389 Directory Server Users Archive
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- Too many FDS open
- From: duskglow at gmail.com (Russell Miller)
- Too many FDS open
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Password policy don't work on a subtree
- From: ldapgroup at visolve.com (Visolve LDAP Group )
- Too many FDS open
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Too many FDS open
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Creating a Certificate With Multiple Hostnames
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- Password policy don't work on a subtree
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Creating a Certificate With Multiple Hostnames
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Creating a Certificate With Multiple Hostnames
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Creating a Certificate With Multiple Hostnames
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Creating a Certificate With Multiple Hostnames
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- unique uid problem
- From: snake007uk at gmail.com (Kashif Ali)
- unique uid problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- unique uid problem
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 45, Issue 24
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- password policy help
- From: aaron.mills at returnpath.net (Aaron Mills)
- fdstools.pm - perl module for managing replication and encryption setup
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Fedora DS/RH DS with Apache Jetspeed 2 Portal
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS/RH DS with Apache Jetspeed 2 Portal
- From: lebing76 at gmail.com (Lebing Xie)
- Re: OpenLDAP->FDS Migration
- From: diaa.radwan at gmail.com (Diaa Radwan)
- Re: OpenLDAP->FDS Migration
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- Re:unique uid problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Re:unique uid problem
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- FDS ldapi autobind problem
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- OpenLDAP->FDS Migration
- From: diaaradwan at gmail.com (Diaa Radwan)
- unique uid problem
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- unique uid problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- unique uid problem
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- password policy help
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- password policy help
- From: aaron.mills at returnpath.net (Aaron Mills)
- schema replication
- From: nicolas.carel at inrp.fr (Nicolas CAREL)
- Re: schema replication
- From: janfrode at tanso.net (Jan-Frode Myklebust)
- OpenLDAP->FDS Migration
- From: rquirantes at cica.es (Rocio Quirantes)
- OpenLDAP->FDS Migration
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- Installing 2 MMR servers, and the aci's don't match after everything is setup
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Installing 2 MMR servers, and the aci's don't match after everything is setup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problems with multimaster replicationconfiguration
- From: rquirantes at cica.es (Rocio Quirantes)
- Problems with multimaster replicationconfiguration
- From: ldapgroup at visolve.com (Visolve LDAP Group )
- Installing 2 MMR servers, and the aci's don't match after everything is setup
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Problems with multimaster replication configuration
- From: rquirantes at cica.es (Rocio Quirantes)
- schema replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- schema replication
- From: janfrode at tanso.net (Jan-Frode Myklebust)
- LDAP performances = databases
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP performances = databases
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Fedora DS backend
- From: pkheuang at yahoo.com.au (kheuangkham phothisan)
- Problems with Numeric String Syntax
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Problems with Numeric String Syntax
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problems with Numeric String Syntax
- From: rquirantes at cica.es (Rocio Quirantes)
- Problems with Numeric String Syntax
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Problems with Numeric String Syntax
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Performances
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Dirsrv startup : SSL failure = answer
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- LDAP Performances
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Dirsrv startup
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Problems with Numeric String Syntax
- From: rquirantes at cica.es (Rocio Quirantes)
- Dirsrv startup
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Password
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Password
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Password
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Password
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Password
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Multiple sync agreement between FDS env and Active Directory is possible ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Multiple sync agreement between FDS env and Active Directory is possible ?
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Replication: How long does it take untilreplicated servers are in sync after one of them came up....
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Replication: How long does it take untilreplicated servers are in sync after one of them came up....
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Replication: How long does it take until replicated servers are in sync after one of them came up....
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Replication: How long does it take until replicated servers are in sync after one of them came up....
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Directory Server Problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Should the password policy set the shadow* attributes on user add?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Directory Server Problems
- From: admin at fmafinancial.com (Adam Staebler)
- Modify Admin Port via LDIF
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Challenges with Fedora DS
- From: premodd at decho.com (Premod Dev)
- Should the password policy set the shadow* attributes on user add?
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Should the password policy set the shadow* attributes on user add?
