389 Directory Server Users Archive
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- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: David.Christensen at viveli.com (David Christensen)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (Jean-Noel Chardron)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (Jean-Noel Chardron)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: David.Christensen at viveli.com (David Christensen)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (Jean-Noel Chardron)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Trouble using self signed certificates.
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] Referrals
- From: David.Christensen at viveli.com (David Christensen)
- [389-users] Managing suffixe with command line
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement: 00002108: LdapErr: DSID-0C0907FA, comment: Error processing control, data 0, vece
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Windows Sync Agreement: 00002108: LdapErr: DSID-0C0907FA, comment: Error processing control, data 0, vece
- From: josi at puzzle.ch (Simon Josi)
- (Solved) Re: [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] using uid rather then cn in the binddn
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] Add to registering
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Managing suffixe with command line
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Add to registering
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Registering
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Dynamic groups and maillist
- From: robert.ludvik at zd-lj.si (Robert Ludvik)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] Unregistering a server from a configuration server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] lookthroughlimit and "result: 11 Administrative limit exceeded"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- [389-users] Unregistering a server from a configuration server
- From: vtingey at msl.ubc.ca (Vince Tingey)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] lookthroughlimit and "result: 11 Administrative limit exceeded"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] lookthroughlimit and "result: 11 Administrative limit exceeded"
- From: tisdn.livre at serpro.gov.br (Diretorio Livre)
- [389-users] lookthroughlimit and "result: 11 Administrative limit exceeded"
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: dweintraub+fds at vecna.com (Dan Weintraub)
- [389-users] loss of group members in AD after initialization of sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] Unable to connect to Admin or DS from management console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (Jean-Noel Chardron)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (Jean-Noel Chardron)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Performance cuestions about ds.
- From: pg_fds at fds.for.sabi.co.UK (Peter Grandi)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Unable to connect to Admin or DS from management console
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] Unable to connect to Admin or DS from management console
- From: andrew.kerr at amdocs.com (Andrew Kerr)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: david.donnan at thalesgroup.com (David (Dave) Donnan)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] Help Needed -----Linux Ldap Client machine unable to login Fedors DS
- From: narender.hooda at gmail.com (Hakuna Matata)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] OS to authenticate to DS using TLS
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] General LDAP security
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] General LDAP security
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] General LDAP security
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] General LDAP security
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] General LDAP security
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] SSL Library Error: -12271 SSL client cannot verify your certificate
- From: pronix.service at gmail.com (dima vasiletc)
- [389-users] Sharing scripts for AD<->RHDS integration
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- [389-users] Error debianizing the 389-ds-base-1.2.1 package
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] cron no longer works after password expiration
- From: aaron.mills at returnpath.net (Aaron Mills)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: jazcek at scs.fsu.edu (Jazcek Braden)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] loss of group members in AD after initialization of sync
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (Jean-Noel Chardron)
- [389-users] loss of group members in AD after initialization of sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: pronix.service at gmail.com (dima vasiletc)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: pronix.service at gmail.com (dima vasiletc)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: pronix.service at gmail.com (dima vasiletc)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] Performance cuestions about ds.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: pronix.service at gmail.com (dima vasiletc)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Richard Megginson)
- [389-users] which user must have access to /var/run/dirsrv ?
- From: pronix.service at gmail.com (dima vasiletc)
- [389-users] Performance cuestions about ds.
- From: julio at openinside.es (Julio Gómez Belmonte)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: jazcek at gmail.com (Jazcek Braden)
- [389-users] GID error
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] New to FDS, need some assistance with DIT configuration
- From: David.Christensen at viveli.com (David Christensen)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Registering to a central admin server
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] loss of group members in AD after initialization of sync
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] PAM-LDAP LDAPS Where (in /etc/ldap.conf) to hardcode the keyfile-password (which name=value pair) ?
