Hi Magnus, exact Search keyword is ("Marketing Coordinator" OR "Marketing Specialist" OR "Marketing Associate" ) AND "Creative Suite". Where condition like below syntax we are using in Postgresql function SELECT * from tablename where html_tokens @@ to_tsquery( ' || quote_literal(ikeyword) || ') From search keyword we are getting result but not as expected .It is not searching together "Marketing Coordinator" string, It is giving result like "Marketing and Coordinator". Can you please help us solve this issue. Thanks, Ritanjali From: magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:magnus@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 11:37 AM Ritanjali Majihee <rmajhee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It sounds like what you're looking for is phrase search, but it's hard to figure out if you're actually using that and it's not working for you, or if you're not using it. Please provide examples of the exact SQL that you are using to populate your tsvectors and to do the actual searches. //Magnus |