Hi! I made some benchmarks of using JSON to transport results to node.js and it seems it really makes a difference over using native or standard PostgreSQL. So the idea is that you simply wrap all results into JSON like SELECT to_json(t) FROM (... original query ...) AS t. I am guessing because node.js/JavaScript has really fast JSON parser but for everything else there is overhead. See my blog post for more details [1]. Any feedback welcome. This makes me wonder. If serialization/deserialization makes such big impact, where there efforts to improve how results are serialized for over-the-wire transmission? For example, to use something like Capnproto [2] to serialize into structure which can be directly used without any real deserialization? [1] https://mitar.tnode.com/post/181893159351/in-nodejs-always-query-in-json-from-postgresql [2] https://capnproto.org/ Mitar -- http://mitar.tnode.com/ https://twitter.com/mitar_m