Open SSL Users
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- 1.1.0b fails to negotiate with an old OpenSSL client, (continued)
- Different size of openssl libraries, Devang Kubavat
- rpmbuild openssl-1.0.1u, James Marcus
- Use of openssl,
Jean Tinguely Awais
- Clarification regarding CVE-2016-2178 for openssl 1.0.2 i and 1.0.2 j,
Sanjaya Joshi
- openssl dgst -sha256 - result differs from Bouncycastle SHA256 digest for same input,
shanthi thomas
- TLS handshake fail in libssl1.0.2j, Mattia Rossi
- SSL_write:: shutdown while in init, Anton Koldaev
- openssl-1.0.2j does not compile with 'no-des' option, Mirko Dziadzka
- Architecture-specific headers,
Kim Gräsman
- openssl s_client B as first char sends heartbeat,
Rob Butler
- Where to find definitions of certain functions,
Ajay Garg
- OpenSSL 1.0.2.f undefined reference: _Stoul,
- openssl errors with 1.0.2h in a running application, Jayant Jain
- Programmatically determine latest versions,
David Turner
- Check if key is unlocked,
shawn wilson
- What define(s) does enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 translate to?,
Jeffrey Walton
- Closing old tickets, Rich Salz
- Seeking to understand difference in RSA key gen between X9.31 and FIPS 186-4, Ethan Rahn
- Some policy changes: RT retiring; use GitHub, Rich Salz
- X.509 Attribute Certificate status, chris.gray@xxxxxxxxx
- Is there any tool for verification of cryptography?, Keonho Lee
- Questions on internal-buffers being used,
Ajay Garg
- OpenSSL - unable to get certificate CRL, Juergen Edner
- Porting to OpenSSL 1.1,
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
- Getting the retry reason for a "failed" BIO_write/BIO_read,
Ajay Garg
- [Version-2] Sequence of steps to initialize a ssl-session (only client-mode),
Ajay Garg
- [PLEASE IGNORE] Re: Sequence of steps to initialize a ssl-session (only client-mode), Ajay Garg
- Sequence of steps to initialize a ssl-session (only client-mode),
Ajay Garg
- Linking FIPS 2.0.12 and OpenSSL 1.0.2f - "multiple definition of `bn_div_3_words",
- Building an application with OpenSSL and FIPS support.,
Matthew Heimlich
- Building FIPS capable openssl on Android, HariPrasad MC
- socket change with SSL_set_fd,
Ales Stibal
- Root-Level queries while using SSL-connections wrapping "sockets",
Ajay Garg
- pod to html,
Ken Goldman
- BN_mod_inverse:no inverse when calling OCSP_basic_sign,
Eric To
- OpenSSL F2F, Salz, Rich
- Properly Reseeding RAND_bytes(), Schmicker, Robert
- RAND_bytes() Properly Reseeding,
Robert Schmicker
- OpenSSL and sourc'ing countries (was: calloc vs kssl_calloc),
Jeffrey Walton
- OpenSSL 1.1.0 release (was: new FIPS module), Jeffrey Walton
- Coverity Scan projects for OpenSSL?,
Jeffrey Walton
- Possible to control session reuse from the client?,
Daniel Janzon
- how to generate test8192 input data for d2i_RSAPrivateKey(....) ?,
Gupta, Saurabh
- Libeay32.dll,
- Can't compile Apache 2.4.23 with OpenSSL 1.1.0b,
Paquin, Brian
- Building FIPS-capable OpenSSL on Linux PPC64,
Perrow, Graeme
- new FIPS module,
Steve Marquess
- Building on Windows against run-time library,
Wei Sun
- "nmake install" attempts to write outside of prefix,
'Braden McDaniel'
- calloc vs kssl_calloc,
Geoffrey Coram
- Why 1.0.1 AND 1.0.2 ?,
REIX, Tony
- integral size mismatch in EVP_DecodeInit, Geoffrey Coram
- OpenSSL version 1.1.0b published, OpenSSL
- OpenSSL version 1.0.2j published, OpenSSL
- Syntax question for subjectAltName certificate extension?,
Walter H.