- From: david.donnan at thalesgroup.com (David (Dave) Donnan)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] recovery manager password
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] recovery manager password
- From: xkyanh at gmail.com (Kỳ Anh, Huỳnh)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: dweintraub+fds at vecna.com (Dan Weintraub)
- [389-users] Fail to sync with active directory (partially solved)
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] error: failed to install local copy of fedora-ds-1.1.jar
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Fail to sync with active directory
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] error: failed to install local copy of fedora-ds-1.1.jar
- From: lejeczek at jatymy.org (lejeczek)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Problems with replication over SSL
- From: dweintraub+fds at vecna.com (Dan Weintraub)
- [389-users] DSA unwilling to process update / Viewing contents of replication updates
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] DSA unwilling to process update / Viewing contents of replication updates
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] Problem to create a root entry
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] DSA unwilling to process update / Viewing contents of replication updates
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Problem to create a root entry
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Problem to create a root entry
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] DSA unwilling to process update / Viewing contents of replication updates
- From: chris at untrepid.com (Chris Phillips)
- [389-users] error: failed to install local copy of fedora-ds-1.1.jar
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Problem to create a root entry
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Double quoted distinguished names
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Unable to set -1 total log disk space in fedora-idm-console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] error: failed to install local copy of fedora-ds-1.1.jar
- From: lejeczek at jatymy.org (lejeczek)
- [389-users] Unable to set -1 total log disk space in fedora-idm-console
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- [389-users] Problem to create a root entry
- From: Jean-Noel.Chardron at dr15.cnrs.fr (jean-Noël Chardron)
- [389-users] Double quoted distinguished names
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- [389-users] Allowing users to change their password
- From: niranjan.ashok at gmail.com (mallapadi niranjan)
- [389-users] Allowing users to change their password
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] Allowing users to change their password
- From: kenneho.ndu at gmail.com (Kenneth Holter)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Developting a CentOS-DS setup
- From: dcoatshca at gmail.com (Doug Coats)
- [389-users] Error debianizing the 389-ds-base-1.2.1 package
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Error debianizing the 389-ds-base-1.2.1 package
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] Customizing IDM Console
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] Cannot start the dirsrv process on Debian Lenny
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] Where can I get the 389-ds-base developer names and emails?
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] log on window machines
- From: el_alexluna at yahoo.com.mx (Alejandro Rodriguez Luna)
- [389-users] Cannot start the dirsrv process on Debian Lenny
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Cert check in replication ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Double quoted distinguished names
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- [389-users] Cert check in replication ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Cannot start the dirsrv process on Debian Lenny
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] Double quoted distinguished names
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- [389-users] Double quoted distinguished names
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- [389-users] Synching different passwords
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- [389-users] Monitoring recovering
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- [389-users] Monitoring recovering
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- [389-users] Monitoring recovering
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Synching different passwords
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Synching different passwords
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Active Directory Chaining - Search Filters fail
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- [389-users] Monitoring recovering
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Active Directory Chaining - Search Filters fail
- From: alex at davz.net (Alex Davies)
- [389-users] Re: Regarding data deletion in FDS
- From: debajit_kataki at rediffmail.com (debu)
- [389-users] notifications?
- From: d.alexander at lse.ac.uk (Derek Alexander)
- [389-users] notifications?
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- [389-users] notifications?
- From: d.alexander at lse.ac.uk (Derek Alexander)
- [389-users] notifications?
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- [389-users] notifications?
- From: d.alexander at lse.ac.uk (Derek Alexander)
- [389-users] Best practice for user / group authentication
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Edward Capriolo)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- [389-users] Where are the 1.2.0 rpms?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Where are the 1.2.0 rpms?
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- [389-users] Fedora-DS Multi Master "no such replica"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Where are the 1.2.0 rpms?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Where are the 1.2.0 rpms?
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: david.donnan at thalesgroup.com (David (Dave) Donnan)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Creating suffixe with command line
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Deleting suffixe with command line
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Customizing IDM Console
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] Customizing IDM Console
- From: vitty at altlinux.ru (Vitaly Kuznetsov)
- [389-users] Fedora-DS Multi Master "no such replica"
- From: steen at ing-steen.se (Peter Steen)
- [389-users] Customizing IDM Console
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Best practice for user / group authentication
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- [389-users] Best practice for user / group authentication
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- [389-users] Customizing IDM Console
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] Best practice for user / group authentication
- From: dumboq at yahoo.com (Dumbo Q)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: ngolnik at gmail.com (Nate Golnik)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs --scripts attached
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs --scripts attached
- From: capareci at uol.com.br (Renato Ribeiro da Silva)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Schema Question
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- [389-users] CentOS5 Desktops authenticating to 389 Directory Server
- From: clintd at scms.waikato.ac.nz (Clint Dilks)
- [389-users] CentOS5 Desktops authenticating to 389 Directory Server
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] CentOS5 Desktops authenticating to 389 Directory Server
- From: clintd at scms.waikato.ac.nz (Clint Dilks)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Console unavailable after failed login
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] Errors installing PKI Clone / chicken or egg question
- From: mmercier at gmail.com (Mike Mercier)
- [389-users] Schema Question
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- [389-users] Errors installing PKI Clone / chicken or egg question
- From: mmercier at gmail.com (Mike Mercier)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs --scripts attached
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Errors installing PKI Clone / chicken or egg question
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- [389-users] Errors installing PKI Clone / chicken or egg question
- From: mmercier at gmail.com (Mike Mercier)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs --scripts attached
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- [389-users] [fedora-directory-users] NSMMReplicationPlugin messages in errors log
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] [fedora-directory-users] NSMMReplicationPlugin messages in errors log
- From: mmercier at gmail.com (Mike Mercier)
- [389-users] DNA not working?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] [fedora-directory-users] NSMMReplicationPlugin messages in errors log
- From: mmercier at gmail.com (Mike Mercier)
- [389-users] posixGroup
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- [389-users] DNA not working?
