On 29/12/2018 15:40, Glenn Schultz wrote:
I need to initialize a variable and then use it in query.
Ultimately this will part of a recursive CTE but for now I just need to
work this out. I followed the docs and thought I needed something like
this. But does not work-maybe I have misunderstood. Is this possible?
Hi there,
What does "does not work" mean? What error do you get?
SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 8;
SET random_page_cost = 1;
SET enable_partitionwise_aggregate = on;
Do $$
Declare startdate date;
startdate := (select max(fctrdt) from fnmloan);
END $$;
A couple of things off the top of my head:
(i) I think you need "language plpgsql" (or whatever) after the DO block.
(ii) That assignment in the DO should probably be:
select max(fctrdt) into startdate from fnmloan;
I hope this helps.
Raymond O'Donnell // Galway // Ireland