Systemd Development
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- reboot delay due to lack of VG deactivation before cryptsetup close
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- reboot delay due to lack of VG deactivation before cryptsetup close
- From: lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Chris Murphy)
- Stacked automount dependencies
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- Stacked automount dependencies
- From: shiva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kenneth Porter)
- Stacked automount dependencies
- From: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Chapman)
- Stacked automount dependencies
- From: shiva@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kenneth Porter)
- [PATCH] Fix strerror_r segfault on non-glibc systems
- From: adi@xxxxxxxxxx (Ioan-Adrian Ratiu)
- [PATCH] Fix strerror_r segfault on non-glibc systems
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- [PATCH] Fix strerror_r segfault on non-glibc systems
- From: pmenzel+systemd-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- [PATCH] Fix strerror_r segfault on non-glibc systems
- From: github@xxxxxxxxxxxx (systemd github import bot)
- journal file boot_id and tail_entry_monotonic
- From: matthijsvanduin@xxxxxxxxx (Matthijs van Duin)
- systemd-networkd-wait-online should know if there is anything to wait for
- From: xnox@xxxxxxxxxx (Dimitri John Ledkov)
- bus benchmark
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- bus benchmark
- From: zhitingz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (zhiting zhu)
- Encrypted partitions not decrypted at boot time when using key-file.
- From: colin@xxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- Idea: adding WantsFileBefore= and WantsFileAfter=?
- From: rymg19@xxxxxxxxx (rymg19@xxxxxxxxx)
- Encrypted partitions not decrypted at boot time when using key-file.
- From: arbiel.perlacremaz@xxxxxx (Arbiel (gmx))
- systemd-networkd-wait-online should know if there is anything to wait for
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- Idea: adding WantsFileBefore= and WantsFileAfter=?
- From: gmane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- "CVE-2013-4392: TOCTOU race condition when updating file permissions and SELinux security contexts" still an issue
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- how to login into a container booting with a minimal 'debian distro unstable' via nspawn
- From: smcv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Simon McVittie)
- systemd-networkd-wait-online should know if there is anything to wait for
- From: xnox@xxxxxxxxxx (Dimitri John Ledkov)
- start service in but don't stop it on isolate
- From: leo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alexander 'Leo' Bergolth)
- how to login into a container booting with a minimal 'debian distro unstable' via nspawn
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- how to login into a container booting with a minimal 'debian distro unstable' via nspawn
- From: filbranden@xxxxxxxxxx (Filipe Brandenburger)
- how to login into a container booting with a minimal 'debian distro unstable' via nspawn
- From: floriheld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florian Held)
- "CVE-2013-4392: TOCTOU race condition when updating file permissions and SELinux security contexts" still an issue
- From: mbiebl@xxxxxxxxx (Michael Biebl)
- question about Wants and unit start-up order
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- question about Wants and unit start-up order
- From: brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brian J. Murrell)
- question about Wants and unit start-up order
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- Idea: adding WantsFileBefore= and WantsFileAfter=?
- From: rymg19@xxxxxxxxx (Ryan Gonzalez)
- leftover machines
- From: johannes.ernst@xxxxxxxxx (Johannes Ernst)
- Filtering logs of a single execution of a (transient) service
- From: filbranden@xxxxxxxxxx (Filipe Brandenburger)
- Filtering logs of a single execution of a (transient) service
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- question about Wants and unit start-up order
- From: brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brian J. Murrell)
- Filtering logs of a single execution of a (transient) service
- From: filbranden@xxxxxxxxxx (Filipe Brandenburger)
- question about Wants and unit start-up order
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- question about Wants and unit start-up order
- From: brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Brian J. Murrell)
- About supporting relative values (e.g. 50%) in configuration
- From: john@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (John Florian)
- systemd issues related to watchdog
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- systemd issues related to watchdog
- From: prashantkumardhotre@xxxxxxxxx (prashantkumar dhotre)
- Idea: adding WantsFileBefore= and WantsFileAfter=?
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Idea: adding WantsFileBefore= and WantsFileAfter=?