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] memberOf task problem
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] [fedora-directory-users] NSMMReplicationPlugin messages in errors log
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] [fedora-directory-users] NSMMReplicationPlugin messages in errors log
- From: mmercier at gmail.com (Mike Mercier)
- [389-users] How to unlock a busy replica
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] How to unlock a busy replica
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- [389-users] what are components of FDS?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] How to unlock a busy replica
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] How to unlock a busy replica
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- [389-users] How to unlock a busy replica
- From: hartmann at fas.harvard.edu (Tim Hartmann)
- [389-users] How to unlock a busy replica
- From: daniel.cruz at sc.senai.br (DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ)
- [389-users] IP change for FDS install as localhost.localdomain for a generic installation ?
- From: david.donnan at thalesgroup.com (David (Dave) Donnan)
- [389-users] what are components of FDS?
- From: xkyanh at gmail.com (Kỳ Anh, Huỳnh)
- [389-users] IP change for FDS
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- [389-users] IP change for FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] IP change for FDS
- From: blue_moon_ro at yahoo.com (Sebastian Tabarce)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] cmd line for changing password encryption
- From: vu at sivell.com (vu pham)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- [389-users] I'm going to compile the sources to generate .debs
- From: morenisco at noc-root.net (Morenisco)
- [389-users] cmd line for changing password encryption
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] cmd line for changing password encryption
- From: vu at sivell.com (vu pham)
- [389-users] DNA not working?
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- [389-users] DNA not working?
- From: amirov at infinet.ru (Dmitry Amirov)
- [389-users] Re: FDS 1.2 - error when reinitialized dirsrv after the replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] FDS Groups
- From: ninjazjb at gmail.com (Jason Brown)
- [389-users] Re: FDS 1.2 - error when reinitialized dirsrv after the replication
- From: priscilla.lanne at gmail.com (Priscilla Leao)
- [389-users] cert and key database failure
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Replication failure
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] FDS cert check
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] what are components of FDS?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Changed hostname of machine. FDS Admin Server FAILS to start: I forgot to edit /etc/hosts as well
- From: david.donnan at thalesgroup.com (David (Dave) Donnan)
- [389-users] Changed hostname of machine. FDS Admin Server FAILS to start: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- [389-users] Changed hostname of machine. FDS Admin Server FAILS to start: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name
- From: david.donnan at thalesgroup.com (David (Dave) Donnan)
- [389-users] HOWTO For A Newbie
- From: kwan.lowe at gmail.com (Kwan Lowe)
- [389-users] HOWTO For A Newbie
- From: jfenal at gmail.com (Jérôme Fenal)
- [389-users] HOWTO For A Newbie
- From: gene.poole at macys.com (Gene Poole)
- [389-users] domain vs organizationalUnit+dcObject
- From: vu at sivell.com (vu pham)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: yersinia.spiros at gmail.com (yersinia)
- [389-users] what are components of FDS?
- From: xkyanh at gmail.com (Kỳ Anh, Huỳnh)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] LDAP to samba password synchronization
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] cert and key database failure
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Replication failure
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] PAM-LDAP LDAPS Where (in /etc/ldap.conf) to hardcode the keyfile-password (which name=value pair) ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Replication failure
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] Replication failure
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] cert and key database failure
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- [389-users] PAM-LDAP LDAPS Where (in /etc/ldap.conf) to hardcode the keyfile-password (which name=value pair) ?