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- Challenges with Fedora DS
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Challenges with Fedora DS
- From: premodd at decho.com (Premod Dev)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: nalin at redhat.com (Nalin Dahyabhai)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Question about Red Hat Directory Source Code
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Re: tls_checkpeer yes problems
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: tls_checkpeer yes problems
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Challenges with Fedora DS
- From: osereme.osobase at gtbank.com (osereme.osobase)
- dirsrv-admin does not start and hangs without error messages
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- dirsrv-admin does not start and hangs without error messages
- From: eric at vcardprocessor.com (Eric)
- dirsrv-admin does not start and hangs without error messages
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: mail aliases in directory
- From: janfrode at tanso.net (Jan-Frode Myklebust)
- mail aliases in directory
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- mail aliases in directory
- From: janfrode at tanso.net (Jan-Frode Myklebust)
- dirsrv-admin does not start and hangs without error messages
- From: eric at vcardprocessor.com (Eric)
- Updating Consumer replicafails referralto the master from the console.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Updating Consumer replicafails referralto the master from the console.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Updating Consumer replica failsreferralto the master from the console.
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Updating Consumer replica failsreferralto the master from the console.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Updating Consumer replica fails referralto the master from the console.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Updating Consumer replica failsreferralto the master from the console.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Updating Consumer replica fails referralto the master from the console.
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Adding a User with limited Rights
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Adding a User with limited Rights
- From: triswimjoe at hotmail.com (Joe Sheehan)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Adding a User with limited Rights
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Adding a User with limited Rights
- From: triswimjoe at hotmail.com (Joe Sheehan)
- dirsrv-admin does not start and hangs without error messages
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- RE: fedora-idm-console: admin password lost
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- fedora-idm-console: admin password lost
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- dirsrv-admin does not start and hangs without error messages
- From: eric at vcardprocessor.com (Eric)
- FDS and opensuse 11.0
- From: jeff.garner at sanmina-sci.com (Jeff Garner)
- Updating Consumer replica fails referralto the master from the console.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Updating Consumer replica fails referralto the master from the console.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Updating Consumer replica fails referral to the master from the console.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Updating Consumer replica fails referral to the master from the console.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net (kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net (kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net)
- Re: Referential Integrity
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net (kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net (kb9vqf at pearsoncomputing.net)
- Authentication problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Referential Integrity
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Authentication problems
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- posix root user in ds
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [OT?] tls_checkpeer yes problems
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Authentication problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Authentication problems
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Modify Admin Port via LDIF
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- chainings and views (aka views don't follow chains)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Authentication problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- chainings and views (aka views don't follow chains)
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- Authentication problems
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Re: nested groups
- From: janfrode at tanso.net (Jan-Frode Myklebust)
- Authentication problems
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Proper way to generate a server certificate.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Do you use WinSync for group sync?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Modify Admin Port via LDIF
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- New to Fedora Directory Server (Questions)
- From: sas.jamal at linkagemobile.com (Sas Jamal)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Update user passwords with "passwd"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- FDS sync to eDirectory
- From: jeff.garner at sanmina-sci.com (Jeff Garner)
- High CPU load on FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- High CPU load on FDS
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- High CPU load on FDS
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- High CPU load on FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows Sync Not working with AD password = P@ssw0rd ?
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- High CPU load on FDS
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- DSGW on LDAP server
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- idm-console does not accept cert
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Windows Sync Not working with AD password = P@ssw0rd ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW on LDAP server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- migrating from fedora-ds-1.0.4 to fedora-ds-1.1- problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problems with replication and granular password policies
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- idm-console does not accept cert
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- nested groups
- From: janfrode at tanso.net (Jan-Frode Myklebust)
- Windows Sync Not working with AD password = P@ssw0rd ?
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Re: Clarification of User DS tab
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Re: Referrals in RHDS
- From: ldapgroup at visolve.com (ldapgroup)
- RE: Referrals in RHDS
- From: gopinath at visolve.com (gopinath)
- Re: Clarification of User DS tab
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- DSGW on LDAP server
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- migrating from fedora-ds-1.0.4 to fedora-ds-1.1- problem
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Problems with replication and granular password policies
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Clarification of User DS tab
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- idm-console does not accept cert
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- idm-console does not accept cert
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- LDAP Proxy in Fedora Directory Server
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- LDAP Proxy in Fedora Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Proxy in Fedora Directory Server
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Windows Sync (via changelog) only works with front-ends sending uncenctyped passwords
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows Sync (via changelog) only works with front-ends sending uncenctyped passwords
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- LDAP Proxy in Fedora Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Proxy in Fedora Directory Server
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Strange: authentication works only in debug mode?!
