Arch Linux General Discussion
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- Re: dual ISP: 1)cable broadband (DHCP) 2){shudder} dial-up (ppp?) Please help!, (continued)
- Re: [arch-announce] xorg18 repository moves to testing,
Ray Kohler
- 2.6.33 and Thinkpad x200 => random freezes,
Lukas Grässlin
- Fresh Install - kde4 filling up .xsession-errors 300M + in 48 hours - "Invalid iterator.",
David C. Rankin
- announce: latest snapshot of the "TalkingArch" CD for blind users,
Chris Brannon
- [signoff] kernel26,
Thomas Bächler
- CUPS backend for both libusb-based and usblp-based access,
Andreas Radke
- A peculiar LDAP setup,
Piyush P Kurur
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] ifenslave-1.1.0-5,
Allan McRae
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] bridge-utils 1.4-3,
Allan McRae
- libgrss, new to archlinux PKGBUILD,
andrew james
- X server gets shifted to Ctrl+Alt+F8,
Karol Babioch
- wireless card switch problem,
- Driver for this camera ?,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- Raising identical task against multiple packages?,
Magnus Therning
- /sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/ is not a symbolic link,
- where did /etc/conf.d/mysqld go?,
Milos Negovanovic
- Latest NVIDIA en kernel update,
Manne Merak
- Gstreamer good and good plugins without GNOME and some other dependencies,
Ananda Samaddar
- what is this supposed to mean ?,
Fons Adriaensen
- 4k sector drives,
Caleb Cushing
- stability from pm-suspend ?,
Ian-Xue Li
- gstreamer0.10-good-plugins need a whole load of GNOME stuff?,
Ananda Samaddar
- Java and/or MySQL geeks required,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- Ssl no more :(,
Andrea Crotti
- packman -S eterm [done] But: bash: eterm: command not found ????,
- Re: [arch-announce] Vim/GVim 7.2.411 Update,
José M. Prieto
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] ed-1.4-2,
Ray Kohler
- NDN Messages,
Mauro Santos
- Re: [arch-dev-public] xorg-server 1.8 repository,
Ray Kohler
- HAL dependencies,
Rob Bean
- IceCat and Novell Moonlight pre,
f. gr.
- package search shows duplicate ca-certificates package in [testing],
Ray Kohler
- did my 4/10/10:pacman -Syu: destabilized e17's run command dialog??,
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] gcc-4.5 toolchain rebuild,
Emmanuel Benisty
- ImportError: -- do I just rebuild the AUR packages?,
David C. Rankin
- package manager overlay script,
Andre "Osku" Schmidt
- First Time Using AUR,
Carlos Mennens
- manage starting and stopping processes with less typing,
David C. Rankin
- Repo mirrors,
Florian Pritz
- How to get permanent network devices?,
Dominik Schips
- erlang emacs,
Juan Diego
- [signoff] kbd-1.15.2-1,
Tobias Powalowski
- [signoff] util-linux-ng-2.17.2-1,
Tobias Powalowski
- Apache dead after kernel update - make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443 - (Solved by 2nd Reboot),
David C. Rankin
- Emerald crashing on theme change or edit in Gnome,
David C. Rankin
- Re: [arch-dev-public] Sharing my repo-tools,
Mauro Santos
- Trying to get Brother HL2035 to work...,
- Update Error - :: sysprof-module: requires kernel26<2.6.33 (is this a wait on the mirrors thing?),
David C. Rankin
- KVM with larger console font set in rc.conf[was ...microscoic console font...],
- pacman -Syu,
- What are the dual isos about?,
Karol Babioch
- successful pacman -Syu w/new kernal26: Now have microscopic console font :-(,
- AUR comments gone?,
David Rosenstrauch
- upgrade problems,
Shridhar Daithankar
- xorg-server 1.8 - Wiki?,
- nvidia with latest Xorg,
Xavier Chantry
- keyboard not working in Xorg after package updates,
David Rosenstrauch
- Re: [arch-dev-public] WARNING: [testing] broken due to openssl and heimdal rebuilds,
Florian Pritz
- Re: [arch-dev-public] openssl 1.0 rebuild,
Jim Pryor
- missing ruby-htmlentities,
- jack & qjackctl,
- libao (and other Xiph package) rebuild schedule?,