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- [389-users] Schema SYNTAX question for 389.
- From: techchavez at gmail.com (J.C.)
- [389-users] windows replication directory subtree problems
- From: jfgamsby at lbl.gov (Jeff Gamsby)
- [389-users] windows replication directory subtree problems
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- [389-users] windows replication directory subtree problems
- From: jfgamsby at lbl.gov (Jeff Gamsby)
- [389-users] PAM-LDAP LDAPS (Linux Login) with PAM-LDAP using a client certificate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Case sensitivity and FC9 389 DS packages.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- [389-users] Part 2: PAM-LDAP LDAPS (Linux Login) with PAM-LDAP using a client certificate
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- [389-users] PAM-LDAP LDAPS (Linux Login) with PAM-LDAP using a client certificate
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- [389-users] Case sensitivity and FC9 389 DS packages.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- [389-users] Case sensitivity and FC9 389 DS packages.
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- [389-users] Case sensitivity and FC9 389 DS packages.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- test
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP browsers
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- FDS chaining
- From: rwood at TrustedCS.com (Randall Wood)
- Per-hos access
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Wildcards in groupdn in ACIs
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Per-hos access
- From: michal.nosek at enlogit.cz (Michal Nosek)
- FDS 1.2 - error when reinitialized dirsrv after the replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS 1.2 - error when reinitialized dirsrv after the replication
- From: priscilla.lanne at gmail.com (Priscilla Leao)
- The Fedora Directory Server Project is now "389"
- From: edlinuxguru at gmail.com (Edward Capriolo)
- The Fedora Directory Server Project is now "389"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Regarding data deletion in FDS
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Per-hos access
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Per-hos access
- From: michal.nosek at enlogit.cz (Michal Nosek)
- aliasedObjectName problem
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- Regarding data deletion in FDS
- From: debajit_kataki at rediffmail.com (debu)
- DNA MultiMaster
- From: nkinder at redhat.com (Nathan Kinder)
- DNA MultiMaster
- From: konetzed at quixoticagony.com (Edward Konetzko)
- objectRenamed with JNDI persistent search
- From: MEpstein at symark.com (Michael A. Epstein)
- objectRenamed with JNDI persistent search
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- dna multimaster
- From: konetzed at quixoticagony.com (Edward Konetzko)
- objectRenamed with JNDI persistent search
- From: MEpstein at symark.com (Michael A. Epstein)
- objectRenamed with JNDI persistent search
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- objectRenamed with JNDI persistent search
- From: MEpstein at symark.com (Michael A. Epstein)
- fds failsto startin centos5.3 openvzinstance
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- fds fails to startin centos5.3 openvzinstance
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fds fails to startin centos5.3 openvzinstance
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- fds fails to start in centos5.3 openvzinstance
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- fds fails to start in centos5.3 openvzinstance
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- fds fails to start in centos 5.3 openvzinstance
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fds fails to start in centos 5.3 openvzinstance
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- HELP! Lost single Master
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- HELP! Lost single Master
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- HELP! Lost single Master
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- HELP! Lost single Master
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- fds fails to start in centos 5.3 openvz instance
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- fds fails to start in centos 5.3 openvz instance
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Unknown attribute nsslapd-ldapiautonsuffix will be ignored
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- What doesn't a user access the system directly?
- From: goni at selimins.co.kr (김정곤)
- What doesn't a user access the system directly?
