Postgresql Users
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Connection issue,
Maximilian Tyrtania
Need details on 9.6 version of postgres,
A H S Phanindra
FDW, too long to run explain,
Vijaykumar Jain
JSONB Array of Strings (with GIN index) versus Split Rows (B-Tree Index),
Syed Jafri
Server goes to Recovery Mode when run a SQL,
FK Constraint with ON DELETE SET DEFAULT cascading as table owner,
Brad Leupen
Date calculation,
oracle_fwd - is it safe or not?,
Piotr Włodarczyk
Initial load from standby in logical replication.,
Radoslav Nedyalkov
Upgrading 9.2 to 9.6 questions,
Lucas Possamai
Java's org.postgresql.util.PSQLState is missing common PostgreSQL Error Codes,
David Kremer
Hilbert, Karin
Old tsearch functions,
Howard News
Major upgrade from 9.6.10 to 10.6 and pg_stat_statement update,
Thomas Poty
pgexpress 4.60 vita voom,
Querying w/ join slow for large/many child tables,
Wells Oliver
User Name Maps seem broken in 11.1 on CentOS 7,
Viktor Berke
Revoke SQL doesn't take effect,
Jason W
parallel plpgsql function,
Jiří Fejfar
SELECT of pseudo hex value gives unexpected result,
Gunnar "Nick" Bluth
How to set parameters in 'options'?,
Stefan Keller
pg_rewind success even though getting error 'record with incorrect prev-link',
Abdullah Al Maruf
Help : Update and insert record based on several value in the parameter,
Hengky Lie
Error: record with incorrect prev-link ---/--- at ---/---, when archiving is 'on',
Abdullah Al Maruf
Table Replication,
Sathish Kumar
Anonymize Data,
Sathish Kumar
Re: Anonymize Data,
Adrian Klaver
Re: Anonymize Data,
Bruno Lavoie
postgresql v11.1 Segmentation fault: signal 11: by running SELECT... JIT Issue?,
Displaying Comments in Views,
Susan Hurst
number and type of locks for an alter sequence,
Thomas Poty
Regarding query execution for long time,
Durgamahesh Manne
multi-SQL command string aborts despite IF EXISTS,
Karsten Hilbert
type int2vector,
data definition within plpgsql,
hamann . w
logical replication problem,
Thomas Schweikle
Re: logical replication problem,
Achilleas Mantzios
error when creating logical replication slot,
Josef Machytka
[ANN] pg2arrow,
Kohei KaiGai
Error message restarting a database,
Begin Daniel
Does creating readOnly connections, when possible, free up resources in Postgres?,
David Kremer
Implementing an expanded object in C,
Michel Pelletier
Postgresql Crasching,
Márcio Antônio Sepp
Geographical multi-master replication,
Ruben Rubio Rey
duplicate OID issue when using pg_upgrade to move from 9.3 to 9.5,
Duarte Carreira
Recommended Hardware requirements for PostgreSQL DB Server.,
Kaushal Shriyan
bhargav kamineni
Postgres 11 chooses seq scan instead of index-only scan,
How duplicate values inserted into the primary key column of table and how to fix it,
Raghavendra Rao J S V
Casting Integer to Boolean in assignment,
Alexandre GRAIL
[pgbackrest] Expiring the last backup?,
Need a command to take the backup of the child tables along with its master table.,
Raghavendra Rao J S V
Get attributes names,
how to properly start postgresql with no TCP listeners in ubuntu 16.04 LTS,
Alex Morris
Monitoring PITR recovery progress,
Ivan Voras
Reclaiming space for dropped database,
Alban Hertroys
Decrease time needed to CREATE INDEX and FOREIGN KEY on new table column which has all values NULL,
Denisa Cirstescu
Re: Marc G. Fournier Invoice,
Stephen Frost
PostgreSQL logical replication depends on WAL segments?,
Josef Machytka
Tuning threshold for BAS_BULKREAD (large tables),
Jamison, Kirk
Memory and hard ware calculation :,
Rangaraj G
Manage PostgreSQL Database for GITLAB Application?,
Hilbert, Karin
commit within a procedure loop - cannot commite with subtransaction,
Capacity Planning,
bhargav kamineni
pgint.l -- PostgreSQL interface for PicoLisp,
Abel Normand
Why adding BEFORE TRIGGER affect client CPU?,
George Woodring
repmgr and automatic failover,
ROS Didier
Upgrading from 9.2.15 to 9.4.20,
Full text search with more than one word,
Ritanjali Majihee
Need aws_oracle_ext.systimestamp function defination for postgres,
Ahtesham Karajgi
strange slow query performance,
Ben Snaidero
Identifying comments,
