Linux LVM
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- Lost VG Configuration after fsck and reboot. Data recovery badly needed. Please help if you can, (continued)
- DBT-2 PostgreSQL on STP w/ LVM2, markw
- LV > 2 TB ???, John Craig
- LVM snapshots: memory requirements?, Murthy Kambhampaty
- VG active, but member PV inactive,
Andrew Snare
- pvmove doesnt work with LVM2?,
Ireneusz Kupiec
- How to build LVM2 tools for 2.6?,
Charles Martin
- limit of 9 active LVs w/ LVM2?,
Stefan Paletta
- ERROR vg_read,
Dzevad Hadzic
- 2.6.0, devmapper, LVM2 snapshots,
David B Harris
- problems converting from root-lvm to standard, SI Reasoning
- Endless loop running vgscan,
Sebastian Witt
- determing lvm support,
Rich Turner
- 2.4 LVM1 devfs -> 2.6.0 LVM2 udev,
Xavier Brouckaert
- Ext3 -> ReiserFS on '/' convertion prob,
Madison Kelly
- LVM and kernel 2.4.21,
Samarjeet Tomar
- Reclaim free space,
Ian Burrell
- Unable to mount snapshot,
John Craig
- LVM2 not function,
Li Yang-r58472
- LVM2 pvmove,
- Changing PV position,
- weird duplicate pv problem,
Tupshin Harper
- Multiple machine LVM, Stanislas Garret
- exporting/importing a LVM volume,
- LVM and devfs,
Stuart Felenstein
- extdisk for LVM for Debian, Greg Vickers
- Redhat 2.1 support, Dame, Gregory W
- lvm support,
Little, Chris
- Error: Unable to unlink device node, Kai Weber
- Re: Device-mapper submission for 2.4,
Alasdair G Kergon
- funny PV action,
Christoph Resch
- lvm2 device mapper,
Salil Taneja, Noida
- DBT-2 running against PostgreSQL and LVM2,
- Is there a maximum for LV?,
Yanick Quirion
- preventing snapshots from running out of room., Dan Merillat
- lvm and windows shares,
- EXT3 vs Reiserfs,
Yanick Quirion
- Re: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
- Re: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Markus Schiltknecht
- Re: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Matt
- Re: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Chris Cox
- Re: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Markus Baertschi
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Little, Chris
- RE: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Little, Chris
- RE: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Yanick Quirion
- RE: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Yanick Quirion
- RE: EXT3 vs Reiserfs, Little, Chris
- lvdisplay, John Cheng
- LVM or LVM2?,
Yanick Quirion
- half my space lost,
Ronan-Yann Lorin
- Error when trying to change root to LVM,
Baker, Brendon
- wiping an old LVM,
Nathan Fredrickson
- vgscan error 2, Frank Bagehorn
- ERROR creating snapshot: "Cannot allocate memory",
Murthy Kambhampaty
- Duplicate VGs and pLinux, John Diana
- LVM backup server,
George Campbell
- Volume damaged, help please..., Kjetil H. Paulsen
- still need to install device mapper with 2.6 kernel?,
Robert P. J. Day
- LVM sharing questions,
John S. Hoch
- Device-mapper status for 2.4.23?,
Stefan Wold
- Problem with lvchange command, Sachin Sant
- fedora core 1 and LVM2,
Robert P. J. Day
- Re: Reproducable OOPS with MD RAID-5 on 2.6.0-test11,
Kevin P. Fleming
- Re: Reproducable OOPS with MD RAID-5 on 2.6.0-test11, Mike Fedyk
LVM2 2.6.0-test11,
lvm issues, Little, Chris
bug report,
Little, Chris
vgscan messages regarding read-only cdrom,
Kai Weber
Disk damaged,
Kjetil H. Paulsen
LVM1 compat support in 2.6.0-test11 misses one of my 2.4.23 VGs,
Chris Rankin
LVM2 related OOPS in 2.4.22 (kernel BUG at kcopyd.c:130!),
Stefan Majer
block-major-43, Erick Calder
vgscan dumps core, Erick Calder
RPM for 1.0.8?,
Erick Calder
Boot/rescue disks with LVM support,
Micah Anderson
LVM2: Problems with "lvextend" on device with mounted filesystem,
Uli Heller
Insufficient allocatable extents suitable for striping for logical volume,
Nowicki Christophe
Dual Boot with LVM,
Jord Tanner
lvchange -r 256 lv-name does not work,
Sachin Sant
Newbie to LVM, Jean Marie Ariès
LVM across network,
Marek Jan
multiple snapshots,
Stefan Majer
Lost partition table, how can I find the start of the PV?,
Brian J. Murrell
return from lvm2 to lvm,
guy cadoche
LVM2 and whole disk booting,
One drive dead. How do I restore the LVM, Hendrik Friedel
One Drive dead, how do I restore the LVM?, newsletter_hen
pvmove fails on 2.6.0-test9,
Dick Streefland
reiserfs_resize and lvreduce,
Tobias Wagener
LVM2/Device-Mapper update,
Alasdair G Kergon
Rezising root ("/") partition, Hugo Kawamorita de Souza
Data corruption after an lvm snapshot, Little, Chris
Raid or backups,
Micah Anderson
LVM2 on 2.4.22. (Fedora core 1 with nptl),
[Fwd: [PATCH] LVM-1.0.8 for 2.4.23-rc1], Xose Vazquez Perez
LVM and RHAS, Rich Wilson
LILO: Fatal: Sorry, don't know how to handle device 0xfe02,
Toon van der Pas
Inconsistent LVM code in 2.4.23-rc1,
James G. Sack (jim)
*** ANNOUNCEMENT *** LVM 1.0.8 available at, Heinz J . Mauelshagen
Performance problem.,
Cuncurrent access to a vg from two hosts,
Wiktor Wodecki
Re: [DRBD-dev] DRBD with LVM2, Stefan Majer
DRBD with LVM2, Majer Stefan
A PV disappeard (No, it didn't crash...), Even
LVM2 on top of drbd,
Stefan Majer
lvm2 size limits,
Shane Wegner
pvscan cant find my volume..,
Hjalmar Wåhlander
root on LVM error message,
Jan Rhebergen
how do i recover "lost" vg info?,
Jan Rhebergen
lvm metadata,
Instability with 2.6, recovering (meta)data?,
Help, /usr will not mount!,
Can I dd one disc of a lv,
Tobias Wagener
lvm + slow deleting problem,
Aleksander Olsen
dma_timer_expiry and pvmove problem,
Tobias Wagener
Tobias Gablunsky
lvextend doesn't extend the first time ...,
Kevin Buyting
LVM inaccessible after OS reinstall,
Karl Stenerud
vgreduce fails,
Ivan Dimitrov
- <Possible follow-ups>
- PVResize, Chris Edwards
Using RAID-0 disks to snapshot backups,
Claudio Cuqui
One PV destroyed - now the whole VG isn't working anymore,
Sebastian Beneke
Overlapping logical volumes,
Tom Parker
LVM and Network Block Device,
RE: Problems with initrd for LVM2 on 2.6.0-test8 and -test9 kernels.. .,
Weber, Geoffrey M.
