Hi, I am trying to do PAM Pass through authentication using the ?cn=PAM Pass Through Auth,cn=plugins,cn=config? plugin. I followed the steps mentioned in the following URL. http://www.directory.fedora.redhat.com/wiki/Howto:PAM_Pass_Through I cannot follow steps 2 and 3 mentioned in ?Testing? topic in my os. Mine in hp-ux. It is shown clearly that the /etc/pam.d exists in linux machines. Is there any alternate way I can follow to use Pam passthrough authentication plugin in my operating system. ldapsearch -x -D "uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -w thepassword -s base -b "" Where I have to add the user scarter. useradd scarter in step 4 likely to say adding user in unix account and not in ldapserver instance. Correct me where I am wrong. Can anyone tell me the steps in precise. I am able to bind as a normal user even when the PAM Pass Through Auth plugin is ?Off? (without aci also). No changes in pam.conf file is made. Thanks, Neuron Ring.