hello, On a fresh install of a 389 directory server on fedora 10, I tried to create a root entry as described in the book Administration of Redhat Directory Server I tried some possibilities with directory console or command line, the behavior is hazardous : in command line i tried this below, but the branch dc=ad,... doesn't appear in the directory console [root at aragon db]# ldapmodify -a -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret dn: cn=adData,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsBackendInstance nsslapd-suffix: dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr adding new entry "cn=adData,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config" dn: cn="dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr",cn=mapping tree,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: nsMappingTree nsslapd-state: backend nsslapd-parent-suffix: "dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr" nsslapd-backend: adData cn: dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr adding new entry "cn="dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr",cn=mapping tree,cn=config" but the branch dc=ad,dr=15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr doesn't appear in the directory console If I ommit the parent (nsslapd-parent-suffix: "dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr") and i create a independant branch, the new root suffix (dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr) appear in the directory console but in the tab "directory" I cannot create the new root Object In fact my original problem is that I am never able to create a new root object in the Directory under the root sufix dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr even after creating the database. In the directory console the link 'New Root Object' is not active, then I cannot create the root object "dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr" Can somebody tell me what is wrong or misconfigured Thanks jnc