Failover is done through the client configuration file, as you can define multiple ldap servers. How did you configured your Resource Records? Try adding one for each hostname->ip, and another for DNS round robin. You may have some problems with certificates if you use SSL. Para fedora-directory-users at m "Doug Chapman" cc <prjctgeek at> Enviado por: Asunto fedora-directory-users-b ounces at Multiple masters and Round Robin DNS 15/02/2008 04:50 p.m. Clasificaci?n Uso Interno Por favor, responda a "General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project." <fedora-directory-users@> After setting up 2 servers with multi-master replication, I added them both to a DNS record so users will go to either server. Both servers are replicating the NetscapeRoot DB to each other. I made a schema change to one and restarted it- only to see it hang. I waited some 15minutes, and then discovered with netstat that it had a bunch of open ldap connections to itself, which weren't timing out or going away. After I removed the IP from DNS (disabled round robin dns) for the server I was trying to shutdown , the server shutdown right away. I'm guessing somewhere there's a configuration that needs to be pointed to the other master server? How are others doing load balancing/fail over ? tia-- Fedora-directory-users mailing list Fedora-directory-users at ======================================================================================== AVISO LEGAL: Esta informaci?n es privada y confidencial y est? dirigida ?nicamente a su destinatario. Si usted no es el destinatario original de este mensaje y por este medio pudo acceder a dicha informaci?n por favor elimine el mensaje. La distribuci?n o copia de este mensaje est? estrictamente prohibida. Esta comunicaci?n es s?lo para prop?sitos de informaci?n y no debe ser considerada como propuesta, aceptaci?n ni como una declaraci?n de voluntad oficial de NUCLEO S.A. La transmisi?n de e-mails no garantiza que el correo electr?nico sea seguro o libre de error. Por consiguiente, no manifestamos que esta informaci?n sea completa o precisa. Toda informaci?n est? sujeta a alterarse sin previo aviso. This information is private and confidential and intended for the recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and shall not be regarded neither as a proposal, acceptance nor as a statement of will or official statement from NUCLEO S.A. . Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice.