Fedora Websites
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Requesting help with http://fedoraproject.org/PackageReviewStatus/, Jason L Tibbitts III
Re: [fedora-web] various minor updates, Paul W. Frields
spins.fpo revamp content & update, Máirín Duffy
salve, Mel
Fedora 11 Website,
Zoran Sourit
webpage error,
Keith Green
Why is F11 so fucked up while F10 was perfect?,
Gert Jan Mul
Error in instructions,
Kirk Charles
Meeting Log - 2009-10-15,
Ricky Zhou
Hello I want create a account in fedoraproject.org but i can't,
ces choi
F12 Beta Banner for www.fpo, Máirín Duffy
captcha issue,
Ziyad Saeed
No welcome email with password yet :(,
Galder Zamarreno
Problem with download, Atish Adhya
I do know,
FreeWays Organization - Higher Institute of Informatics Tunis, Houssem Hadj Ahmed
your domain,
Gremlins! - "Join Fedora" captcha is Unreadable,
Alex Lutz
Link Broken, chad schneider
cd fedora,
spin website : need directory structure for first draft,
Chitlesh GOORAH
get.fedoraproject.org redesign mockups,
Máirín Duffy
Vendor Listings Contact,
Mark A. Angelisanti
Raymond Cham
- <Possible follow-ups>
- request, niranjan phuyal
- Request, Damien Athanase
Request for CD / DVD of Fedora 7 programs and relevant programs.,
Raymond Cham
Instead of Flash,
Tareq Al Jurf
ndqsa.com web site down// why?,
Don W
Is that the mockup?,
Tareq Al Jurf
Signing in issues,
HTML/CSS status for web redesign,
Paul W. Frields
Want to join the team.,
Tareq Al Jurf
set show, alfa_1024
Error 404 file not found,
Craig Zeller
Updated icons on wiki,
William Jon McCann
Print stylesheets for Fedora and wiki,
Sijis Aviles
Translation for the F12 release., Eduardo Zamorano
Fedora Core 5?,
RE: Nobody yet! Please help!,
Tomek Chrzczonowicz
how to update content in talk.fedorapeople.org?,
Sijis Aviles
Site Question,
David DaVinci
Hiding specific posts?, Ivan Tefalco
askingnfor some serious help,
Mihir parmar
"Verify your ISO download" specifies different algorithms for Linux and Windows,
Alex Measday
Zikula theme status,
Máirín Duffy
Fedora ("Linux") 11, Anna Gilewska
Account, Edgar Didié Rosas Cáceres
minor fedorapeople.org changes?, Sijis Aviles
forgot password and have new email adress, asux
Fedoracommunity.org index page,
Paul W. Frields
крик души!!! чиайте про свои зеркала в россии!!!, Maxim S. Gorenkin
Fedora-11-i686-Live-KDE.iso not downloading,
dave boland
Re: Fedora-websites-list Digest, Vol 47, Issue 2, Bimal Gandhi
File not found,
Steen Jarbøel
Brown, Tara M.
Stefan P. is here!,
Stefan Pavikevik
Export Regulations Mock up., Sijis Aviles
Meeting Log - 2009-08-21, Ricky Zhou
Websites Meeting Time,
Ricky Zhou
bug report in Fedora 11,
Georgina Everingham
FAS correction,
Updating the mail notification hook used for the fedora-web git repository,
Todd Zullinger
Media wiki extension for handling Ogg,
Rahul Sundaram
Branching fedora-web for F12, Todd Zullinger
5 star award from chip.eu for your software, janinafreitag
Websites Meeting - 2009-08-14 17:00 UTC,
Ricky Zhou
start.fp.o issue,
Ian Weller
urgente necesito conseguir red hat 5.0,
juanjose . aguilera
Can't find the "SHA1SUM" file on the 'Fedora 11' download page,
Chas Hunt
Planetarium, Nicu Buculei
Unable to install Fedora 11 from fedora project website,
krishnasantosh maadasu
Meeting Log - 2009-08-07, Ricky Zhou
About Fedora Test Page,
Rakesh Singh Maurya
Meeting Reminder - 2009-08-07 17:00 UTC, Ricky Zhou
[Bug 209497] Download/updates.html has link for Managing Software with yum that points to old docs/ dir, bugzilla
[Bug 210814] Change http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/ into something more meaningful, bugzilla
[Bug 211558] Choose either planet.fedoraproject.org or fedoraproject.org/people/, bugzilla
[Bug 211059] Change luxi, vera fonts with dejavu+generic ones on f.r.c, bugzilla
[Bug 192941] RELNOTES - Summarize the release note suggestion/content, bugzilla
[Bug 210591] Add wiki page about the Fedora Directory Project, bugzilla
[Bug 209900] Bad URL in translation-quick-start-guide/en, bugzilla
[Bug 174090] links to FC5T1 release-note of other languages are missing, bugzilla
