I use ldap with SUDO en FDS. What is the error you get when you try to create the entry? Have you restarted your FDS after adding the schema file? Have you modified the schema file to match the FDS requirements? Here is my schema file: 98sudo.ldif dn: cn=schema attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sudoUser' DESC 'User(s) who may run sudo' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'SUDO' ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sudoHost' DESC 'Host(s) who may run sudo' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SUBSTR caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'SUDO' ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sudoCommand' DESC 'Command(s) to be executed by sudo' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX XORIGIN 'SUDO' ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sudoRunAs' DESC 'User(s) impersonated by sudo' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'SUDO' ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sudoOption' DESC 'Options(s) followed by sudo' EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'SUDO' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'sudoRole' SUP top STRUCTURAL DESC 'Sudoer Entries' MUST ( cn ) MAY ( sudoUser $ sudoHost $ sudoCommand $ sudoRunAs $ sudoOption $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'SUDO' ) Also I use ldapadmin.exe with sudo plugin to manage the entries. Is recommended. Sample entry: # solarisbin, sudoers, sis.personal.net.py dn: cn=solarisbin,ou=sudoers,dc=xx,dc=xx,dc=xx,dc=xx sudoCommand: /usr/bin/ls sudoCommand: /usr/bin/cp sudoCommand: /usr/bin/mkdir sudoCommand: /usr/bin/chmod sudoCommand: /usr/bin/chown sudoCommand: /usr/bin/gzip sudoCommand: /usr/bin/kill sudoCommand: /usr/bin/mv objectClass: top objectClass: sudoRole cn: solarisbin sudoHost: ALL sudoUser: user1 sudoUser: user2 sudoUser: user3 sudoUser: user4 sudoUser: user5 sudoUser: user6 sudoUser: user7 sudoRunAs: root Para "Jared B. Griffith" <jared.griffith at farheap.com>, "HAWKER, Dan 2 "General discussion list for the (external)" Fedora Directory server <Dan.HAWKER at uk4.astrium. project." eads.net> <fedora-directory-users at redhat.c Enviado por: om> fedora-directory-users-b cc ounces at redhat.com Asunto 11/02/2008 12:59 p.m. UNCLASSIFIED - RE: FDS Sudo Management Clasificaci?n Por favor, responda a Uso Interno "General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project." <fedora-directory-users@ redhat.com> Has anyone managed sudoers via FDS here? I have been trying to create LDAP entries as mentioned here: http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/readme_ldap.html Which FDS will not allow me to do, even though the schemas for SUDO are in the server. Is there a walkthrough, or is there anyone that is managing SUDO via FDS here successfully? -- Hi Jared, Am using FDS and SUDO quite successfully here. Was a bit odd to setup (mostly due to some older clients we have here, and the effort in consolidating the sudoers files to LDAP), but was well worth the effort. Have just uploaded my notes about it to my external note wiki. Bit rough around the edges, but I think its mostly there so may be of help to get you started. (http://danwiki.wessexmc.org.uk/wiki/index.php/SUDOFDS) HTH Dan -- Dan Hawker Linux System Administrator Astrium http://www.astrium.eads.net -- This email (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information or information otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, do not copy this message or any attachments and do not use it for any purpose or disclose its content to any person, but delete this message and any attachments from your system. 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