On 1/28/19 5:04 AM, Ron wrote:
On 1/28/19 6:20 AM, Durgamahesh Manne wrote:
below query is being executed for long time
distinct ltrim(rtrim(ssnumber)), CL.iInsightClientId,
ltrim(rtrim(TFA.client_account_key)) as vchAccountNumber,
concat(TFA.first_name, ' ', TFA.last_name) as vchAccountName,
concat('AP:TIAA', TFA.routing_number) as vchRepLabel,
null as vchOpenDate, TFA.address1 as vchAccountTiteLine2,
TFA.address2 as vchAccountTitleLine3,null as vchAccountType,
TFA.address1 as vchPrimaryContact, 'TIAA-CREF' as Custodian,
TFA.routing_number as vchCustodian_RepId, null as vchCustodianRepName,
CONCAT ('TIAA-CREF:',ltrim(rtrim(client_account_key)),':',
ltrim(rtrim(ssnumber))) as vchAccountKey,
null as vchFeedsAccountType
from accounts as TFA
join client3 as CL on
left join account3 as AC on
where AC."iInsightAccountID" is null;
query is being executed for long time even after i have created
required indexes on columns of the tables
please help for fast query execution
I bet this is what's causing your troubles:
on ltrim(rtrim(Cl.vchssnumber))=ltrim(rtrim(TFA.ssnumber))
There is also the question of why not do?:
btrim(Cl.vchssnumber) = btrim(TFA.ssnumber)
The query optimizer probably can't use indexes on those tables.
Adrian Klaver