Fwd: PLease Can u Solve my Problem IN Fedora 11 Whle using

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 Please can u solve my following problem with Fedora11?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: venkat reddy <venkatreddy442@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 10:31 AM
Subject: PLease Can u Solve my Problem IN Fedora 11 Whle using
To: mirror-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I am getting Problem in opening then window of  Circuit simulator( Cadence Simulator & Mentor Graphics simulator , both ) after clicking on the Circuit file in Fedora 11.  I had got the same  in Fedora 10 before it . I am using  DELL Laptop with core 2 duo processor, 2GB RAM.

We were not getting any problems in opening of "Circuit Window" in Desktops, eventhough we had used Fedora 11 and 10.

Can u Solve my Problem in Laptop by  following the given Error of  " Font" .


1) Eventhough We had Installed All types of "Font"s in Fedora 11, still window is not being opened.

2) Do you think its the Problem with laptop hardware Or Circuit Simulator Sofware?

3)Or The problem with Fedora11 with DELL Laptop.  We get opened the Circuit window in Desktop computer with the same Fedora11 software?

4) Whome should  I  conatct ? Whether it is to fedora people, Circuit simulator softwares,  Or DELL Laptop?    Please Solve my Problem soon

Please give me any contact IDs of People with  them I will get my problem solved.

Have a great day

A.Venkat Reddy
Roll no:08407616
Phd Scholar,
Electrical engineering department,
IIT Bombay,
Mobile no:9820413272.

My ERROR In Laptop:
Starting application ... please wait
//  Design Architect-IC Hotkeys Userware Module
//  Design Architect-IC Commlib Userware Module
//  Design Architect-IC  v2006.2_1.1  Wed Feb  7 13:59:05 PST 2007
//  EDDM-IC  v2006.2_1.1  Wed Feb  7 13:58:23 PST 2007
//  Falcon Framework IC  v2006.2_1.1 Wed Feb  7 15:02:48 PST 2007
//             Copyright Mentor Graphics Corporation 2006
//                      All Rights Reserved.
//  Mentor Graphics software executing under x86_64 Linux.

// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-times-medium-r-*-*-12-*',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica-bold:12',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica-oblique:14',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'courier:12',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica:14',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica:10',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica-bold:10',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica-boldoblique:10',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = '-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-8-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// WARNING:    Font loading failed. Please see the following notes for more information.
// NOTE:       Xhost            = 'vlsi34',
// NOTE:       Xserver          = 'localhost.localdomain',
// NOTE:       font name        = 'helvetica:10',
// NOTE:       font package     = '(null)'.
// ERROR -- Unhandled exception caught:
caught signal 11 - SIGSEGV: segmentation violation
(_Z14core_tracebackPv+0x1a) [0x2a978ac19a]
(_Z15base_fixup_funcP11Core_statusP15Core_xcpt_hndlr+0xb7) [0x40085d27]
(_ZN15Core_xcpt_hndlr5raiseEP11Core_statusNS_32Core_xcpt_hndlr_raise_permissionE+0x34) [0x2a978b89a4]
(_ZN11Ui_area_att11font_heightEv+0x2d) [0x2a96e9821d]
(_ZN17Ui_text_menu_item12measure_fontEb+0x41) [0x2a96ee62a1]
(_ZN17Ui_text_menu_itemC2ERK9Core_rstrS2_S2_bPliiSs+0x17e) [0x2a96ee5f3e]
(_ZN17Context_menu_itemC1ERK9Core_rstrS2_S2_S2_S2_S2_bPliiSs+0x7e) [0x2a96ee6f2e]
(_ZN9C_sysf_fp6invokeEP16Ui_logical_event+0x31) [0x2a96f85081]
(_ZNK16Ui_callable_type4callEPK13Mule_callableRK10Mule_scopeRK11Mule_vectorR11Core_status+0x66e) [0x2a96f4881e]
(_ZN13Ampl_callable24call_with_processed_argsERK9Mule_nameRK10Mule_scopeRK11Mule_vectorR11Core_status+0x228) [0x2a97358cc8]
(_ZN13Ampl_callable4callERK9Mule_nameRK10Mule_scopeRK11Mule_vectorR11Core_status+0x25f) [0x2a9735860f]
(_ZN9Ampl_eval9BC_CALL_fEPS_R11EVAL_locals+0x69c) [0x2a97304c3c]
(_ZN9Ampl_eval2goER11Core_statusPK10Mule_frame+0x5df) [0x2a9734449f]
(_ZN9Ampl_eval2goER11Core_statusR9Ampl_wareRK10Mule_scopeRK11Mule_vectorPK10Mule_frame+0x984) [0x2a972a9214]
(_ZNK14Ampl_ware_type4callEPK13Mule_callableRK10Mule_scopeRK11Mule_vectorR11Core_status+0x55) [0x2a972cb995]
(_ZN13Ampl_callable4callERK9Mule_nameRK10Mule_scopeRK11Mule_vectorR11Core_status+0x58a) [0x2a9735893a]
(_ZN8Ui_scope4callEP13Ampl_callableRK9Ui_valuesR8Ui_valueR11Core_status+0x90) [0x2a96f9fe30]
(_ZN8Ui_scope5setupERK9Core_rstrS2_i+0x1742) [0x2a96fa2302]
(_ZN7Ui_area9ctor_initEv+0xa3) [0x2a96e8b0a3]
(_ZN7Ui_areaC2EiisP16Ui_attribute_mgr+0x1a8) [0x2a96e8b2c8]
(_ZN14Ui_framed_areaC2EP7Ui_areaiiib+0x5d) [0x2a96ebb83d]
(_ZN11Ui_ovl_areaC2Eiii+0x25) [0x2a96ee9fc5]
(_ZN15Ui_session_areaC2ERK9Core_rstribi+0x4c) [0x2a96f0a7ec]
(_ZN10Sc_sessionC2ERK11Core_string+0x45) [0x2a968ddda5]
(_ZN10Fb_sessionC1ERK11Core_string+0x25) [0x400a1a35]

venkata reddy
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