Hi I used below script to assign password(123.com) to user test1 account which has no password assigned and it does assign the password, when try to login as user test1 with password 123.com, am unable to login. Assigned passwords to few test accounts using below script and same issue unable to login. # ./script test1 123.com ######### START ###################################### #!/bin/ksh -x uid=$1 ; password=$2 PASSWD=`slappasswd -v -h {SSHA} -s "$password"` ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w `cat /tmp/p` << ALLDONE dn: uid=$uid,ou=People, dc=trust, dc=co, dc=uk changetype: modify add: userpassword userpassword: "$PASSWD" ALLDONE ######### END #################### When I export the database do see the the userPassword entry as :- userPassword: {SSHA}Q7B+QFu2iRXxH8Ys8bfW/i3O0HrjSKfwbZHn4A== In the script I also tried PASSWD=123.com , still the same , unable to login. Any helpers to why above script assigns the password but unable to login and what should I do so am able to login. Thanks Regards Dharmin