bug in update,
Ali Arishey
Questions about Wiki translations,
Jean-Baptiste Hétier
Fwd: Fedora 12 Alpha release banner,
Paolo Leoni
Fedora bug submitting process,
Ricky Zhou
Setting Up Red Hat Fedora Linux 3,
Tom Johnson
Please Help for queries,
Kishor Kshirsagar
Meeting Log - 2009-07-31, Ricky Zhou
Re: Redesign of downloads (Websites meeting reminder), Ricky Zhou
Websites + Marketing schedules: synced!, Mel Chua
errors on fedora electronic lab page,
Simao Cardoso
Almost-finalized: Marketing F12 schedule,
Mel Chua
Fedora website: unable to access pages,
Bhavin Joshi
It was "fun", bye bye.,
Meeting Log for July 24th, 2009, Darren VanBuren
Need to highlight how to install Fedora 11 Live CD to disk,
Frank Hecker
Web Group Cleanup, Ricky Zhou
Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1552: fix the fedora logo on git.fedorahosted.org, Fedora Infrastructure
David Woodard
Javascript Error on fp.o,
Sijis Aviles
samuel sanchez farfán
Fedora 12 Web Team Schedule, John Poelstra
self introduction - Neil Mann,
Neil Mann
Exist really any difference or is just language packages ?,
Adding Phone Browser support,
Hiemanshu Sharma
Meeting Log - 2009-07-17,
Ricky Zhou
[Fwd: Re: About torrent download Web],
Ariel Goldblatt
Websites Meeting Reminder,
Ricky Zhou
Text in Spanish on English-language Web Page,
John Babich
Cropped tables on IE6, Sijis Aviles
fedorahosted.org main page changes,
Jorge Gallegos
About $self,
Jorge Gallegos
[PATCH] Add Q & A to Fedora Talk FAQ re: authentication requirement, Paul W. Frields
About torrent download Web, James Lee (李朝陽)
yum outage, could a message be posted?,
Re: Fedora-websites-list Digest, Vol 45, Issue 15, Randolph Bentson
j.fp.o design process strawman (criticism please!),
Mel Chua
Meeting Log - 2009-07-10,
Ricky Zhou
Re: Fedora-websites-list Digest, Vol 45, Issue 13, Mohammed Safwat
Checksum validation instructions for Windows,
Michał Pecio
Websites Meeting - 2009-07-10 at 17:00 UTC,
Ricky Zhou
Fedora 11 : Download Link Not Working,
Saurabh Sharma
Broken links for EPEL,
Bryan Mason
I'm a new contributer [Mohammed Safwat], Mohammed Safwat
Mike McGrath
Feedback gathered for fedoraproject.org and get.fedoraproject.org,
Fedora Talk Conference Bridges - Patch,
Clint Savage
[mockup patch] A get-fedora page which makes it easier to select the DE, arch and download method,
Stewart Adam
logistics list, John Poelstra
Meeting Log, Hiemanshu Sharma
Websites Meeting - 2009-07-03 17:00 UTC,
Ricky Zhou
Download Now! button does not work on Get Fedora page,
Dennis Decker Jensen
wireless network connection,
Eszenyi Gergely
Mikael Lundberg
traduzione italiano del sito web,
Claudio Pacchierotti
Fwd: PLease Can u Solve my Problem IN Fedora 11 Whle using,
venkat reddy
f12 translations - polish,
Krzysztof Cała
Broken link to your test Testopia instance, Stephen Donner
Patch for get-fedora-all page,
Hiemanshu Sharma
Trac tasktracking, Mel Chua
[PATCH] Fix scroll on the Red Hat sponsor section., Ricky Zhou
[PATCH] Add OSUOSL sponsor link.,
Ricky Zhou
new sponsor, Mike McGrath
Metalinks of get-fedora-all page,
Hiemanshu Sharma
tasktracking: wikitables aren't going to work much longer, Mel Chua
Meeting Log 26/06/2009,
Hiemanshu Sharma
Adding Links to netinst.iso on Get Fedora Page,
Hiemanshu Sharma
NetInstall ISO on Get-Fedora page.,
Hiemanshu Sharma
Website Meeting - 2009-06-26 17:00 UTC, Ricky Zhou
Anand Shinde invites you to join Health Community,
Health Community
Re: Distribute Fedora on a CD [REF:39014414049],
Red Hat Customer Service
broken link on <http://fedoraproject.org/get-fedora>,
Laurent Ughetto
Good side contain in marathi on internet,
quota increase at fedorapeople.org,
Jindrich Novy
about www.alafleche.com,
Jacqueline Bui
FW: DVD not received [Fedora Freemedia] #1535: olanrewaju ladipo from BRASIL wants a i386 DVD.,
Olanrewaju M.A Ladipo
D/L Validation issues and your website,
link errado,
Cássio Santos
F 11,
Feedback requested for: fedoreproject.org (ignore other incomplete post), Mark
Feedback requested for: fedoreproject.org, Mark
Meeting Log - 2009-06-19,
Ricky Zhou
