DANIEL CRISTIAN CRUZ wrote: > > Hi all, > > Sometimes our consumer server got the status "Busy Replica", with only > one master. > > How can I unlock the Suffix/Database on the consumer server? > > I read many pages on reference and admin manuals, and didn't found > anything. > > Regards, > > *Daniel Cristian Cruz* > *Administrador de Banco de Dados > *Dire??o Regional - *N?cleo de Tecnologia da Informa??o > SENAI - SC > Telefone: 48-3239-1422 (ramal 1422)* > I've also run into this a bit, we monitor our replication with Nagios, and I've gotten a couple of alerts like this: Replication error: 1 Cant acquire busy replica Which is cleared by having the the effected master send another update, so far i've always done it through the console, but I DID find this script to do it through the CLI: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/8.1/admin/Managing_Replication-Forcing_Replication_Updates.html I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else has come across this, and if there are any configuration tweaks that people might suggest to keep us from seeing this error, or maybe even clearing it automatically? Thanks! Tim