Linux LVM
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- (root is lvm) Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel, Bao, Liping
- Data corruption on large, multi-device filesystem,
Jens Beyer
- couldn't find device with uuid ...,
- Kernel bug with snapshots,
Stephan Austermühle
- understanding large LVM volumes,
Randall A. Jones
- devmapper,
Alan Jurgensen
- Volume group problem after tried to extend it, Fabrice Salvaire
- Trouble with XFS/Snapshot,
Bruno Bonfils
- Trouble with LVM and snaphot, Bruno Bonfils
- stripped or not ?,
- strange logical volume issue,
- scary message (incorrect header checksum),
Marc Cousin
- she-bang doesn't work - bad interpreter: Permission denied,
Patrick Bartkus
- Problem Upgrading from LVM1 to LVM2,
Mark T. Valites
- Resizing a volume group,
Dean Takemori
- hardware snapshots: uuid issue,
gilles . massen
- Fedora lvm PV lost ! Need to recover data, NGUYEN, Laurent (Elite)
- Problem while migrating form environment SD-LVM to SD-MD-LVM,
Santosh Rokade
- root filesystem snapshots,
rich turner
- LVM2 strange behaviour,
Fred Donck
- Rebuilding physical volume metadata,
Sasha Z
- Very long startup times of the lv*-tools,
Erik Wasser
- lvm and unmounting lv, messmate
- mount my lv with write permisions locks up OS,
Richard S. Bunke
- Extending a stripped Logical Volume,
Olmo González
- lvm/fs issue,
Rosenstrauch, David
- Re: lvm/fs issue, Patrick Caulfield
- Re: lvm/fs issue, Alasdair G Kergon
- Re: lvm/fs issue, David Johnston
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: lvm/fs issue, Rosenstrauch, David
- RE: lvm/fs issue, Rosenstrauch, David
- RE: lvm/fs issue, Rosenstrauch, David
- RE: lvm/fs issue, Rosenstrauch, David
- PVs that are reused / reformatted as filesystems,
Sam Vilain
- LV not activating during startup in SLES 9?, Nicoya Helm
- VGDA content, rajani.sajith
- [PATCH] cannot create PV on empty drive,
Jerome Borsboom
- Problems with LVM,
Mattias Runge
- How to increase/decrease space,
- Re: How to increase/decrease space, Jason Martin
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: How to increase/decrease space, AdabalaP
- Re: How to increase/decrease space, AdabalaP
- RE: How to increase/decrease space, Gonyou, Austin
- RE: How to increase/decrease space, AdabalaP
- RE: How to increase/decrease space, Nicoya Helm
- RE: How to increase/decrease space, AdabalaP
- RE: How to increase/decrease space, Nicoya Helm
- RE: How to increase/decrease space, AdabalaP
- How does LVM2 wrap up a filesystem?, Dan Stromberg
- Vgimport/export in Linux Servers, Phanse, Ameet
- Cannot create a Volume Group,
Fernando Ruza
- patch for separator option,
Arvin Schnell
- Strange LVM2 on RAID Behaviour,
Lucas Barbuto
- Fedora Core 3 system with lvm2 won't boot,
Dan Stromberg
- importing PV that wasn't exported, Semyon Chaichenets
- Can't mount after crash,
Daniel Roth
- lvm lost after debian upgrade,
Daniel Roth
- shrink pv without pvresize (FC3 LVM),
Ilya Goldin
- Re: Looking for the cause of poor I/O performance - a test script,
David Greaves
- duplicate pv.,
johon Doe
- automated response, michelleb
- some issues with pvmove,
Aran Cox
- EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem ?,
- recovering a lvm volume group after one partition's deletion,
Òscar Álvarez Vilaplana
- Can't access LVM volume group after changing a non-LVM partition,
Òscar Álvarez Vilaplana
- wicked pvmove/ivtv driver interaction, Aran Cox
- pvmove on the same PV,
Aran Cox
- Steps for adding DASD to existing LVM group using SLES9,
- Huge memory allocation...,
Aran Cox
- Regarding lvm and vgdisplay output, Devanathan, Ramkumar (OpenView)
- Newbie questions about LVM,
Gwen Morse
- Problem with pvmove of system installation volume,
