Hello, I am getting the following error on both ends of a replication agreement. The replication agreement is for the fedora dogtag CA application. Note: I had to manually do a few things to get it to work, the automated cloning was failing to setup the replication agreement. NSMMReplicationPlugin - repl_set_mtn_referrals: could not set referrals for replica dc=<dogtag dc>: 1 Note: Dogtag and fedora-ds are running on the same systems: Server-1 - fedora-ds and dogtag Server-2 - fedora-ds and dogtag clone Replication agreements between the systems for: o=NetscapeRoot userRoot dogtag dc The error *only* appears for the dogtag dc. In my dse.ldif, I do notice that there is only one nsslapd-referral for the dogtag dc (for server-1 to server-2) Server-1 dn: cn="dc=<dogtag dc>",cn=mapping tree, cn=config objectClass: top objectClass: extensibleObject objectClass: nsMappingTree cn: dc=<dogtag dc> cn: "dc=<dogtag dc>" nsslapd-backend: pki nsslapd-state: Backend creatorsName: cn=directory manager modifiersName: cn=server,cn=plugins,cn=config createTimestamp: 20090520160944Z modifyTimestamp: 20090520162351Z nsslapd-referral: ldap://server-2.internaldomain:389/dc%3D<dogtag dc> numSubordinates: 1 Server-2 dn: cn="dc=<dogtag dc>",cn=mapping tree, cn=config objectClass: top objectClass: extensibleObject objectClass: nsMappingTree cn: dc=<dogtag dc> cn: "dc=<dogtag dc>" nsslapd-backend: pki nsslapd-state: Backend creatorsName: cn=directory manager modifiersName: cn=server,cn=plugins,cn=config createTimestamp: 20090520165422Z modifyTimestamp: 20090520180434Z numSubordinates: 1 Searching google doesn't really point to an explanation (or solution) to the error messages. Is it safe to do an ldapmodify to add the entry on Server-2? Thanks, Mike