My name is Anna and I've been working for Polish publisher house HELION
S.A. as an assistance of editor. In general we are publishing computers
books. Now, we've been working on an education book title:
- Systemy i sieci komputerowe. Podręcznik do nauki zawodu technik
informatyk; ISBN: 978-83-246-2388-4.
We would like to publish this education book with CD-ROM and autor of
this book would like to add to this CD-ROM Your software:
- Fedora ("Linux" 11) Leonidas
Book will be published by the end of 2010 year and I would like to ask
You for the permission to do it without any charge. I know, that Your
software is under GPL license, but I have to be given an mail answer and
prermission. We would like to use Your software only for education
cases. I'll be faithfull for answer.
I know, that I shouldn't write under this adress, but I didn't want add
my question to mailing list. Please, try understand :)
Best regards,
Anna Gilewska, Redakcja Książki Edukacyjnej
Grupa Wydawnicza HELION SA
tel. O32 230 98 63, wew. 172
http://helion.pl - Informatyka w najlepszym wydaniu
http://onepress.pl - Ksiażki klasy business
HELION SA, 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Kosciuszki 1C
Numer KRS 0000121256 Sad Rejonowy w Gliwicach.
X Wydzial Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego.
NIP 631-020-02-68, REGON: 271070648
Wysokosc kapitalow wlasnych: 10.788.418 zl,
w tym kapital zakladowy: 500.100 zl
Wszystkie kapitaly w calosci oplacone
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