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- Re: kernel-2.6.18-8.1.15, (continued)
- typo in /etc/X11/xinit/Xsession,
Luciano Rocha
- migrating files for centos virtualization, virtual disk no longer boots.,
Jerry Geis
- forcing device to USB HDD,
Israel Garcia
- mp3 recorder?,
Scott Ehrlich
- CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 17, centos-announce-request
- beagle, tomboy, mono in the testing repository for CentOS-5, Johnny Hughes
- Wits end! ndis got me - give me sanity with my wireless!!!, Bob Metelsky
- perl question on CentOS,
- rsync bug with --relative and --delete fixed in CentOS5?,
Christian Volker
- mount cd,
Hiep Nguyen
- script help,
Tom Brown
- Re: CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-DVD-ich9.iso.delta md5 mismatch,
Simone Montagnani
Xen crashes?, Christian Nygaard
logrotate problem,
umair shakil
need wireless pci card, Jimmy Bradley
apache mod_authnzldap against Active Directory, David Nalley
public Key Problems after Centos 4 -> 5 update.,
Robert Slade
self signed ssl cert on C5,
Tom Diehl
FW: Logwatch for XXXXXXX.kd4efm.org (Linux),
Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA2TH / WQFK-894
Cronjob script with date stamp?,
Scott Ehrlich
DNS CNAME question,
yum update question and kernel-smp-devel,
James Pearson
Quota inside chroot environment, David E. Meier
group descriptors corrupted on ext3 filesystem, Barry Brimer
Migrate CentOS 3 to 4 to 5?,
David Christopher Zentgraf
Ross Cavanagh
TFTP server not working as expected when run from xinetd,
Matt Arnilo S. Baluyos (Mailing Lists)
nscd problem,
James A. Peltier
mirroring kbsingh repos,
James A. Peltier
powernow-k8 config,
Linux Man
Error while running YUM UPDATE today,
Evans F. Mitchell KD4EFM / AFA2TH / WQFK-894
fetchmail log messages I don't understand,
Chuck Campbell
DHCP Client without default gateway,
Dario Hernan
Taking file from pyhsical disk to new virtual disk,
Jerry Geis
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 16, centos-announce-request
SATA disk issue, Chuck Mattern
dovecot fails to start at boot, but starts manually,
Kenneth Porter
Re: CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-DVD-ich9.iso.delta md5 mismatch,
David Hrbác(
Samba, AD and non AD Machines, Shawn Everett
multipath using 2 NICs (or HBA?), Scott Moseman
NIS/YP revelation (I think),
Scott Ehrlich
packages in "base" that are not in "nobase",
Johnn Tan
very simple bulletin board,
Large scale Postfix/Cyrus email system for 100,000+ users,
Matt Shields
- Re: Large scale Postfix/Cyrus email system for 100,000+ users, Christopher Chan
- RE: Large scale Postfix/Cyrus email system for 100, 000+ users, Ross S. W. Walker
- Re: Large scale Postfix/Cyrus email system for 100,000+ users, mouss
- Re: Large scale Postfix/Cyrus email system for 100,000+ users, Ralph Angenendt
- Re: Large scale Postfix/Cyrus email system for 100,000+ users, Les Mikesell
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 15, centos-announce-request
Upgrading PHP + MySQL on CentOS 3,
David Zentgraf
Centos 5 on Large Disks.,
Anup Shukla
gnumeric on CentOS 5,
James A. Peltier
James A. Peltier
Lan Kernel Problem,
Linux Man
Monitoring through SNMP, Centos
Site about qmail (with CentOS as SO),
Mário Gamito
VMware not correctly configured for running kernel,
Centos 5.0 Intel G33/P35 Chipset Support (Asus P5K-VM, P5KC),
Michael Rock
C5 i386 DVD boot problems,
Scott Ehrlich
system-config-printer wont start,
Re: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/prioriti es.conf file disappeared, Lanny Marcus
Centos 4.5 - HP Hardware monitoring,
Tom Brown
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 14, centos-announce-request
bind-9.3.3-9.0.1 RPM BUILD error,
Indunil Jayasooriya
freenx problem with the most recent updates,
Joachim Backes
CentOS upgrade in Xen domU?,
Mike Edwards
/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf file disappeared,
Lanny Marcus
CentOS 64bit to support ICH9,
David Hrbáč
new freenx and nx RPMS released, manual action for x86_64,
Johnny Hughes
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 13, centos-announce-request
arp corrupted,
Installing Skype in CentOS (4.4),
Andrew Allen
how does one remove bond1?,
J. Potter
centos: infinite loop at boot using mptspi scsi device, Jan Falkenhagen
Fwd: package or plug in needed to listen to ASF video (.asx file) ?,
Lanny Marcus
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 12, centos-announce-request
Display resolution problem on Centos 4.5, fred smith
Memory problems with CentOS box,
Miguel Medalha
centos 5 irq issue, Jerry Geis
Using raid 1 for rollback purposes,
James Olin Oden
Postfix dropping settings CentOS4.5,
Johnny Massengill
CentOS 5 centosplus kernel + kmod-gfs,
James Fidell
disabling php-cli, Mark Weaver
restrict network access,
Arne Pelka
logrotation with date and time, umair shakil
umair shakil
program calls system() gettind PID - slightly off topic,
Jerry Geis
Jason Pyeron
extras and vlc,
Jerry Geis
Upgrading Java on CentOS 4.5,
Scott Moseman
Scott A. McClanahan
Auctex on CentOS 5,
James A. Peltier
Software RAID: on same IDE port or on different ones?,
Kai Schaetzl
centos base install,
Mark Quitoriano
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 32, Issue 11, centos-announce-request
Changing php5 with php4 in CentOS 5,
Can Cizer
DocX support in OpenOffice,
first last
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