- From: goni at selimins.co.kr (김정곤)
- Allow root to change user's passwords
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- Unknown attribute nsslapd-ldapiautonsuffix will be ignored
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Storing email distribution lists in DS
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Active Directory PW sync works for console but not user initiated PW changes
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- shadowLastChange error and Active Directory synchronization
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- shadowLastChange error and Active Directory synchronization
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- shadowLastChange error and Active Directory synchronization
- From: gholbert at broadcom.com (George Holbert)
- shadowLastChange error and Active Directory synchronization
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Fedora DS startup problem
- From: booleong at gmail.com (Barramundi K)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- Proposed new features for 1.3 - logs
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- Slowly the network under control of FDS works
- From: alex-saf at npc.vrn.ru (Сафонов Алексей)
- Slowly the network under control of FDS works
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Slowly the network under control of FDS works
- From: jfenal at gmail.com (Jérôme Fenal)
- Slowly the network under control of FDS works
- From: alex-saf at npc.vrn.ru (Сафонов Алексей)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- Force schema replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- Force schema replication
- From: jasanchez at ccnt-spain.com (Juan Asensio Sánchez)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- LDAP proxy
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- dna
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- dna
- From: konetzed at quixoticagony.com (Edward Konetzko)
- dirsrv on IPv6 and dirsrv-admin on IPv4
- From: fortunato.montresor at earthlink.net (Fortunato)
- ConfigFile directives in .inf-files
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- fedora-ds-admin version 1.1.7 not found here: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/releases/10/Everything/i386/os/Packages/
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- ConfigFile directives in .inf-files
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW Unable to Authenticate
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- DSGW Unable to Authenticate
- From: dudko at fnal.gov (Lev Dudko)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- ConfigFile directives in .inf-files
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- dirsrv on IPv6 and dirsrv-admin on IPv4
- From: peter.green at bexleyitsolutions.co.uk (Peter Green)
- DSGW Unable to Authenticate
- From: peter.green at bexleyitsolutions.co.uk (Peter Green)
- dirsrv on IPv6 and dirsrv-admin on IPv4
- From: fortunato.montresor at earthlink.net (Fortunato)
- Replication agreement trouble
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- ConfigFile directives in .inf-files
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- aliasedObjectName problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- aliasedObjectName problem
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- ConfigFile directives in .inf-files
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Where to search mail archives, cannot find the command: remove-ds-admin.pl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Where to search mail archives, cannot find the command: remove-ds-admin.pl
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- Replication agreement trouble
- From: jasanchez at ccnt-spain.com (Juan Asensio Sánchez)
- FDS for EPEL 5
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- aliasedObjectName problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Replication agreement trouble
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Where to search mail archives, cannot find the command: remove-ds-admin.pl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- aliasedObjectName problem
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- RE: Where to search mail archives, cannot find the command: remove-ds-admin.pl - don't worry
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Configure LDAP clients
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Configure LDAP clients
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Replication agreement trouble
- From: jasanchez at ccnt-spain.com (Juan Asensio Sánchez)
- logconv showing unindexed searches on indexed attributes.
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Where to search mail archives, cannot find the command: remove-ds-admin.pl
- From: ckannan at redhat.com (Chandrasekar Kannan)
- Where to search mail archives, cannot find the command: remove-ds-admin.pl
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- logconv showing unindexed searches on indexed attributes.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (James Chavez)
- fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- Windows sync woes
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Am I on the right list?
- From: jplorier at montecarlotv.com.uy (Juan Pablo Lorier)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: orion at cora.nwra.com (Orion Poplawski)
- Re: fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: ajs at th.ph.bham.ac.uk (Andy Schofield)
- Re: fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: james_roman at ssaihq.com (James Roman)
- Re: fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: ajs at th.ph.bham.ac.uk (Andy Schofield)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- fedora ds problem with updating centos
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- atomically delete subtree (non leaf)
- From: rpolli at babel.it (Roberto Polli)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- Samba 3 + FDS
- From: jplorier at montecarlotv.com.uy (Juan Pablo Lorier)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: agiggins at wcg.net.au (Anthony Giggins)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Installation error
- From: samuel.germain at gmail.com (Samuel Germain)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- Moving from Openldap to Directory server
- From: ngolnik at gmail.com (Nate Golnik)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Trouble starting 1.2.0 on debian lenny.
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Moving from Openldap to Directory server
- From: gopalsachin at gmail.com (Sachin Gopal)
- ds_removal error message when removing server with NetscapeRoot
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- ds_removal error message when removing server with NetscapeRoot
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- Source RPMS for 1.2.0
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- AW: Concatenate two ca certs
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Concatenate two ca certs
- From: philipp.rusch at gw-world.com (Rusch Philipp pru09)
- Source RPMS for 1.2.0
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Source RPMS for 1.2.0
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin Server console question.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new feature (if not too late...)
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Admin Server console question.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Admin Server console question.
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Admin Server console question.
