We try to migrate from oracle to postgres using ora2pg but we hit some weird behavior of bytea. Or it’s just our ignorance.
Table migration were ok, but we are not able to read bytea data. What we did wrong.
Thank you for your help,
nipjd=> \d alf_node_properties_zaloha
Table "nip_dms.alf_node_properties_zaloha"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
node_id | bigint | | |
actual_type_n | integer | | |
persisted_type_n | integer | | |
boolean_value | boolean | | |
long_value | bigint | | |
float_value | real | | |
double_value | double precision | | |
string_value | character varying(1024) | | |
serializable_value | bytea | | |
qname_id | bigint | | |
list_index | integer | | |
locale_id | bigint | | |
nipjd=> select distinct (serializable_value) from alf_node_properties_zaloha where serializable_value is not null;
(6 rows)
nipjd=> select distinct encode(serializable_value, 'hex') from alf_node_properties_zaloha where serializable_value is not null;
(6 rows)
nipjd=> select distinct encode(serializable_value, 'escape') from alf_node_properties_zaloha where serializable_value is not null;
decode(E'aced00057e72002c6f72672e616c66726573636f2e736572766963652e636d722e76657273696f6e2e56657273696f6e5479706500000000000000001200007872000e6a6176612e6c616e672e456e756d000000000000000012000078707400054d494e4f52', 'hex')
decode(E'aced0005737200136a6176612e7574696c2e41727261794c6973747881d21d99c7619d03000149000473697a6578700000000077040000000078', 'hex')
decode(E'aced00057372002c6f72672e616c66726573636f2e7265706f2e6d6f64756c652e4d6f64756c6556657273696f6e4e756d62657277473de5d9c7c28c0c000078707710000e312e322e3132313232373031343378', 'hex')
decode(E'aced00057372002c6f72672e616c66726573636f2e7265706f2e6d6f64756c652e4d6f64756c6556657273696f6e4e756d62657277473de5d9c7c28c0c000078707710000e322e302e3134303732383033323278', 'hex')
decode(E'aced00057372002c6f72672e616c66726573636f2e7265706f2e6d6f64756c652e4d6f64756c6556657273696f6e4e756d62657277473de5d9c7c28c0c0000787077050003312e3078', 'hex')
decode(E'aced00057e72002c6f72672e616c66726573636f2e736572766963652e636d722e76657273696f6e2e56657273696f6e5479706500000000000000001200007872000e6a6176612e6c616e672e456e756d000000000000000012000078707400054d414a4f52', 'hex')
(6 rows)
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