On luned? 04 maggio 2009 18:01:18 Rich Megginson wrote: > >>> * search in subtrees of view: when I create a view (eg. a view of > >>> domains) I can't search in its subentries (eg. in ou=people, dc=domain) > > > > base tree: > > dc=example.com, o=example ltd, dc=top > > dc=example.net, o=example ltd, dc=top > > dc=company.com, o=company ltd, dc=top > > > > using views I can create a tree of all domains, no matter which > > organization: ou=domainView, dc=top > > nsViewFilter: (dc=*) > > > > so under ou=domainView I got all domains > > dc=example.com,ou=domainView > > dc=company.com,ou=domainView > > ... > > > > imagine I'd like to search a user under domain example.com > > dn: uid=jondoe,dc=example.com,o=example ltd,dc=top > > > > I could search straight in > > dc=example.com,ou=domainView,dc=top > > > > or pick directly > > uid=jondoe,dc=example.com,ou=domainView,dc=top > > > > but it's not possible. imho the behavior I suggest is more intuitive, as you can find in the view non only the given entries but their subtrees - and that's usually what software expects from an entry. In that way I have no different behavior between the original entry and the view one. > > It's not possible to do a search like > ldapsearch -s sub -b "dc=top" "(uid=jondoe)" > ? yes, but does a smaller basedn slower the search in case of thousands of entries? there's one more case where that behavior can be useful: in the above example, if I got o=example ltd is a dblink to server1 and o=company ltd is a dblink on server2 searching on dc=top would result in a search on two servers, while searching in the right tree will search only on the "right" one - except for a fast search for domain - and in mail environment we always know the domain. Hope it helps+Peace, R. -- Roberto Polli Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it Tel. +39.06.91801075 - fax +39.06.91612446 Tel. cel +39.340.6522736 P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma) "Il seguente messaggio contiene informazioni riservate. Qualora questo messaggio fosse da Voi ricevuto per errore, Vogliate cortesemente darcene notizia a mezzo e-mail. Vi sollecitiamo altres? a distruggere il messaggio erroneamente ricevuto. Quanto precede Vi viene chiesto ai fini del rispetto della legge in materia di protezione dei dati personali."