 20 (Type or value exists) - attribute type pamMapMethod: 
> Does not match the O
> ID "2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2070". Another attribute type is already 
> using the name or OID.
> [07/Feb/2008:20:25:41 -0500] dse - Please edit the file to correct the 
> reported problems and then restart the server.
> Fedora-Directory/1.0.4 B2006.338.2215
> <host>:<port> (/opt/fedora-ds/slapd-server2)
> I edited the file and removed the offending entry, and it restarted. 
> The offending entry which looks like this in file 99user.ldif:
> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2070 NAME 'pamMapMethod' DESC 
> 'How to
> map BIND DN to PAM identity' SYNTAX 
> UE X-ORIGIN ( 'Red Hat Directory Server' 'user defined' ) )
> Grepping around, I found the same OID in 60pam-plugin.ldif:
> attributeTypes: ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.2070 NAME 'pamIDMapMethod' 
> DESC 'How to map BIND DN to PAM identity' SYNTAX 
> SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'Red Hat Directory 
> Server' )
> My questions are, will my removing this entry break anything? And if 
> so, what? Should I replace the entry with a corrected value? Since 
> removing it from 99user.ldif, the DS seems to be running fine now.
> This DS was originally populated by replication from a 7.1 DS, if that 
> makes any difference.
I'm wondering how that attribute type definition got into 99user.ldif in 
the first place. That's odd. If there are any other schema definitions 
in 99user.ldif that you didn't explicitly define, you should remove 
them. Including pamMapMethod. And you should probably check your 7.1 
server too.
> Thanks and keep up the good work,
> Ken.
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