Hi all, it's the first time i ask question here, i have a small PHP script that send mail with SMTP to 'sendm.cert.legalmail.it' on port 465 with TLS, on ubuntu server 16.04 i have the last update of libssl1.0.2j but i can't open a socket to that host the handshake fail with this error: > Warning: fsockopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: > error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure in /tmp/connect.php on line 12 > PHP Warning: fsockopen(): Failed to enable crypto in /tmp/connect.php on line 12 > Warning: fsockopen(): Failed to enable crypto in /tmp/connect.php on line 12 > PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://sendm.cert.legalmail.it:465 (Unknown error) in /tmp/connect.php on line 12 downgrade to 1.0.2h fix all problems, other host seems to be no affected to the same issue. It's a bug of openssl? (i don't think so) or it's a bug of the mail provider? Thanks for the support, ask me more i some info are missing!