- stunnel 5.36 released, Michał Trojnara
- Disable a cipher suite in openssl.cnf?,
Scott Neugroschl
- disable tls renegotiation to avoid the risk of OCSP Status Request extension unbounded memory growth,
- OpenSSL version 1.1.0a published, OpenSSL
- OpenSSL version 1.0.2i published, OpenSSL
- OpenSSL version 1.0.1u published, OpenSSL
- OpenSSL 102 stable Git no-tls1 unknown option,
Oliver Niebuhr
- Failed to install OpenSSL 1.1.0 using 'nmake install',
- 撤回: Cannot install OpenSSL 1.1.0 using 'nmake install',
Jing Liu
- Building OpenSSL Library on ARM Cortex M4 based STM32F4 controller in an RTOS environment,
Jinu Jayachandran
- Self signed cert issues,
shawn wilson
- How to handle DTLS Certificate Reassembly Error,
Chad Phillips
- Seeking consultant, Chad Phillips
- Openssl-1.0.1e RSA 8k is getting fail for client authentication while doing Normal Handshake, Gupta, Saurabh
- Customize Windows library names,
Kim Gräsman
- SSL_read, SSL_write error handling,
Alex Hultman
- openssl crl fails to parse a CRL file, which seems correct,
Wouter Verhelst
- openssl-1.0.2i?,
Marek Svent
- SKM_ASN1_SET_OF_i2d,
Thomas Francis, Jr.
- [help]SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file failed!,
- Non-blocking SSL_read/SSL_write: difference between renegociation and data famine, Nicolas Brunie
- Verifying RSA-SHA1 signature?,
Nikolay Kudryavtsev
- 1.1.0 Failed to Compile using Visual Studio 6 and SDK 2003 SP1,
Mauricio Rodriguez
- How to disable SSL session resumption completelly?,
Andrey Kulikov
- OpenSSL 1.0.2h reports speed test results as 0 secs and Infk ops/sec,
Dennis Clarke
- openssl asn1parse using both -genstr and -genconf options,
shanthi thomas
- Custom lastUpdate in CRL,
Rishi Pathak
- X509_verify_cert() and X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(), Felipe Gasper
- how to set temporary EC Diffie-Hellman parameters,
yordanos beyene
- Loading certificates, opal op
- M_ASN1_D2I_* replacement in OpenSSL 1.1.0,
Aleksandr Konstantinov
- Using RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING with high level EVP_Seal functions,
Daniel Knoppel
- A self-signed CA certificate in the CA files *sometimes* stops verification working,
John Unsworth
- dates, times, durations in next release (commands),
Salz, Rich
- Async engine and BIOs,
Nicolas Brunie
- A self-signed CA certificate in the CA file *sometimes* stops verification working,
John Unsworth
- Installed openssl isn't recognized by TrouSerS,
.uservorname .usernachname
- Openssl 1_1_0 compatibility question,
- how to ask peer to sign a message, 李爱琴
- More secure use of DSA?,
Leam Hall
- Compiling Openssl 1.1.0 on AIX using gcc,
Art Lemuel
- ECC patent status questions,
Jakob Bohm
- OpenSSL Dragino Yun Issues,
Nikola Milev
fips_premain.c bitcode for iOS, Brian Jost
error: FIPS routines:fips_pkey_signature_test:test failure:fips_post.c, deff
Working with s_time and nginx,
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Sequential / parallel OpenSSL sessions with Async,
Nicolas Brunie
Question about stateOrProvince,
Tim Boring
Obtaining PKCS7 data length,
Setting an OCSP stapling response on a DTLS server result in crash,
Julien Vermillard
BIO Pair vs Custom BIO for non standard transport,
RSA sign using SHA256 with mgf1 padding,
Moshe Wiener (mowiener)
genpkey DSA error,
Leam Hall
compiling openssl android on arm64, Nicolas Raby
Help installing OpenSSL 1.1.0 pre6 on Windows 2012 R2,
Harster, Kaarl C CIV NAVSEA KPWA, 104
OpenSSL version 1.1.0 published, OpenSSL -> Java1.6 net.ssl gives: dh key too small:s3_clnt.c:3617:,
Matthias Apitz
Transmit on a specific nic, Fredrik Nilsson
CVE-2016-2108 and openssl 0.9.8zf,
Zhang, Lily (USD)
[openssl-user] How to use memory debug functions (CRYPTO_mem_leaks) in OpenSSL 1.1.0 (pre6 release) ?,
Wei, Changzheng
Example on SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data?,
Eric To
regarding openssl and openssl fips,