- From: s at victornet.de (Simon Victor)
- Re: Binding to Directory Server with Kerberos Tickets
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- FDS and Kerberos in Windows Domain
- From: a.orsaria at gmail.com (Alessandro Orsaria)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- Windows Sync and UserprincipalName
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (Seppel)
- RE: sequence of events
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- FDS DB fatal error
- From: debajit_kataki at rediffmail.com (debu)
- FDS DB fatal error
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: Re: installing fedora ds on vps (xen)
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: patrick.morris at hp.com (Patrick Morris)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- autofs + LDAP
- From: bkosick at mxlogic.com (Brian Kosick)
- Fedora DS or RedHat Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS or RedHat Directory Server
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Fedora DS or RedHat Directory Server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS or RedHat Directory Server
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows Sync and UserprincipalName
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS and Kerberos in Windows Domain
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (Seppel)
- Windows Sync and UserprincipalName
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (Seppel)
- installing fedora ds on vps (xen)
- From: james_roman at ssaihq.com (James Roman)
- installing fedora ds on vps (xen)
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- FDS and Kerberos in Windows Domain
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (Seppel)
- FDS and Kerberos in Windows Domain
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (Seppel)
- Re:freeradius doesn't sent information to mysql
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Binding to Directory Server with Kerberos Tickets
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- Bug 388021 - MMR breaks from masterthat has been reinited
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Help replicating other Directory service data to FDS
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Bug 388021 - MMR breaks from masterthat has been reinited
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- Bug 388021 - MMR breaks from master that has been reinited
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Bug 388021 - MMR breaks from master that has been reinited
- From: Chris.Hendry at turner.com (Hendry, Chris)
- FD-AD Password Sync Trouble
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- FD-AD Password Sync Trouble
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FD-AD Password Sync Trouble
- From: glenn at mail.txwes.edu (Glenn)
- sequence of events
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- Custom DSGW for FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Sync FDS with Active Directory.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on Fedora 10
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on CentOS 5
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows Sync and UserprincipalName
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- WindowSync and Netgroups: Where to add netgroup attributes?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- ACI help
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- ACI help
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Custom DSGW for FDS
- From: Йовко Илче (Йовко Илче)
- Sync FDS with Active Directory.
- From: premodd at decho.com (Premod Dev)
- Fwd: config of SSL on ADs and FDS
- From: abdellah.alaoui2006 at gmail.com (Abdellah Alaoui Ismaili)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on Fedora 10
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- Exporting MD5 Hash from FD-DS into /etc/shadow
- From: franta at hanzlici.cz (Frantisek Hanzlik)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on Fedora 10
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (cw-news)
- Import Existing Wildcard SSL Cert for FDS
- From: jared.griffith at tech-corps.com (Jared B. Griffith)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on Fedora 10
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on Fedora 10
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (cw-news)
- Import Existing Wildcart Cert
- From: jared.griffith at tech-corps.com (Jared Griffith)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on Fedora 10
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- FDS 1.1 is not starting on CentOS 5
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- Fwd: config of SSL on ADs and FDS
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- Fwd: config of SSL on ADs and FDS
- From: abdellah.alaoui2006 at gmail.com (Abdellah Alaoui Ismaili)
- users multiaccess
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Windows Sync and UserprincipalName
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (cw-news)
- config of SSL on ADs and FDS
- From: abdellah.alaoui2006 at gmail.com (Abdellah Alaoui Ismaili)
- config of SSL on ADs and FDS
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- config of SSL on ADs and FDS
- From: abdellah.alaoui2006 at gmail.com (Abdellah Alaoui Ismaili)
- multi-master ports
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- big problem with password length