Rich Shepard
Postgres Automated Failover,
AI Rumman
Question about array_to_string()'s behavior and the behavior might be changed in the future or not,
Egashira, Yusuke
Varlena with recursive data structures?,
Sam Patterson
problem in regard to hot standby,
Weird behaviour of ROLLUP/GROUPING,
Guillaume Lelarge
lost "left join",
Олег Самойлов
Can anyone please provide me list of customers using postgreSQL,
Ramamoorthi, Meenakshi
aggregate functions are not allowed in UPDATE,
Alexander Farber
Using psql variables in DO-blocks,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
Refining query statement,
Rich Shepard
Read consistency when using synchronous_commit=off,
repmgr and STONIT - SPLIT BAIN,
ROS Didier
Oracke BLOB to Postgres BYTEA using ora2pg,
Mihalidesová Jana
pg_restore restores privileges differently from psql,
Sherrylyn Branchaw
sha512sum (program) gives different result than sha512 in PG11,
Andreas Joseph Krogh
repmgr and SSH,
ROS Didier
the installation of pgadmin4 makes me weep in frustration,
Array_agg and dimensions in Array,
Mike Martin
Logical replication issue with row level trigger,
Aleš Zelený
Question about MemoryContextRegisterResetCallback,
Michel Pelletier
Static PostgreSQL Binaries (Linux + Windows),
Zach van Rijn
CREATE COLLATION to match pg_collation data,
insert into: NULL in date column,
Rich Shepard
How to always run UPDATE FROM despite missing records in the source table?,
Alexander Farber
Benchmark of using JSON to transport query results in node.js,
Postgres wont remove useless joins, when the UNIQUE index is partial,
Kim Rose Carlsen
Lost synchronization with server: got message type"0" , length 879046704,
Arun Menon
log level of "drop cascade" lists,
Willy-Bas Loos
Aidan Samuel
postgres operational,
Steve Clark
Re: Pulling data from Postgres DB table for every 5 seconds.,
github kran
jdbc PGCopyOutputStream close() v. endCopy(),
Rob Sargent
multiple configurations with repmgr,
ROS Didier
(multiplatform) replication problem,
Not sure which part of the query needs optimization,
Alexander Farber
Which queries have run query trace form .exe.,
Vimal Kanzariya
Optimizing the same PREPAREd static query (without parameters),
About SSL connection,
John Mikel
Is it impolite to dump a message,
Thiemo Kellner
Adding new collations after pg_upgrade?,
Adding LEFT JOIN to a query has increased execution time 10 times,
Alexander Farber
Dropping and creating a trigger,
Get LSN at which a cluster was promoted on previous timeline,
Jeremy Finzel
Allison Kaptur
Immutable way to cast timestamp TEXT to DATE? (for index),
Ken Tanzer
32-bit supporting binaries for version 11,
Ken Benson
Showing table comments with psql,
Mark Jeffcoat
Comparing dates in DDL,
Rich Shepard
(Again) Column Store on PostGreSQL,
Multiple postgresql clusters with same version and separate binaries,
Erika Knihti-Van Driessche
Refresh using barman,
Rijo Roy
Use bytearray for blobs or not?,
Thomas Güttler
Potentially undocumented behaviour change in Postgres 11 concerning OLD record in an after insert trigger,
Kristjan Tammekivi
Function `set_config` doesn't work in with query?,
Zexuan Luo
SPI Interface to Call Procedure with Transaction Control Statements,
Jack LIU
query with regular expression,
Glenn Schultz
[unixODBC]Unrecognized key passed to SQLGetInfo. {S1C00,NativeErr = 209},
Mihalidesová Jana
Default for date field: today vs CURRENT_DATE,
Rich Shepard
Implementing standard SQL's DOMAIN constraint,
Rich Shepard
Can't quote_literal with COPY FROM PROGRAM,
Mark Mikulec
Thoughts on row-level security for webapps?,
Siegfried Bilstein
Relocatable Binaries (RPMs) : custom installation path for PostgreSQL,
chiru r
jsonb : find row by array object attribute,
Rory Campbell-Lange
getting pg_basebackup to use remote destination,
Chuck Martin
Recursive CTE,
Glenn Schultz
initialize and use variable in query,
Glenn Schultz
Using placeholders when creating a materialized view,
ERROR: found multixact XX from before relminmxid YY,
Mark Fletcher
libpq bug?,
Igor Korot
In which session context is a trigger run?,
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