- From: rymg19@xxxxxxxxx (Ryan Gonzalez)
- Starting a service at shutdown time, with requirements
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- IPv6 using LTE Modem - Networkd configuration
- From: matthew_stanger@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matthew Stanger)
- Starting a service at shutdown time, with requirements
- From: walters@xxxxxxxxxx (Colin Walters)
- Starting a service at shutdown time, with requirements
- From: smcv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Simon McVittie)
- Starting a service at shutdown time, with requirements
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Starting a service at shutdown time, with requirements
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- Starting a service at shutdown time, with requirements
- From: walters@xxxxxxxxxx (Colin Walters)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- How do I create/destroy instances dynamically when config files appear/disappear?
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- RFE: diagnose when selinux context is not init_t
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- alternative approach to waiting for system time to be set
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- How do I create/destroy instances dynamically when config files appear/disappear?
- From: systemd-devel@xxxxxxx (John Ioannidis)
- alternative approach to waiting for system time to be set
- From: pab@xxxxxxxxxxx (Peter A. Bigot)
- How do I create/destroy instances dynamically when config files appear/disappear?
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- RFE: diagnose when selinux context is not init_t
- From: jreiser@xxxxxxxxxxxx (John Reiser)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- networkd dhcp client - serialize / run stand alone / inject or restart dhcp client
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- About supporting relative values (e.g. 50%) in configuration
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- system failing to boot with SMACK/IMA enabled.
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- journal file boot_id and tail_entry_monotonic
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- start service in but don't stop it on isolate
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- start service in but don't stop it on isolate
- From: jeremy.rosen@xxxxxxxx (Jérémy Rosen)
- Cascading oneshot units
- From: evan@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Evan Klitzke)
- Cascading oneshot units
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- Cascading oneshot units
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- Cascading oneshot units
- From: evan@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Evan Klitzke)
- alternative approach to waiting for system time to be set
- From: pab@xxxxxxxxxxx (Peter A. Bigot)
- How do I create/destroy instances dynamically when config files appear/disappear?
- From: systemd-devel@xxxxxxx (John Ioannidis)
- How do I create/destroy instances dynamically when config files appear/disappear?
- From: systemd-devel@xxxxxxx (John Ioannidis)
- alternative approach to waiting for system time to be set
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- 2017: systemd-readahead?
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- Timeout for dev-ttyS0.device in Angstrom 2017.06 Yocto-2.3
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Xorg is continuously crashing and dumping core, this is the stack trace from journalctl -p 3 -xb
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- start service in but don't stop it on isolate
- From: leo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alexander 'Leo' Bergolth)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: pmenzel+systemd-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- ShutdownWatchdogSec does not work as described
- From: m.olbrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Olbrich)
- alternative approach to waiting for system time to be set
- From: jeremy.rosen@xxxxxxxx (Jérémy Rosen)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: jeremy.rosen@xxxxxxxx (Jérémy Rosen)
- ShutdownWatchdogSec does not work as described
- From: prashantkumardhotre@xxxxxxxxx (prashantkumar dhotre)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: colin@xxxxxxxxxx (Colin Guthrie)
- ShutdownWatchdogSec does not work as described
- From: prashantkumardhotre@xxxxxxxxx (prashantkumar dhotre)
- alternative approach to waiting for system time to be set
- From: pab@xxxxxxxxxxx (Peter A. Bigot)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: pmenzel+systemd-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: pmenzel+systemd-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: tomek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tomasz Torcz 👁️)
- How to debug why a unit is started when?
- From: pmenzel+systemd-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Paul Menzel)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: prashantkumardhotre@xxxxxxxxx (prashantkumar dhotre)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: aleivag@xxxxxxxxx (aleivag)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: aleivag@xxxxxxxxx (aleivag)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: zealjagannatha@xxxxxxxxx (Zeal Jagannatha)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: prashantkumardhotre@xxxxxxxxx (prashantkumar dhotre)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: zealjagannatha@xxxxxxxxx (Zeal Jagannatha)
- safe and fast shutdown/reboot
- From: prashantkumardhotre@xxxxxxxxx (prashantkumar dhotre)
- journal file boot_id and tail_entry_monotonic
- From: matthijsvanduin@xxxxxxxxx (Matthijs van Duin)
- system failing to boot with SMACK/IMA enabled.