- From: pengle at rice.edu (Paul Engle)
- multi-master ports
- From: rlarson at usgs.gov (Richard Larson)
- big problem with password length
- From: g.digiambelardini at fabaris.it (Gabriele Di Giambelardini)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: Steve.Fletcher at noaa.gov (Steve Fletcher)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: Steve.Fletcher at noaa.gov (Steve Fletcher)
- SSL cert problem v1.0.4
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: Steve.Fletcher at noaa.gov (Steve Fletcher)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: Steve.Fletcher at noaa.gov (Steve Fletcher)
- Wiki edits have been disabled
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL cert problem v1.0.4
- From: LACY_S at mercer.edu (Scott Lacy)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console problem
- From: Steve.Fletcher at noaa.gov (Steve Fletcher)
- Re: [Pki-users] LDAP Authentication
- From: cfu at redhat.com (Christina Fu)
- RE: [Pki-users] LDAP Authentication
- From: Julius.Adewumi at gdc4s.com (Adewumi, Julius-p99373)
- LDAP Authentication
- From: zach.casper at envieta.com (Zach Casper)
- Re: upgarding fedora core6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: upgarding fedora core6
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- upgarding fedora core6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- upgarding fedora core6
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- Windows synch
- From: abdellah.alaoui2006 at gmail.com (Abdellah Alaoui Ismaili)
- upgarding fedora core6
- From: abdellah.alaoui2006 at gmail.com (Abdellah Alaoui Ismaili)
- upgarding fedora core6
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- nsaccountlock compare error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- nsaccountlock compare error
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- nsaccountlock compare error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- AD Password Sync Question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- nsaccountlock compare error
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- AD Password Sync Question
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- nsaccountlock compare error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Syncing sambaLMPassword and sambaNTPassword with userPassword
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- AD Password Sync Question
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Syncing sambaLMPassword and sambaNTPassword with userPassword
- From: Jeff.Williams at infospace.com (Jeff Williams)
- nsaccountlock compare error
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- AD Password Sync Question
- From: christopher.barry at qlogic.com (Christopher Barry)
- Allow root to change user's passwords
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Allow root to change user's passwords
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Allow root to change user's passwords
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Allow root to change user's passwords
- From: ryan.manikowski at 2ergo.com (Ryan Manikowski)
- Allow root to change user's passwords
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- MMR: Get identical Reolica ID.
- From: rnappert at juniper.net (Reinhard Nappert)
- Error starting SSL enabled Admin-Server Segmentation fault (11)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Error starting SSL enabled Admin-Server Segmentation fault (11)
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Error starting SSL enabled Admin-Server Segmentation fault (11)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Error starting SSL enabled Admin-Server Segmentation fault (11)
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- AD Sync Port Requirements
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- AD Sync Port Requirements
- From: james_roman at ssaihq.com (James Roman)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync - only sync passwords
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- An index for the server-side sort functionality
- From: Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync - only sync passwords
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Is There A HowTo?
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Is There A HowTo?
- From: gene.poole at macys.com (Gene Poole)
- upgarding fedora core6
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync - only sync passwords
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync - only sync passwords
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- MMR over SSL
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- upgarding fedora core6
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- (no subject)
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- (no subject)
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Create client SSL certificates for Solaris boxes.
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Create client SSL certificates for Solaris boxes.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Create client SSL certificates for Solaris boxes.
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Create client SSL certificates for Solaris boxes.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Create client SSL certificates for Solaris boxes.