RE: RE: [ADMIN] [PERFORM] backup/restore - another ar ea.,
[petro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Re: Drive gone bad, now what?], Stephen C Woods
Problems with initrd for LVM2 on 2.6.0-test8 and -test9 kernels.. .,
Weber, Geoffrey M.
Problem at compiling kernel 2.4.18 with lvm 1.0.7,
Krisztian Gyoerffy
RE: Drive gone bad, now what?, Victor Tan
linux-2.6.0-test9 oops with lvm2, markw
access beyond end of the device :(,
laurent . ml
how to start running LVM under fedora test and 2.6 kernel?,
Robert P. J. Day
Can't build devmapper for LVM2 on Red Hat 9 - kernel 2.4.20-8, Wojtek
LVM in a cluster,
Dan Bar Dov
Problem with pvmove and linux 2.6.0-test8, lvm2,
Frank Benkstein
Warning message with lilo about /proc/partitions,
Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
2TB limit of Linux,
Deas, Jim
LV only detected when using "lvscan -D" on amd64 kernel,
Felix Domke
LVM release : support for multipathing,
Problem of LVM on Suse,
How to create a device mapper patch?,
help me please from Barcelona (Spain), Miguel Angel
Reducing the size of a physical volume,
Charles Lacour
RAID 1 on Device Mapper - best practices?,
John Stoffel
Error on unmounting XFS LVM snapshot,
Ronny Adsetts
LVM ext3 support,
anthony mayes
RE: [ADMIN] [PERFORM] backup/restore - another area.,
Murthy Kambhampaty
lvm raid levels,
LVM corruption, Carey Jung
help on pvcreate usage,
Sathiamoorthy Balasubramaniyan (ext_TCS)
LVM2 compilation problem,
Jan Švec
once again about 2.6 kernel,
Valentine Kouznetsov
Virtual File Drivers for a VoD(Video on Demand) application Project,
LVM for Linux Kernel v2.6,
Wong Kum Weng
Re: [PERFORM] backup/restore - another area.,
lvscan problem, Sauer, Adrian
boot failure with LVM/SuSE 8.1, Giuseppe Bongiorni
Re: LVM on Redhat 7.1, higino.oliveira
flascopy lvm,
inconsistent metadata,
Mike Williams
lvmcreate_initrd: depmod without -F?,
Brian J. Murrell
lvm -- lvm_blk_ioctl l: unknown command 21519, Josef Krempl
Can an LVM be mounted read-only on a foreign system that has same vg name?, Chris Cox
Migration to lvm on a new HDD,
Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
LVM and resize,
Reidar Westvik
0x8e "Linux LVM" partitions on a PowerPC, Victor Tramp
lv_usr not updated after extention,
Runar Ingebrigtsen
URGENT!!!!!!problem with behaviour of lvm on Suse,
Sandhya Suman
LVM2 under 2.6.0-test kernel?,
Robert P. J. Day
VFS lock patch for 2.4.22 ???,
Damir Dezeljin
[Fwd: 0x8e "Linux LVM" partitions on a PowerPC], Marc P.
removing a bad HD,
Trond Michelsen
Problem compiling kernel 2.4.20 with epcam.diff, Andrew Popov
lvm probem - why not in FAQ?, Dan Bar Dov
root device problems with initrd and root on lvm, Klingaman, Aaron L
create vg with same name as exported vg,
Rich Turner
Problems with vgimport after software raid initialisation failed.,
How to transit from Linux 2.4 to 2.6 with LVM in play?,
Mark H. Wood
KLV: LVM-Probleme mit 31Bit-Linux auf s390x,
Disk crash - can't remove...,
Kjetil H. Paulsen
Re: [linux-lvm] LVM - Multipath / Failover, Eduardo Dias
LVM - Multipath / Failover,
Eduardo Dias
[Bug#212483: vgscan fails at least with raids inside raids], Patrick Caulfield
lvm on loopback mount problems,
Montgomery, Kendal L
determining lv from mount point,
Galen Seitz
Re: [SuperRescue] LVM support on Mandrake CD 1, Brouard Nicolas
vgcfgrestore and bootstrap,
DM encryption target?,
Greg Freemyer
vgcreate problem,
Sorry for double post..., Eddahbi Karim
device-mapper ioctl cmd 2 failed: Invalid argument,
Tracy R Reed
Resizing PV,
Måns Rullgård
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