On Wed March 5 2008, solarflow99 wrote: > Does anyone have samba working with FDS? > > I can add a sambasamaccount objectclass, but it looks like there are > missing attributes from advanced properties. From the schema config, I see > the required attributes are only: objectclass, sambasid, uid. Other > important attributes such as sambaLMpassword, sambadomain, are only listed > as allowed attributes. I don't know if I have to add them manually, how > many are required, or how to generate the encrypted password. If anyone > has any ideas, any help would be appreciated. Hi i finally got samba working with fds 1.1; what was missing was /etc/ldap.conf configuration. This url can be very helpful: http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=UNIX_and_Windows_Accounts_in_Zimbra_LDAP_and_Zimbra_Admin_UI the "Configuring on RHEL5/CentOS5/Fedora7 using authconfig" help me. Firstly: authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --disablenis --enablecache \ --ldapserver=gregzimbra1.zimbra.com --ldapbasedn=dc=gregzimbra1,dc=zimbra,dc=com \ --updateall further: " The last parameter will update /etc/ldap.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/pam.d/system-auth configuration files. The only file which requires manual editing is /etc/ldap.conf. The base line should be already there. It is inserted by authconfig. You should also see a uri line with the address of your ldap server. The host, binddn, bindpw, rootbinddn lines should be added as explained above and /etc/ldap.secret file should exist and contain a password." after these 2 stepes, i was able to add administrator samba account. Thns, i installed smbldap an di run smbldap-populate populate is very very powerful, it does and fixes everything, at all. After populate veriything is workung like a charm :) m. -- Dr. Maurizio Marini CoST Computers Services and Technologies s.r.l. http://www.cost.it e-mail: maurizio.marini at cost.it phone: +39.0245446202 fax: +39.0245446333 mobile: +39.3358259739