Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS

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Ivan Ferreira wrote:
> You can replicate o=netscaperoot.
> Managing Console Failover
> If you have a multi-master installation with o=NetscapeRoot replicated
> between
> your two suppliers, server1 and server2, you can modify the Console on the
> second server (server2) so that it uses server2?s instance instead of
> server1?s. (By
> default, writes with server2?s Console would be made to server1 then
> replicated
> over.)

That's "ADS" meaning "A Directory Server" not "Active Directory Server" :P
>                                                                       Para 
>                                           "General discussion list for the 
>                                           Fedora Directory server          
>        "Eddie C"                          project."                        
>        <edlinuxguru at>            <fedora-directory-users at redhat.c 
>        Enviado por:                       om>                              
>        fedora-directory-users-b                                         cc 
>        ounces at                                                   
>                                                                     Asunto 
>        15/02/2008 04:57 p.m.              Re:     
>                                           Multiple masters and Round Robin 
>                                           DNS                              
>                                                              Clasificaci?n 
>         Por favor, responda a            Uso Interno                       
>        "General discussion list                                            
>        for the Fedora Directory                                            
>            server project."                                                
>        <fedora-directory-users@                                            
>    >                                                   
> I am fairly sure you can not replicate the Netscape Root DB. It has
> information inside it that is specific to the installation of that
> server. I would suggest you create another tree for your data and
> replicate that.
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 2:50 PM, Doug Chapman <prjctgeek at> wrote:
>> After setting up 2 servers with multi-master replication, I added them
> both
>> to a DNS record so users will go to either server.
>> Both servers are replicating the NetscapeRoot DB to each other.  I made a
>> schema change to one and restarted it- only to see it hang.  I waited
> some
>> 15minutes, and then discovered with netstat that it had a bunch of open
> ldap
>> connections to itself, which weren't timing out or going away.
>> After I removed the IP from DNS (disabled round robin dns) for the server
> I
>> was trying to shutdown , the server shutdown right away.
>> I'm guessing somewhere there's a configuration that needs to be pointed
> to
>> the other master server?
>> How are others doing load balancing/fail over ?
>> tia
>> --
>>  Fedora-directory-users mailing list
>>  Fedora-directory-users at
> --
> Fedora-directory-users mailing list
> Fedora-directory-users at
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> --
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