- From: mtownsend1973@xxxxxxxxx (Martin Townsend)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: rymg19@xxxxxxxxx (Ryan Gonzalez)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: mbiebl@xxxxxxxxx (Michael Biebl)
- systemd-shutdown: Failed to parse /proc/self/moutinfo
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- Timeout for dev-ttyS0.device in Angstrom 2017.06 Yocto-2.3
- From: (Ong, Hean Loong)
- Enablement symlink path for built-in units
- From: wonderfly@xxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Wang)
- Xorg is continuously crashing and dumping core, this is the stack trace from journalctl -p 3 -xb
- From: h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Reindl Harald)
- Xorg is continuously crashing and dumping core, this is the stack trace from journalctl -p 3 -xb
- From: dudeand2000@xxxxxxxxx (Dude And)
- Enablement symlink path for built-in units
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- Enablement symlink path for built-in units
- From: wonderfly@xxxxxxxxxx (Daniel Wang)
- inetd/chroot
- From: Charles.Fisher@xxxxxxxxxxx (Fisher, Charles J. (Top Echelon))
- networkd dhcp client - serialize / run stand alone / inject or restart dhcp client
- From: xnox@xxxxxxxxxx (Dimitri John Ledkov)
- [ANNOUNCE] systemd v238
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- About supporting relative values (e.g. 50%) in configuration
- From: zbyszek@xxxxxxxxx (Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: grawity@xxxxxxxxx (Mantas Mikulėnas)
- [ANNOUNCE] systemd v238
- From: umut@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Umut Tezduyar Lindskog)
- inetd/chroot
- From: filbranden@xxxxxxxxxx (Filipe Brandenburger)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: mzerqung@xxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- inetd/chroot
- From: Charles.Fisher@xxxxxxxxxxx (Fisher, Charles J. (Top Echelon))
- Create a target unit to start & stop a group of services
- From: johnlinp@xxxxxxxxx (林自均)
- OnFailure=
- From: wertstoffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Schürz)
- About supporting relative values (e.g. 50%) in configuration
- From: Qi.Chen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (ChenQi)
- About supporting relative values (e.g. 50%) in configuration
- From: Qi.Chen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (ChenQi)
- OnFailure=
- From: arvidjaar@xxxxxxxxx (Andrei Borzenkov)
- OnFailure=
- From: wertstoffe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Schürz)
- Create a target unit to start & stop a group of services
- From: zbyszek@xxxxxxxxx (Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek)
- Create a target unit to start & stop a group of services
- From: johnlinp@xxxxxxxxx (林自均)
- [ANNOUNCE] systemd v238
- From: zbyszek@xxxxxxxxx (Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: oneukum@xxxxxxxx (Oliver Neukum)
- Should long-running child processes clear INVOCATION_ID?
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Should long-running child processes clear INVOCATION_ID?
- From: smcv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Simon McVittie)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Why did you set MountFlags=slave in
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Why did you set MountFlags=slave in
- From: (Hongzhi, Song)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: Thomas.Blume@xxxxxxxx (Thomas Blume)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: oneukum@xxxxxxxx (Oliver Neukum)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- RFC: enable suspend to idle
- From: Thomas.Blume@xxxxxxxx (Thomas Blume)
- custom var in sd_notify
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- custom var in sd_notify
- From: umut@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Umut Tezduyar Lindskog)
- Best practice for prepopulating the CacheDirectory of dynamic users
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Why did you set MountFlags=slave in
- From: lennart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lennart Poettering)
- Why did you set MountFlags=slave in
- From: (Hongzhi, Song)
- Best practice for prepopulating the CacheDirectory of dynamic users
- From: antoine.pietri1@xxxxxxxxx (Antoine Pietri)
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