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- Create client SSL certificates for Solaris boxes.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Configuring replication and creating the supplier bind DN
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- Configuring replication and creating the supplier bind DN
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Configuring replication and creating the supplier bind DN
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: nalin at redhat.com (Nalin Dahyabhai)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync Directory Server red cross
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Configuring replication and creating the supplier bind DN
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- Configuring replication and creating the supplier bind DN
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Configuring replication and creating the supplier bind DN
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync Directory Server red cross
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Use multiple servers with TLS
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Synchrinizing Active Directory and Directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Synchrinizing Active Directory and Directory server
- From: alpalper2000 at yahoo.com (alper kuþkapan)
- DSGW problem - browser user tries to change password
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync Directory Server red cross
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- 'Account Disabled' Windows Sync Directory Server red cross
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Many DSGW authentication problems
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Passsync fails to update directory
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW problem - browser user tries to change password
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- adding ssl from the FMC
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: fedora-idm-console error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- adding ssl from the FMC
- From: Thomas.McManus at childrens.harvard.edu (McManus, Thomas)
- Re: fedora-idm-console error
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: snake007uk at gmail.com (Kashif Ali)
- Couldn't launch the Administration Server Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Couldn't launch the Administration Server Console
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Couldn't launch the Administration Server Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Couldn't launch the Administration Server Console
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: nalin at redhat.com (Nalin Dahyabhai)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: zach.casper at envieta.com (Zach Casper)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: zach.casper at envieta.com (Zach Casper)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: zach.casper at envieta.com (Zach Casper)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Fedora DS Graph 1.1 released
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- Passsync fails to update directory
- From: Jeff.Williams at infospace.com (Jeff Williams)
- LDAP User mngmt & console
- From: zach.casper at envieta.com (Zach Casper)
- Modify existing listening port for the Admin Server
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: fedora ds migration error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora-idm-console error
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Use multiple servers with TLS
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- fedora-idm-console error
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- fedora-idm-console error
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- DSGW problem - browser user tries to change password
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Many DSGW authentication problems
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Many DSGW authentication problems
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Re: fedora ds migration error
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Edward Capriolo)
- Script for populating posix attributes after syncing users from AD
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Ubuntu not enforcing password policies
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- SAMBA PDC+Fedora Dirsrv
- From: premodd at decho.com (Premod Dev)
- SAMBA PDC+Fedora Dirsrv
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- Script for populating posix attributes after syncing users from AD
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Edward Capriolo)
- Script for populating posix attributes after syncing users from AD
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- SAMBA PDC+Fedora Dirsrv
- From: siedler at hrd-asia.com (Wolf Siedler)
- SAMBA PDC+Fedora Dirsrv
- From: realrichardsharpe at gmail.com (Richard Sharpe)
- SAMBA PDC+Fedora Dirsrv
- From: j.barber at dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- SAMBA PDC+Fedora Dirsrv
- From: premodd at decho.com (Premod Dev)
- Sudo in directory server
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Command line created posix user shows posix disabled in console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Command line created posix user shows posix disabled in console
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Command line created posix user shows posix disabled in console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: error in yum fedora-ds
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: error in yum fedora-ds
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Re: error in yum fedora-ds
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Command line created posix user shows posix disabled in console
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- mod_nss OCSP failover to CRL
- From: sg4all at gmail.com (sg4all)
- error in yum fedora-ds
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- error in yum fedora-ds
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- error in yum fedora-ds
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- error in yum fedora-ds
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- RE: userPassword
- From: Dharmin.Mandalia at TangaNet.Net (Dharmin Mandalia)
- FDS silent setup: Could not find user "admin" in the server 'ldap://ldap.testdomain.local:389/o=NetscapeRoot. Error: No such object
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- userPassword
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- userPassword
- From: Dharmin.Mandalia at TangaNet.Net (Dharmin Mandalia)
- FDS silent setup: Could not find user "admin" in the server 'ldap://ldap.testdomain.local:389/o=NetscapeRoot. Error: No such object
- From: forn at ngs.ru (forn)
- LDAP authentication against SAMBA?
- From: cw-news at gmx.de (Carsten Witt)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Question about upgrading
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Question about upgrading
- From: ryan.manikowski at 2ergo.com (Ryan Manikowski)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Dynamic groups not supplying posixgroup membership
- From: j.barber at dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- Dynamic groups not supplying posixgroup membership
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- synchronize fedora with Lotus DominoandMS Active directory
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- synchronize fedora with Lotus DominoandMS Active directory
- From: hugo.hendriks at ciber.nl (Hugo Hendriks)
- synchronize fedora with Lotus Dominoand MS Active directory
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- synchronize fedora with Lotus Dominoand MS Active directory
- From: hugo.hendriks at ciber.nl (Hugo Hendriks)
- synchronize fedora with Lotus Domino and MS Active directory
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- synchronize fedora with Lotus Domino and MS Active directory
- From: hugo.hendriks at ciber.nl (Hugo Hendriks)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: j.barber at dundee.ac.uk (Jonathan Barber)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- posixgroup name lookups
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Replicate o=NetscapeRoot database
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- dbverify
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- [ioggstream] peculiar deploy of fedorads
- From: rpolli at babel.it (rpolli at babel.it)
- Windows Sync and Active Directory password complexity policies
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- Recover directory database files when disk fills up!