Ralf Müller
- Strange errors on LVM2 snapshot create., David Brown
- LVM and umount strangeness,
Tim Hibbard
- pvcreate uuid, Andreas Dahlgren
- Please Help me on LVM partitioning, Fathianpour Farahnaz
- LVM and Kickstart,
Jim Owenby
- Bug#283507: lvm2: snapshot module not loaded at boot time, Antoine Comte
- Installation of LVM on AS 2.1 - kernel 2.4.9-e.3,
Johan . SEGERS
- Fix for typo in vgsplit man page,
Jon Burgess
- errors when creating snapshots, Joerg Sommrey
- problems in lvreduce.8, esr
- Lost PV info after moving box to new place, SoboL
- Reusing a physical volume,
- Snapshots (overheads and 2.6 kernel status),
C R Ritson
- problem with LVM and fstab...bug?,
Armen Babikyan
- *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0-rc5f ***, Heinz Mauelshagen
- XFS device-mapper problem, Frank J. Buchholz
- LVM2 Release 2.00.26, Alasdair G Kergon
- lvextend error on XFS,
Frank J. Buchholz
- RAID, LVM and dm_crypt, please confirm setup,
- LVM strategy: Is One VG Safe?,
Maurice Volaski
- device mapper Q,
Dieter Stueken
- relocate on write for snapshot,
Ming Zhang
- still about pvmove, Ming Zhang
- HA Fileserver configuration recommendation sought.,
Gary Mansell
- [JPettey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: lvm LUN size], Luca Berra
- pvmove can not hanlde snapshot related?,
Ming Zhang
- Re: Bug#281831: lvm2: opendir errors at boot,
Patrick Caulfield
- LVM wont work, David Sandberg
- Software RAID 5 Resizing and LVM,
- restoring lvm volume group, Jean-Pierre, Azed Dr
- SAN VG not active after boot, Shea,Dan [CIS]
- Expanding a PV on a hardware RAID,
- Snapshost status in vanilla 2.6.9?, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy
- lvm on raid, vgcreate doesn't create vg,
Markus Meissner
- how to know snapshot internal structure?, Ming Zhang
- recover lost VG (VG data differs between PVs),
Jelle Herold
- fixing LVM1 tools to work on top of IBM SDD multipathing driver ..., Wendling Pierre
- raid 1 on a single disk,
ashwin chaugule
- Possible version problem,
- Backup/Recovery Strategies,
Axel Schweiger
- xfs freeze nad snapshot problem,
- Configure error, Rocky
- VGs not detected at startup,
Markus Wiedmer - FHBB
- Creating PV over a /dev/mapper device,
Roman Medina-Heigl Hernandez
- 'vgscan' at boot-up,
David S.
- How exactly does LVM's get written?,
Kevin Richard
- unable to create physical volume,
rich turner
- Linux RAID Resync and LVM,
Brian McCullough
- LVM to LVM2 Kernel 2.6 migration, RAID 1, Paul Check
- increase raid0 stripe size limit, Dave Olien
- LVM Oops, Yaroslav Klyukin
- Datarecovery on LVM volumes,
- Bug#278606: LV names with hyphens don't work,
- Software raid on top of lvm logical volume,
Eric Monjoin
- High loads when writting to LVM,
Judd Tracy
- lvm kernel bug relating to snapshots, Krisztian Mark Szentes
- lvm und raid0 auf z/linux, THORSTEN TOVACOVSKY
- VGDA in kernel are not consistent with lvmtab, Maurizio Teruzzi
- LVM and raid5,
Vincent Carpier - Comite Reseaux des Universites
- Large Partition Problems., Judd Tracy
- How to restore PV header ?, sergey
- kernel 2.6 + LVM 1.0.8,
Mariano Cunietti
- damaged disk in a logical volume, iflecha
- Unable to boot system,
Pratik Solanki
- "Cannot allocate memory" creating VGDA,
Paul Warren
- Missing volume group device,
- Re: [OxLUG] LVM2 problems,
Alasdair G Kergon
- LVM-Volume zeigt keine Daten mehr an, Haxter, Gerd
- LVM volume (multi-disk) recovery delima, Tommy Butler
- access to hhardware copy: conflicting uuids,
gilles . massen
- OS X,
- Creating snapshot on / hangs machine,
Kai Leibrandt
- LVM2 - Crash,
Vincent Carpier - Comite Reseaux des Universites
- pvcreate is successful but can't vgcreate,
- How can I restripe LVs on addition of extra PVs?,
Daniel .