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: dpartridge at tangible.net (David Partridge)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: dpartridge at tangible.net (David Partridge)
- LDAP proxy
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: ckannan at redhat.com (Chandrasekar Kannan)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: dpartridge at tangible.net (David Partridge)
- LDAP proxy
- From: mrejda at kerio.com (Michal Rejda)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Exception in thread
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: dpartridge at tangible.net (David Partridge)
- Exception in thread
- From: fortunato.montresor at earthlink.net (Fortunato)
- Exception in thread
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Exception in thread
- From: fortunato.montresor at earthlink.net (Fortunato)
- Exception in thread
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Exception in thread
- From: fortunato.montresor at earthlink.net (Fortunato)
- Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
- From: fortunato.montresor at earthlink.net (Fortunato)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: jsullivan at opensourcedevel.com (John A. Sullivan III)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL Hub replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL Hub replication
- From: jasanchez at ccnt-spain.com (Juan Asensio Sánchez)
- Problem configuring ldapphpadmin & fedora directory server
- From: guillaume.chardin at gmail.com (Guillaume CHARDIN)
- Trouble using presence plugin
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Trouble using presence plugin
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (Brown Diego)
- Re: Movin from openldap
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- Movin from openldap
- From: gopalsachin at gmail.com (Sachin Gopal)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: stpierre at NebrWesleyan.edu (Chris St. Pierre)
- PAM pass through auth plugin
- From: neuronring at gmail.com (neuron ring)
- Proposed new features for 1.3
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Certificate to LDAP mapping problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Certificate to LDAP mapping problem
- From: neuronring at gmail.com (neuron ring)
- Certificate to LDAP Mapping API
- From: lambam80 at hotmail.com (lambam80 at hotmail.com)
- Windows data sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows data sync
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows data sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows data sync
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows data sync
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows data sync
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- Windows data sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows data sync
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows Sync problem
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- quickie on basics - another instance of directory server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- idm console connect to admin serv but in...
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Kerberos login
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows account not atcivated ?
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- import-merge utility clarification
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Small change: Modrdn operation not allowed on non-leaf.
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows data sync
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Windows data sync
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Small change: Modrdn operation not allowed on non-leaf.
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (Brown Diego)
- Modrdn operation not allowed on non-leaf.
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (Brown Diego)
- import-merge utility clarification
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (Brown Diego)
- Certificate to LDAP Mapping API
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Certificate to LDAP Mapping API
- From: neuronring at gmail.com (neuron ring)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: ryan.manikowski at 2ergo.com (Ryan Manikowski)
- /usr/lib64/dirsrv/modules/mod_admserv.so will not load
- From: scarolan at gmail.com (Sean Carolan)
- Database Testing Utility?
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Password
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Problem in moving subtree of entries to new parent.
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Problem in moving subtree of entries to new parent.
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Database Testing Utility?
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (Brown Diego)
- Problem in moving subtree of entries to new parent.
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (Brown Diego)
- Problem in moving subtree of entries to new parent.
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Import Unix users
- From: yinyang at eburg.com (Gordon Messmer)
- Windows account not atcivated ?
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Windows account not atcivated ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows account not atcivated ?
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Problem in moving subtree of entries to new parent.
- From: browndeigo at gmail.com (brown deigo)
- Kerberos login
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Windows account not atcivated ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Sync diff subtrees ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Problem with mmldif tool
- From: neuronring at gmail.com (neuron ring)
- Problem with mmldif tool
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Problem with mmldif tool
- From: nhosoi at redhat.com (Noriko Hosoi)
- Sync diff subtrees ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Sync diff subtrees ?
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- Sync diff subtrees ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Nothing happens on Win Sync ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Nothing happens on Win Sync ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- idm console connect to admin serv but in...
- From: lejeczek at jatymy.org (lejeczek)
- Ubuntu 8.04 authentication
- From: diwakoe at gmail.com (Diwakoe)
- Nothing happens on Win Sync ?