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows Sync and Active Directory password complexity policies
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Re: Personal Address book In FDS
- From: stupid.tech at gmail.com (stupid stupid)
- ACI deny matching with macros
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: dudko at fnal.gov (Lev Dudko)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: dudko at fnal.gov (Lev Dudko)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: dudko at fnal.gov (Lev Dudko)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: dudko at fnal.gov (Lev Dudko)
- Error generating certificate-signing request
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- Recover directory database files when disk fills up!
- From: howard at cohtech.com (Howard Wilkinson)
- DSGW user authorization problem
- From: dudko at fnal.gov (Lev Dudko)
- Re: Restored dirsrv on another system but now it does not return any entries for queries
- From: realrichardsharpe at gmail.com (Richard Sharpe)
- Unable to access server group
- From: matt.adams at cypressinteractive.com (Matt Adams)
- Unable to access server group
- From: matt.adams at cypressinteractive.com (Matt Adams)
- Restored dirsrv on another system but now it does not return any entries for queries
- From: realrichardsharpe at gmail.com (Richard Sharpe)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: prabhat3107 at gmail.com (Prabhat Ranjan Pradhan)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- Re: Personal Address book In FDS
- From: stupid.tech at gmail.com (stupid stupid)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: prabhat3107 at gmail.com (Prabhat Ranjan Pradhan)
- surgery on existing directory
- From: G.Seaman at lse.ac.uk (Graham Seaman)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- I can not write dse.ldif file
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- I can not write dse.ldif file
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- surgery on existing directory
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- "Server failed to start !!!" when installing FDS 1.1.3 in RHEL5.2
- From: cwaltham at bowdoin.edu (Christopher Waltham)
- Personal Address book In FDS
- From: stupid.tech at gmail.com (stupid stupid)
- surgery on existing directory
- From: G.Seaman at lse.ac.uk (Graham Seaman)
- Personal Address book In FDS
- From: stupid.tech at gmail.com (stupid stupid)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Frequency of sync windows
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Frequency of sync windows
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Frequency of sync windows
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Errors when a full re-sync is initiated in Windows Sync. Could temp. changes in binding-user rights be the cause?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Frequency of sync windows
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- Frequency of sync windows
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Errors when a full re-sync is initiated in Windows Sync. Could temp. changes in binding-user rights be the cause?
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Unable to create certificate request if O=Example, Inc.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Unable to create certificate request if O=Example, Inc.
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (mallapadi niranjan)
- PassSync : Windows Active Directory remember my last 2 passwords
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Removing attributes from Active Directory on sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Removing attributes from Active Directory on sync
- From: Jeff.Williams at infospace.com (Jeff Williams)
- Removing attributes from Active Directory on sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Removing attributes from Active Directory on sync
- From: Jeff.Williams at infospace.com (Jeff Williams)
- Windows sync: Synchronization of group membership
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows sync: Synchronization of group membership
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Coolkey
- From: zach.casper at gmail.com (Zach Casper)
- Errors when a full re-sync is initiated in Windows Sync. Could temp. changes in binding-user rights be the cause?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- PassSync : Windows Active Directory remember my last 2 passwords
- From: yersinia.spiros at gmail.com (yersinia)
- PassSync : Windows Active Directory remember my last 2 passwords
- From: pinto.elia at gmail.com (devzero2000)
- remote connection to console
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Exporting the Fedora DS certificate
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Errors when a full re-sync is initiated in Windows Sync. Could temp. changes in binding-user rights be the cause?