- Logical volume recover dilemma, Tommy Butler
- LVM2 lockup while snapshotting root,
Eric Hopper
- PV corruption: allocated PE > total PE,
Toby Dickenson
- LVM2 Error,
Adam O'Shay
- LVM2: 16 terrabyte barrier?, Dan Stromberg
- How to extend the file system online?,
Rocty Wang
- LVM2 features,
Eric Hopper
- lvm2 pvmove memory leak?, Clint Byrum
- Typo in man page of lvextend(8)., Amarendra Godbole
- lvextend returncode on error conditions / LVM1, Riedel, Sven
- lvcreate error,
rich turner
- extend the PV, seva . feldman
- snapshot performance, L Dong
- LVM1: ERROR "parameter error" creating physical volume "(null)", Carlos Velasco
- cant find PV after boot sector rewrite, Miha Verlic
- FC2, LVM2 and x86_64, Andrew W. Donoho
- Urgent LVM recovery question..., Mr Joe Zagar
- pvmove unable to move extents to multiple smaller pvs,
Scott Serr
- [Fwd: Re: SUSE 9.1 with ReiserFS: / won't fsck, but is otherwise fine], Chris Worley
- Replacing dead pv with slightly smaller disk, Janis Vinnsberg
- LVM2: repairing a VG, Derek Terveer
- Devive mapper compile error,
Wim Bakker
- enlarge a physical partition,
Axel Reinhold
- Problem at boot time with Mandrake 10.1 community,
Pascal Garcia dld
- problem after vgextend, Jean-François Rousseau
- How to tell if a logical volume is striped,
- which files, which physical volumes?,
Steve Wray
- Extending a LVM2 strip set,
- LVM UUIDs are not UUIDs!?,
Ralf S. Engelschall
- How to import a mirror of a volume group, lin, jie
- Hello. About a bug in lvm2,
Sebastian Hyrwall
- LVM,
Johan . SEGERS
- Re: LVM, Mark W. Jeanmougin
- Re: LVM, Maximilian Viermetz
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: LVM, Little, Chris
- lvm, Carlos Gomez
- LVM, shirish . rane
- Disk partition required for LVM?,
- LVM file system freezed for about a minute, Yedidia Klein
- LVM2 Release 2.00.23, Alasdair G Kergon
- LVM2 and striping, Antti Salmela
- snapshot on 6.8.5/FC development,
Gunnar Hilling
- Display striping setting, lemons_terry
- EMC Question, Darren Johnson
- Snapshot volume creation seg fault, Stanley Yue
- device-mapper major number,
rich turner
- stripe pair, Arshavir Grigorian
- LVM2 tools infinite loop if "sg" driver is loaded, Kevin P. Fleming
- Unable to create lvm1 configurations,
Stanley Yue
- How to detect lvm1 configuration using lvm2 utlititles?,
Stanley Yue
- pvmove: ABORTING: Volume group metadata update failed.,
Asgeir Ingebrigtsen
- initrd for LVM2 root partition,
- massive LV corruption,
Tracy R Reed
- LVM2 Device Permissions,
Steve Witt
- [PATCH] Fix for hanging resize on root filesystem,
Jeff Mahoney
- finding volumes when disks move, Mark Wong
- stable lvm of over 2 terabytes?, Dan Stromberg
- *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0-rc4 ***, Heinz Mauelshagen
- LVM2 snapshots on root fs,
Thomas Klaube
- Resend: API for retrieving linux lvm information,
Stanley Yue
- vgextend and anomaly?,
Liivo Liivrand
- How to restore a logical volume,
- "broken" snapshot volume -- how to remove?,
Helge Bahmann
- fc2 & lvm2 MAX LV,
Dan Fleischer
- Fedora core 2 issues,
Stephen Boulet
- clvmd.8 absent in latest snapshot,
Ed L Cashin
- LVM2 configure options for CLVM with GFS,
Ed L Cashin
- lvm and blockdev --setra,
Adam Cassar
- Unable to format certain volumes with lvm2 & reiserfs,
Stephen Boulet
- LVM2 and Software RAID,
Yang, Daniel
- lvm problems on sparc64 - Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area,
Richard Mortimer
- Fwd: <Q>: Help please with corrupted LVM/reiserfs filesystems, Melis van den Brink
- lvm1: kernel BUG caused by broken snapshot volume -- how to drop it?, Helge Bahmann
- PV not reconized after vgcfgrestore?, Rainer Hoerbe
- prob w/ lvm2 on root (RAID 5), creating mkinitrd, Richard Weil
- lvm2 striping same as lvm2 volume on kernel raid?, Stephen Boulet
- Suggested Kernel and LVM version for production storage,
Yedidia Klein
- pvmove wont work,
Andreas Dahlgren
- Kernel crash (2.4.27 + DeviceMapper + grsecurity), Mikael Berthe
- partition strategy,
Arshavir Grigorian
- FS recovery from lost vg, pv data, mike . czajka
- RedHat LVM2/DM/SAN Architecture Overview info ?, J.Smith
- Adding a new device to LVM, Ceri I Davies
- restore question,
Fraser Pringle
- lvm2 + kernel 2.4.26, duverger
- *** Announcement: dmraid 1.0.0-rc3 ***,
Heinz Mauelshagen
- vgscan vs vgcfgrestore,
Rob Schwartz
- Problem creating logical volumes,
Stephen Nesbitt
- LVM2 + dm-mirror, Dan Merillat
- fix lost vgda,
- more pvmove problems, Dan Boger
- free space for cluster use, Thomas Meller
- question about physical disks with LVM,
Parker . Christine
- problem in remounting the logical volume in 2.6.7 kernel, sridhar surampudi
- lvextend problem in linux 2.6.7, sridhar
- device-mapper: : dm-linear: Device lookup failed,
Dan Merillat
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