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- RE: Solaris 10 central auth through FDS
- From: lbigum at iseek.com.au (Luke Bigum)
- RE: Solaris 10 central auth through FDS
- From: aaron.mills at returnpath.net (Aaron Mills)
- quickie on basics - another instance of directory server
- From: lejeczek at jatymy.org (lejeczek)
- Windows Sync problem
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Import Unix users
- From: per at norhex.com (Per Qvindesland)
- Problem with mmldif tool
- From: neuronring at gmail.com (neuron ring)
- Re: Ubuntu 8.04 authentication
- From: diwakoe at gmail.com (Diwakoe)
- RE: Solaris 10 central auth through FDS
- From: lbigum at iseek.com.au (Luke Bigum)
- Password History Navigation
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Plug in
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Solaris 10 central auth through FDS
- From: aaron.mills at returnpath.net (Aaron Mills)
- Plug in
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Ubuntu 8.04 authentication
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Password History Navigation
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Re: Ubuntu 8.04 authentication
- From: tscherf at redhat.com (Thorsten Scherf)
- FDS Password policy and passsync
- From: jfenal at redhat.com (Jerome Fenal)
- Problem with ldbm-backend in fds
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS Password policy and passsync
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- FDS Password policy and passsync
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Admin-server/config-server
- From: tamarinp at gmail.com (tamarin p)
- SSL replication
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- SSL replication
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Ubuntu 8.04 authentication
- From: diwakoe at gmail.com (Diwakoe)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: branimir.pejakovic at fina.hr (Branimir)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: branimir.pejakovic at fina.hr (Branimir)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: branimir.pejakovic at fina.hr (Branimir)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: nalin at redhat.com (Nalin Dahyabhai)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Default Password Encryption Scheme
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: branimir.pejakovic at fina.hr (Branimir)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Default Password Encryption Scheme
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: rquirantes at cica.es (Rocio Quirantes)
- Unable to properly login with cached password using libpam-ccreds
- From: ryan.braun at ec.gc.ca (Ryan Braun [ADS])
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- Default Password Encryption Scheme
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Re: Total number of LDAP entries
- From: branimir.pejakovic at fina.hr (Branimir)
- Default Password Encryption Scheme
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Default Password Encryption Scheme
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Too many FDS open
- From: diwakoe at gmail.com (Diwakoe)
- Re: Migrating Fedora DS 1.1 to another host, (NOT) by script "migrate-ds-admin"
- From: siedler at hrd-asia.com (Wolf Siedler)
- Re: Migrating Fedora DS 1.1 to another host, (NOT) by script "migrate-ds-admin"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Re: Migrating Fedora DS 1.1 to another host, (NOT) by script "migrate-ds-admin"
- From: siedler at hrd-asia.com (Wolf Siedler)
- Total number of LDAP entries
- From: branimir.pejakovic at fina.hr (Branimir)
- Migrating Fedora DS 1.1 to another host by script "migrate-ds-admin"
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Problem with ldbm-backend in fds
- From: neuronring at gmail.com (neuron ring)
- Migrating Fedora DS 1.1 to another host by script "migrate-ds-admin"
- From: siedler at hrd-asia.com (Wolf Siedler)
- SSL certificate problem with config two multimaster servers
- From: listas.vhs at gmail.com (Victor Hugo dos Santos)
- Last password change
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- Dynamic Schema Reload
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Dynamic Schema Reload
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Dynamic Schema Reload
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Dynamic Schema Reload
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Dynamic Schema Reload
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- FDS and PagedResultsControl
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: beyonddc.storage at gmail.com (Chun Tat David Chu)
- Last password change
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Last password change
- From: sigidwu at gmail.com (sigid@JINLab)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- LDAP Unsolicited Notifications
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- FDS and PagedResultsControl
- From: david_list at boreham.org (David Boreham)
- FDS and PagedResultsControl
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- FDS and PagedResultsControl
- From: michael at stroeder.com (Michael Ströder)
- FDS and PagedResultsControl
- From: minfrin at sharp.fm (Graham Leggett)
- Re: unique uid problem
- From: bbahar3 at gmail.com (Eric)
- udev rules
- From: milovisho at hotmail.com (Ramiro Fabricio Pulgar Montero)
- SSL failure
- From: msauton at redhat.com (Marc Sauton)
- Too many FDS open
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Too many FDS open
- From: kzona at transunion.com (Zona, Kevin)
- Too many FDS open
- From: kzona at transunion.com (Zona, Kevin)
- Managing key3.db file
- From: rcritten at redhat.com (Rob Crittenden)
- Password policy don't work on a subtree
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- SSL failure
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Managing key3.db file
- From: emmanuel.billot at ird.fr (Emmanuel BILLOT)
- Too many FDS open
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Too many FDS open
- From: andrey.ivanov at polytechnique.fr (Andrey Ivanov)
- Too many FDS open
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Password policy don't work on a subtree
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Too many FDS open
- From: james.chavez at sanmina-sci.com (Chavez, James R.)
- Password policy don't work on a subtree
- From: rmeggins at redhat.com (Rich Megginson)
- Password policy don't work on a subtree
- From: hugo.etievant at inrp.fr (Hugo Etievant)
- Too many FDS open
- From: kzona at transunion.com (Zona, Kevin)
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