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- PassSync : Windows Active Directory remember my last 2 passwords
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Exporting the Fedora DS certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- PassSync : Windows Active Directory remember my last 2 passwords
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- Exporting the Fedora DS certificate
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Exporting the Fedora DS certificate
- From: nicolas.carel at inrp.fr (Nicolas CAREL)
- Exporting the Fedora DS certificate
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Exporting the Fedora DS certificate
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Discussion about "Configuration DS" & "User DS" settings in Admin Server Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Discussion about "Configuration DS" & "User DS" settings in Admin Server Console
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Re: WinSync userAccountControl bug (was Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- enforcing ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: WinSync userAccountControl bug (was Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4)
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- enforcing ssl
- From: G.Seaman at lse.ac.uk (Graham Seaman)
- How to configure Multimaster Replication - doubts with the documentation
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- Problems migrating from libdb-4.4 to libdb-4.7
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problems migrating from libdb-4.4 to libdb-4.7
- From: vitty at altlinux.ru (Vitaly Kuznetsov)
- enforcing ssl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- enforcing ssl
- From: G.Seaman at lse.ac.uk (Graham Seaman)
- Re:Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- How to configure Multimaster Replication - doubts with the documentation
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- Re: Windows sync: how do you populate the posixUser attributes?
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Re:Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 3
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 42, Issue 4
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 41, Issue 24
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Fedora-directory-users Digest, Vol 41, Issue 24
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- removing an entry using fedora-ds folder
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- removing an entry using fedora-ds folder
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- dbverify
- From: hyc at symas.com (Howard Chu)
- dbverify
- From: dlannom at umd.umich.edu (Dan Lannom)
- Re: Confusion over what can/can't be synced with Windows Sync
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Bug using a Browse Index and Replication?
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- LDAP Replication default window (nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Win Sync and userAccountControl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Bug using a Browse Index and Replication?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Bug using a Browse Index and Replication?
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- Win Sync and userAccountControl
- From: jad at jadickinson.co.uk (John Dickinson)
- LDAP Replication default window (nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule)
- From: Andrey.Ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- dbverify
- From: dlannom at umd.umich.edu (Dan Lannom)
- Re: Confusion over what can/can't be synced with Windows Sync
- From: jonas.courteau at bravenet.com (Jonas Courteau)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS - The whoami Response
- From: wilmer at fedoraproject.org (Wilmer Jaramillo M.)
- Problem with Password Policy : dirsrv service restart required !
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Problem with Password Policy : dirsrv service restart required !
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problem with Password Policy : dirsrv service restart required !
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Problem with Password Policy : dirsrv service restart required !
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problem with Password Policy : dirsrv service restart required !
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Confusion over what can/can't be synced with Windows Sync
- From: jonas.courteau at bravenet.com (Jonas Courteau)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re:Re: java error in console task
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re:Re: java error in console task
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (bahar bahar)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- PassSync 64bit Window2003
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Recovering Directory Server Admin Password
- From: diaa.radwan at gmail.com (Diaa Radwan)
- Recovering Directory Server Admin Password
- From: ebeda at udsm.ac.tz (Eric Beda)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- java error in console task
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- java error in console task
- From: lukasz.sobczak at altkom.pl (Łukasz Sobczak)
- java error in console task
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (bahar bahar)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- SYNC without password ...
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: how to disable SSL on Directory console
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- Re: how to disable SSL on Directory console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: how to disable SSL on Directory console
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- how to disable SSL on Directory console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- how to disable SSL on Directory console
- From: vipulramani at gmail.com (Vipul Ramani)
- How to obtain detailled stats about replication lock out ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- How to obtain detailled stats about replication lock out ?
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- java error in console parts
- From: zahra.bahar at gmail.com (zahra baharlooi)
- how to windows sync crypted userPassword ?
- From: vujin at fon.rs (vujin at fon.rs)
- URL for ldaploadcacert?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- URL for ldaploadcacert?
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- Windows Sync: Full re-syncronization fails
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- Windows Sync: Full re-syncronization fails
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SunOne 5.2 Migration to FDS/RHDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows Sync: Full re-syncronization fails
- From: erlingre at gmail.com (Erling Ringen Elvsrud)
- adminutil update...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SunOne 5.2 Migration to FDS/RHDS
- From: mrb137 at gmail.com (Michael Brown)
- adminutil update...
- From: lukasz.sobczak at altkom.pl (Łukasz Sobczak)
- Migrating Netscape DS to FDS
- From: dave at posthost.com (Dave)
- Migrating Netscape DS to FDS
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Migrating Netscape DS to FDS
- From: dave at posthost.com (Dave)
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