Hi, I made the following on a Debian Lenny chroot environment: 1) Installed all the dependences on the OS for the 389-ds-base-1.2.1 package. 2) I compiled sucessfully the 389-ds-base-1.2.1 package. 3) I configured the service, and in the last step the service didn't start, giving me the following error: Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]: Password: Password (confirm): /dev/null: Permission denied Server failed to start !!! Please check errors log for problems 4) Error log: root at dirserv1:/opt/dirsrv/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-dirserv1# cat errors Fedora-Directory/1.2.1 B2009.152.220 dirserv1.cdsl.cl:389 (/opt/dirsrv/etc/dirsrv/slapd-dirserv1) [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - dblayer_instance_start: pagesize: 4096, pages: 524288, procpages: 7193 [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - cache autosizing: import cache: 204800k [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - li_import_cache_autosize: 50, import_pages: 51200, pagesize: 4096 [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - WARNING: Import is running with nsslapd-db-private-import-mem on; No other process is allowed to access the database [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - dblayer_instance_start: pagesize: 4096, pages: 524288, procpages: 7193 [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - cache autosizing: import cache: 204800k [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - li_import_cache_autosize: 50, import_pages: 51200, pagesize: 4096 [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - import userRoot: Beginning import job... [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - import userRoot: Index buffering enabled with bucket size 100 [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - import userRoot: Processing file "/tmp/ldifJJTzfX.ldif" [04/Jun/2009:04:26:02 +0000] - import userRoot: Finished scanning file "/tmp/ldifJJTzfX.ldif" (9 entries) [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Workers finished; cleaning up... [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Workers cleaned up. [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Cleaning up producer thread... [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Indexing complete. Post-processing... [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Flushing caches... [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Closing files... [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - All database threads now stopped [04/Jun/2009:04:26:03 +0000] - import userRoot: Import complete. Processed 9 entries in 1 seconds. (9.00 entries/sec) 5) Trying to start it manually: root at dirserv1:/opt/dirsrv/etc/rc.d/init.d# ./dirsrv start Starting dirsrv: dirserv1.../dev/null: Permission denied ^C 6) Reviewing the permissions over /dev/null root at dirserv1:~/project-389# ls -l /dev/null crw-r--r-- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-05-31 23:38 /dev/null I changed the permissions: root at dirserv1:~/project-389# chmod 0666 /dev/null root at dirserv1:~/project-389# ls -l /dev/null crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-05-31 23:38 /dev/null 7) Trying again: root at dirserv1:/opt/dirsrv/etc/rc.d/init.d# ./dirsrv start Starting dirsrv: dirserv1... FAILED *** Warning: 1 instance(s) failed to start 8) Seeing the error log file: root at dirserv1:/opt/dirsrv/var/log/dirsrv/slapd-dirserv1# cat errors [04/Jun/2009:04:43:11 +0000] - Fedora-Directory/1.2.1 B2009.152.220 starting up [04/Jun/2009:04:43:11 +0000] - Failed to create semaphore for stats file (/opt/dirsrv/var/run/dirsrv/slapd-dirserv1.stats). Error 38.(Function not implemented) Some idea bout this error please? Thanks. -- Morenisco. Centro de Difusi?n del Software Libre. http://www.cdsl.cl http://trabajosfloss.noc-root.net Blog: http://morenisco.noc-root.net