Ray Kohler
- Failed installation - part 2,
- [signoff] kernel26,
Tobias Powalowski
- [signoff] lvm2/device-mapper 2.02.62-1,
Eric Bélanger
- testing xorg-server 1.8 [xorg18],
Marek Otahal
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] openssl, heimdal and icu rebuilds,
Flavio Costa
- Arch Linux Release Question,
Keith Hinton
- Sign-offs for community-testing?,
Ng Oon-Ee
- heimdal-1.3.2-1 (from testing) still linked against openssl 0.9.8,
Chris Brannon
- Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 5100AGN - how to get it working,
Alain Muls
- new netinstall image required ?,
- Some icons don't work anymore since update to Gnome 2.30,
Karol Babioch
- An amazing disk problem !,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- RAID 1 - Grub Problem / not finding stage1 file,
- Problem with suspend,
Csomay Mihaly
- Firefox Qt package,
Bernhard Friedreich
- Keyboard not working in X11,
Alain Muls
- Xz, space savings and delta ... my findings,
Nathan Wayde
- Gnome 2.30 already?,
Brendan Long
- new pacman error: vercmp: error while loading shared libraries:,
David C. Rankin
- Boot iso with grub2,
Christopher Rogers
- [signoff] kernel 2.6.33 and friends,
Thomas Bächler
- Serial To USB Adapter,
Carlos Mennens
- Re: Getting X running on new install (Ionut Biru),
Alain Muls
- pacman error,
Shridhar Daithankar
- Network gurus - Weird datadump -- looks like dns or wins (or both) - anybody know what caused it? (read more),
David C. Rankin
- [OT][kde-announce] KDE SC 4.4.2 Released,
Gaurish Sharma
- Getting X running on new install,
Alain Muls
- ArchLinux in space?,
Dan Vratil
- kaffeine [sigh] is there an alternative that:...,
- F@H Group Logo Missing,
James Corley
- /etc/rc.local: "chown user: /dev/sda10" /etc/fstab: "defaults, owner, noauto",
- Problem mounting shares with latest smbclient-3.5.0-2,
Nigel Henry
- preserve db tarballs,
Caleb Cushing
- openoffice + lprng,
Javier Vasquez
- Pulseaudio doesn't see the correct sound card.,
"Jérôme M. Berger"
- The libgmp update,
Hilton Medeiros
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] grep-2.6.1-1,
Guillaume Brunerie
- cups - dependency breaks upgrade "/etc/cups/subscriptions.conf exists",
David C. Rankin
- Firefox Spellcheck Missing,
Carlos Mennens
- gsfonts - package is updated?,
Ng Oon-Ee
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] grep-2.6-1,
Xavier Chantry
- tmpfs,
Juan Diego
- Dirty fonts in Chromium,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- upcoming Xiph releases,
Ray Kohler
- Issue with man,
Damien Churchill
- Re: [arch-dev-public] [signoff] dbus-core 1.2.24,
Ng Oon-Ee
- Vim Syntax Highlighter,
Carlos Mennens
- Chromium default browser,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- New Using AUR,
Carlos Mennens
- Battery Monitor Applet (kde4) hangs after s2ram,
Markus Golser
- MySQL Starts But Fails to Restart,
Carlos Mennens
- Unable To Rendor PHP Pages in Apache,
Carlos Mennens
- PyPy Build,
Vivek Ayer
- Firefox 3.6 vulnerability,
Daniel Bumke
- libpng12 and libjpeg6 from AUR fix kdemod3 100%,
David C. Rankin
- CUPS working fine through 3/15 now won't print?,
David C. Rankin
- Schroot no longer working?,
Ng Oon-Ee
- Kernel LTS won't boot properly,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- HTML5, Youtube and chromium-browser,
Gaurish Sharma
- I'm having a brain far^Hilure... I can't find the XFCE control,
- Open Konsole Here ???,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- patch command not working?,
Preston C.
- rankmirrors with arch-games,
Daenyth Blank
- New versioned-dep libgl on xorg-server,
Ng Oon-Ee
- [signoff] mdadm-3.1.2-2,
Tobias Powalowski
- [OT] ArchLinux on uncyclopedia,
Gaurish Sharma
- howto get kde3 to appear as a session in kdm greeter?,
David C. Rankin
- Dedicated Arch servers,
Nilesh Govindarajan
- DVD's won't read,
Nilesh Govindarajan
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