I'm using LVM1 for quite a while now and it works fine with me. This week, I tried to use linux-2.6.0-test11 so I had to move to LVM2 and device mapper. It works - at least partially.
A) works OK for all existing LVs B) online resizing does not work
At first, I thought that "reiserfs" might be responsible for this. But after some tests, I don't think so any more. Here is what i did to test:
1) Create a new logical volume: ~ lvcreate -L 100M -n ulilv systemvg 2) Display this new LV: ~ lvdisplay -c /dev/systemvg/ulilv ~ /dev/systemvg/ulilv:systemvg:3:1:-1:0:204800:25:-1:0:0:254:5 3) Try to write right behind the end of the LV: ~ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/systemvg/ulilv seek=204800 bs=512 count=5 ~ dd: writing `/dev/systemvg/ulilv': No space left on device ~ 1+0 records in ~ 0+0 records out ~ --> This error message is OK 4) Extend the LV: ~ lvextend -L +100M /dev/systemvg/ulilv 5) Repeat step 3 ~ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/systemvg/ulilv seek=204800 bs=512 count=5 ~ 5+0 records in ~ 5+0 records out ~ --> OK, now the LV is large enough 6) Remove the LV ~ lvremove -f /dev/systemvg/ulilv
As expected - you might think. Now a slight variation:
1 and 2) Like above 2.5) Create and mount a file system on the LV: ~ mkreiserfs -f /dev/systemvg/ulilv ~ mount /dev/systemvg/ulilv /mnt 3,4,5) Like above **BUT** step 5 now produces the same ~ error message as step 3! You have to "umount /mnt" ~ in order to be able to access the enlarged portion ~ of the LV.
I checked it with - - linux-2.6.0-test11 - - linux-2.6.0-test5 (from SuSE-9.0) and with "mkreiserfs" and with "mke2fs" on step 2.5). Everything produces the same result.
With lvm1 and linux-2.4.21 from the rescue system of SuSe-9.0 it works as expected (= no error message on step 5).
I upgraded to - - lvm2-2.00.08 - - device-mapper-1.00.07 but the error still exists.
Then I migrated to the new metadata format with "vgconvert -M2 systemvg" but the error still exists.
Thanks for any ideas/suggestions...
- -- Mit frohem Gruße, Uli Heller
daemons point, Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung mbH Zahn-Nopper-Str. 1-3 Phone: +49-711-806708-0 70435 Stuttgart Fax: +49-711-806708-19 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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