Test ssl
FIPS_incore_fingerprint inconsistent text section results on iOS, etksubs@xxxxxxxxx
Building OpenSSL 1.0.1t without tls1.1 support?,
Scott Neugroschl
Unhandled exception at 0x005904dc (libeay32.dll) (Windows x86),
Scott Ware
Crypto Module Config, Schmicker, Robert
openssl 1.0.2 Daily Snapshot issue, The Doctor
Reasons to go from 2.0.9 FOM to 2.0.12 ?,
OpenSSL FOM 2.0.12 - Windows Compliance,
Imran Ali
OCSP verification issue, Peter Bowen
_armv7_tick undefined instruction error, Lee Rock
OpenSSL - FIPS 140 Compliant,
Vikram Kamaraj - ERS, HCL Tech
Checking certificate validity using engine, Matea Pejčinović
Using Openssl for eCOS platform,
openssl 1.0.2 20160816 snap, The Doctor
AUTO: Marcus Daniel is out of the office (Rückkehr am 17.08.2016), Marcus.Daniel@xxxxxxxxxx
EVP_SealInit question,
Norm Green
additional data (MAC'ed only) over TLS connection?,
Thomas Knauth
Scott Neugroschl
Is authorized_keys2 read in Openssh version 4/5.x?,
Bhatt, Rakshesh 1. (Nokia - IN/Bangalore)
siva gopi raju kudeti
Checking for AES-NI accelration,
Nagesh shamnur
Certificates generated using 3k/4k CSR generated with OpenSSL fails on Windows 2008R2, Jayalakshmi bhat
BIO_seek() on bio_f_cipher with EVP_aes_256_ctr,
William King
Info Request,
Luiggi Valles
DH custom param generation/usage, Johann v. Preußen
Android openssl linking, Onur Tuna
How to make EVP functions returns false,
OPENSSL provided by Cavium,
neutrino network
Loading engines recursively and crypto engine lock,
Krzysztof Konopko
issue while compiling openssl1.02h,
Test ssl
Migration from AES_ctr128_encrypt to EVP,
Vladimir A. Petrov
output from: dh, dhparam, pkeyparam,
Johann v. Preußen
'no shared cipher', TLS_method on OpenSSL-1-1-0-pre7-dev,
Jim Carroll
Trouble with BIO_s_mem() and SSL_new() on OpenSSL-1.1.0-pre7-dev,
Jim Carroll
Unexpected SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO unsupported protocol Error,
Welling, Conrad Gerhart
Unknown record type 207: what is it, and why does it cause SSL to fail?, Graham Leggett
iOS assembler questions,
Jakob Bohm
Question about OpenSSL and FIPS 140-2 module,
o haya
OpenSSL version 1.1.0 pre release 6 published,
755413103 error on fingerprint match,
Brian Jost
FIPS mode: Need to use FIPS versions of (EVP) methods ?,
FIPS: using ?,
linker input file unused/linking not done gcc warning,
Android and FIPS compliance openSSL. (In Application vs Android Stack)., Nitz Malikarjun
overload engine for openssl dgst -sign,
Syed Elec
Recommended sequence for FIPS_mode_set(), RAND_load_file() and SSL_library_init(), pratyush parimal
OpenSSL 1.1.0 release dates, Matt Caswell
Wording in OpenSSL documentation for SSL_CTX_set_options,
Julien ÉLIE
(no subject),
Prabhat Puroshottam
CA chain.,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- CA chain., asmarner@xxxxxxxxx
iOS FIPS armv7, armv7s, arm64, Brian Jost
server key exchange use case in ECDSA-ECDHE-AES-SHA,
R-D intern
different encrypted text for the same plain text message,
R-D intern
How can I generate an RSA Public Key with OAEP padding?,
Custom Random number generation while in Fips mode,
pratyush parimal
Load secrets to context.,
john gloster
Complete CA chain is not getting delivered., Deka, Sanjeeb
PKCS7_sign conflict with PKCS7_decrypt?,
Jim Carroll
How to properly build OpenSSL with certificates inside certs directory,
Piotr Panasewicz
[ANN] M2Crypto 0.25.0, Matěj Cepl
X509 Version changes?,
Jim Carroll
Same openssl app behaves differently depending on platform,
Carl Heyendal
Openssl software failure for RSA 16K modulus,
Gupta, Saurabh
Generate ECC key with password protection,
Ken Goldman
openssl-SNAP-20160720, The Doctor
RSA sign message,
Gabriel Ivașcu
Regarding OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms function, Abhilash K.V
Help finding replacement for ASN1_seq_unpack_X509,
Jim Carroll
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