Websites Meeting - 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites,
Ricky Zhou
Download verification page on the fedoraproject Wiki needs to be updated,
Anirban Brahmachari
Forget username,
Muhammad Syafiq
fedora site downloads not working? June 16 7:50pm est,
Fedora 11 Retrospective Recap, John Poelstra
f11 c onfusion,
Ideas for Fedora Planet site,
Valent Turkovic
i386 live cd fedora 11,
Vijay Patel
404 on fedoraproject.org,
Notes from today's IRC get-together,
Mel Chua
Brainstorms section, Mel Chua
download page of f11 dvd iso link,
fedoraproject web site has missing release note for fedora 11,
Peter Leggett
Meeting scheduling! (Also: status check-in get together Friday 1800 UTC.),
Mel Chua
Attendees needed for Fedora 11 Retrospective on Tuesday June 16, 2009 @ 14:00 UTC, John Poelstra
about leonidas name,
Juanjo Garcia
Download Fedora da Torrent,
Arabic on www.fedoraproject.com,
Ahmed Alhosiny
Tasks list updated,
Mel Chua
[fwd] DVD install image error, Todd Zullinger
Fedora 11,
WIki standards review request - education SIG page, Mel Chua
Fedora wiki FIrefox shortcuts,
Mel Chua
Self-introduction: Mel Chua,
Mel Chua
[Fwd: Error 404],
Marc Tetreau
Language selection weirdness,
Peter Deacon
Toni Arregui
Forgot login for FAS,
Eric Donkersloot
More agressive caching, Mike McGrath
self-introduction Cheshirc,
Mark Bennett
[DCliC > Fedora] the link "How to create and use Live USB" don't work,
Come join me on koottam, Vineeth Barath
Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1438: Wiki CSS surpresses horizontal scrollbar,
Fedora Infrastructure
Mexico, Olaf Brunjes
problem in submiting fedora free media project form.,
biren patel
translate the fedora web page,
Multi-lingual planet.fp.o, Francis Earl
[PATCH] Update release counters with new date,
Paul W. Frields
F11 video promo widget,
Paul W. Frields
Fedora Websites Test Instance,
Ricky Zhou
Username forgotten,
Chitpaseuth SOMPHET
$HOME/~/fedoraproject.org/out/index.html.mr displays Arabic characters, instead of Marathi (mr) characters,
sandeep shedmake
ironport.servidores.unam.mx Virus infected message detected, Mail Delivery System
Help me problem with my account, CED Livorno
Minor Typo,
Alan Mangan
Obtenir Fedora 11,
Zakaria CHAFI
probing of my server,
jim nichols
Intro to Me...,
John Conley
Release counter update,
Paul W. Frields
<Possible follow-ups>
Fwd: Release counter update, Darren VanBuren
Paul W. Frields
Fedora 11 Release Banner Translation,
Noriko Mizumoto
Re: Fedora 11 Website Translations,
Noriko Mizumoto
making torrent files more accessable,
Randolph Bentson
Daylight Saving Time and your site,
Ronny Nussbaum
fedora mirroring: use --delete-delay,
Gokdeniz Karadag
about mirrormanager and "user_active", Gokdeniz Karadag
Dont know who to ask so I choose you...Want to buy "Lolicon.org"(Fedora Core Test Page),
Akemi Mokoto
[SPAM] phishing hosted site,
Simon Steen
José Roberto Colombo Junior
mono, not just moonlight, lee johnson
Fedora Release Counter and javascript, Webs Catalunya
Slovak translation of fpo website,
Pavol Šimo
Thai website translation,
canot get fedora, marie henstock
faille informatique,
John ******
working w/ LUGs, Mike Swier
removal of membership,
Jay Bhatt
start page,
Alexey Kuznetsov
Bugs on Fedora 10,
Manoel Dias
Linux ISOs, Admin
RE: Print Bug,
Hristo Petkov
Getting problem for installing fedora,
jaddoo yadhav
Re: Slogan translation,
Paul W. Frields
self-introduction (join fedora),
Wiki abuse...,
Andrew Bruce
Fedora release banners,
Paolo Leoni
help us by motivation,
cetacean 09
Carmelo Aliberti
Re: Fedora 11 Countdown Banner,
Mostafa Daneshvar
Things that have been taken off the site,
Empty translate team-pages, Alexander
Make a link from users page to his page on pkgdb,
Matěj Cepl
Inactive Fedora Portuguese (PT) website,
Antonio Lima
Broken link on your page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SecuritySpin,
The wiki no longer distinguishes visited links with different CSS style,
Allen Halsey
redirection to http://sos.108.redhat.com/ not working,
Simeon . Todoran
Mary Ann Davis
Ken McCormick
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