On 04/27/2010 12:14 AM, David C. Rankin wrote:
Guys, This is a new one. I replaced one of my last suse boxes with arch at work a couple of days ago. I ssh'ed into the box tonight to get a few files and noticed my .xsession-errors file well over 300M - huh? -rw------- 1 david david 341482832 Apr 26 22:54 .xsession-errors
Let me have your thoughts on this. The error message 'loop' seems to be something like what follows: "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(1804)" Error in thread 3009424240 : "Invalid iterator." [/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub] "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(1804)" Error in thread 3009424240 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject - No such object path '/org/soprano/Server/models/main'"
Well, the obvious fix is to disable nepomuk. (Which I would do anyway. I'm not a big fan of those disk indexing utils like nepomuk and beagle.) But if you're actually using nepomuk then I'm not sure what to tell you.